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Calling all good looking Armstrongs in Lycra 4 TV Commercial

Posted: 30 Jul 2007, 23:47
by geoff m
OK, This is serious.

Through our sister local organisation Massbug (thank Fiona!) we received correspondence as follows:


My name is xxxx from YYYYY Production

We are production company making TV commercials in Sydney.

I'm looking for a cyclist as a model for a next TVC in sydney who looks like Lance Armstrong.

He is 180cm and 75kg, and i attached his photos.

Our client needs cycling skills as well, not just a model.

If you know any cyclist who looks like him please let us know ASAP

We need a photos to send to client.

I've sent him photos via our online links to you James F on the Road Page, you Huw and Simon on the Track photos. Are you interested?

Others? What about FaSwad, James M? Kieran?

Please email me through the Private Message Function ASAP.

I'm sure this request will provide hours of entertainment and commentary!

Posted: 31 Jul 2007, 09:15
by mikesbytes
Last week the instructor told me I looked like Robbie Williams

Posted: 31 Jul 2007, 12:44
by Adrian E
...and I got told I looked like samund rushdie. I guess that counts me out.

Posted: 31 Jul 2007, 12:45
by weiyun
...and I got told I looked like samund rushdie. I guess that counts me out.
Watch your 6!

Posted: 31 Jul 2007, 12:47
by mikesbytes
It all depends exactly why they want a particular look. If they are trying to pass someone off as being Lance then that's no one here.

Posted: 31 Jul 2007, 16:52
by T-Bone
I'm too light, and too tall. Don't really have any spare time anyway.

Posted: 31 Jul 2007, 21:00
by Huw
People stopped telling me I looked like Pat Cash about 4 years ago. I daren't ask who I remind them of these days. I expect they weigh up how agitated I would get if they said what it was and then they err on the side of caution.

I may be happy to pose depending on what the commercial's about. However they'd be getting an super-sized Armstrong body, with downsized max HR.

Posted: 31 Jul 2007, 21:59
by geoff m
I haven't heard back from him yet. Lets see if he emails me!