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Stage 16 Live Commentary

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 23:39
by geoff m
Ok, this is freelance live commentary from all DHBC members currently glued to the TV with internet on!

Sastre had up to a 5.11 lead which I couldn't understand the Peleton giving him. Rabobank have worked hard to close this down to 4.30 now and seem to have made the decision to bring him back in. He did get himself in outright 2nd place and was looking to assume first, before Rabobank stepped it up a notch.

Good move by Sastre, and why I doubt it will pay off, he has no choice but to have made such an attack....

4.31 gap with 50km to go...

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 23:47
by geoff m
At 46kms and with the galant efforts of Thomas Dekker of Rabobank, the gap has come down to 3.30. Looks like the peleton might be drawing closer.

With the exception of the Columbian dude from Barloworld, not one of the other 3 to 4 in the front group are giving Sastre any help. They know he is the one who has to perform which is crazy as Iban Mayo could actually win the stage if he helps them keep at bay.

Well, as I write this at 45kms, Mayo has for the first time decided to help out.

Well probably too late you silly dude!

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 23:49
by geoff m
Thomas Dekker has done his job and peeled off the front of the chasing peleton. He almost stopped he was doing so well. He is sitting at the back with many in the peleton congratulating him for his effort. Only 24 years old too.

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:00
by geoff m
2.52 minute gap with 40kms to go....

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:10
by geoff m
With 38kms to go 2.31 gap. Peleton not very big any more as they are 1 km from 2nd last summit. Only 2 Rabobank guys in front of Yellow Jersey and the usual other contenders in this group.

The Red Devil German dude jumps out of the shadows and waves his pitch fork!

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:18
by geoff m
2.04mins gap with 33kms to go. Only 12 riders left in the chasing group. Contrador looking very strong and must be favourite!

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:27
by geoff m
27kms to go and a gap of only 1.39 mins. Pursuing Yellow Jersey group descending at 90kms per hour! In 9kms the Col D Abisque starts for final 17km ascent. Average 9%. This is where the Tour will be won and lost!

I remember being on the summit of this Col in 2005. The first rider I ever saw in my life was actually Cadel Evans who went out on his own, to go over the Col in first place, before hitting Pau in the valley in a group of four at the finish.

Will history repeat itself???????

I might take a commentary rest and watch the race as the tempo rises, as I note that only one person is on-line and that is me.

(currently being entertained by Siff and Stiff the pianists!)

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:29
by geoff m
Oh my goodness! Another user online! Do I have an audience. Perhaps the other user could identify themself and take over some commentary.

At this stage Horner still with Evans.....

1.04 gap with 22 kms to go. They will catch Sastre for sure!!!!

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:39
by mikesbytes
They have just started that final hill

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:39
by geoff m
The ascent of the final mountain of the 2007 Tour De France, the Col D Abisque, has commenced.

17kms to go and a gap 0f 44 seconds.

Who will attack who?

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:42
by geoff m
Sastre has attacked in the lead group! Mayo is only guy to stay with him.

15kms to go.

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:43
by mikesbytes
Double points on the last climb

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:45
by geoff m
Discovery channel has 3 guys in Yellow Jersey Group as does Rabo Bank. Evans still has Horner.

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:48
by mikesbytes
The lead is now down to 23 seconds

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:48
by geoff m
Menchev of Rabo Bank has just run out of steam. Rasmussen has just lost his other rabo Bank rider and is exposed. Cadel has lost Horner. As Rassmussen is exposed, Discover Channel has come to the front waiting to pounce!!!!!!

11kms to g with 27 secs behind Sastre

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:51
by mikesbytes
The gap is now down to 15 seconds with 10k to go

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:53
by geoff m
They've caught up the Columbian dude. Only 2 ahead of them.

Cadel, will you risk your podium place now, to go for the win. Or will you suck the wheel to make the podium, but not the Yellow?????

Oscar Pereiroo and Valverde are dropped off

Popovic doing all the work for Contrador.

10kms to go and 7 secs gap.

5 in contesting bunch. Evans, Leipheimer, Rasmussen, Contrador and Popovic.

Leipheimer launches atttack as Sastre is reeled in. They are chasing.

Popovic has dropped off.

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 00:59
by geoff m
Sastre is passed. Only 4 left.

Cadel takes water bottle from a spectator to cool his head. He is sucking wheels from the back.

Contrador has attacked at 8kms.

Attack 1 failed. All back.

Leipheimer gone this time on attack.

They will reel him in. But between Leipheimer and Contrador, they will wear Rasmussen down. They are toying with him. Will Cadel make his move?

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 01:05
by geoff m
Contador attacks. Others slowly try to catch him as they don't have same explosive spring.

Rasmussen looks like crap. Evans could be struggling.....

Leipheimer now dropped. Cadel is looking OK. Three left....

Evans now dropped but not out.

Hes trying hard.

Cat and mouse by top 2 eyeing each other off.

Cadel is back!!!!

6kms to go

Cadel dumps his bottle.

Crowd getting too involved!!!

Contador off. Rasmussen following and Cadel dropped.

Leipheimer has got rythym back and caught Cadel.

5kms to go.

Cadel is out of contention.

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 01:10
by geoff m
Leipheimer rides ahead of Evans. Will he steal the last podium position????

Leipheimer is incredible. He has bridged to 2 leaders and will help Contador.

Cadel has some rythm back. Hopefully he can get back. He is only 10 secs behind. I think he will bridge it!!!

Leipheimer goes on attack. Others respond. Cadel still coming back.

4kms to go.

Rasmussen pats Leipheimer on back!

Cadel is about 5 secs behind.

He must save his 1.05 lead over Leipheimer.

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 01:11
by geoff m
Oh we have Mike doing commentary as well.

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 01:28
by geoff m
Cadel may have lost some ground. 3kms to go.

His face is hurting. Water pouring off!!!

Contador seems tired for first time.

Cadel is 19 secs behind with 2.3km to go.

17 secs behind with 2kms to go.

Cadel picked up again.

1km to go.

Evans 18 secs behind.

Leipheimer leading for Contador. rasmussen in front of grou. Cat and mouse.

Rassmussen gone on his own with .7kms to go and they won't get him.

Rasmussen is going past the place I stood 2 years ago.

Rasmussen wins easily. Is he the next person about to be announced as positive to doping!!!

He gets 20 secs time bonus.

Levi coming 2nd which is bad for Cadel as he gets 12 bonus points.

The picture has broken up, so the bloody idiots have gone to an ad!!!!
Are the SBS guys also on drugs? 9 bloody ads in succession and I didn't even see Levi come across the line.

Cadel came 43 secs behind Rasmussen, but enough to preserve 3rd spot.

Has 59 secs ahead of Lepheimer and 5.03 behind rasmussen. He could potentially take 2nd place in Paris!

Well done.

I now sign off.

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 01:53
by weiyun
Geoff, I think you have a job after that Phil Legget guy retires! :D

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 16:51
by geoff m
Oh, my goodness. I actually had somebody else out there following my commentary live!

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 18:00
by mikesbytes
Actually I was thinking that by the time they catch everyone for drug cheating, they will have to draft Geoff into one of the pro teams.