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Cheapish Descente gear

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 15:56
by orphic
These guys are selling off some old Descente stock. Most of it looks to be 2007 stuff to me, anyway.

Ranges from really cheap to not too much difference from retail. If anyone wants anything let me know in the next day or so and I can add it into my order. Free postage if the order is over $100.

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 17:11
by weiyun
Thanks for the link. PMed.

Posted: 24 Jun 2009, 19:44
by Toff
They said they were selling Element shoe covers for $7.95, reduced from $55. I thought I'd found a real bargain until I read "Out of Stock..."

Bugger. :(

Posted: 25 Jun 2009, 08:56
by orphic
Yeah I got some of the shoe covers already ;)

Order is over $100 now, but will wait til late morning/early afternoon to put it through in case anyone is after something small so they can get the free postage.

Not that I should be ordering anything at all... Since I managed to lose my wallet (along with a not so insignificant sum of money) yesterday! Grr. Not my week.

Posted: 25 Jun 2009, 10:12
by Toff
Yeah I got some of the shoe covers already ;)
Were they the last pair? :evil:
If they don't fit you, I'll give you $5 for them.

Posted: 27 Jun 2009, 12:50
by orphic
I can't remember what the stock levels said when I bought them, but they must of been. I already received them earlier in the week and they fit. Sorry :(

Anyone have some of the aero-x shorts or bibs? Do you find the lycra a bit thin? I got some of the womens bibs, and I am thinking that in some lighting they might be a tad see through :oops:

Posted: 27 Jun 2009, 13:24
by weiyun
Anyone have some of the aero-x shorts or bibs? Do you find the lycra a bit thin? I got some of the womens bibs, and I am thinking that in some lighting they might be a tad see through :oops:
We'll tell you after the next bunch ride. ;)

Seriously though, the only "see through" lycra I've seen are those old ones. Ones that have gone through too many washes and is beyond its use by date. GeoffM and I both bought that basic Descente bib with thinnish material from PBK last year (?or before) and they looked fine from behind. Descente actually advertise their "thin" material for its breathability... Yep, very cool in winter. Ouch!

Posted: 27 Jun 2009, 13:55
by orphic
Hmm, interesting. When I had them on at home they looked ok. When I got to track I got a little worried. So anyone who was behind me on the motor pace on Wednesday night, don't hesitate to say something :P

Posted: 27 Jun 2009, 17:15
by mikesbytes
So your asking us to comment on your behind ?

Posted: 27 Jun 2009, 23:01
by shrubb face
careful mike, it could be a trap.

Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 09:27
by christian
My descent knicks arrived today, but who really wants to check out my behind.

Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 10:19
by orphic
Realising what I have started here, I'm putting an end to any discussion by saying that I think I was being overly paranoid.

I am, however, finding myself looking a little too close at behinds that are wearing Descente gear (for reassurance ofcourse) - which is something I better put a stop to or I might get in trouble.

Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 22:57
by mikesbytes
Your be fine Victoria, unless there's a guy in the club with a super bright flashing front light :wink:

Posted: 10 Mar 2010, 20:49
by orphic
They are now selling off what is left of the stock at 25% less. So there are mens and womens bibs for $44, which is quite a steal given the retail on these.