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Uphill battle as residents & cyclists fight for space

Posted: 26 Jun 2009, 11:56
by Stuart
Article in today's SMH
Uphill battle as residents, cyclists and drivers fight for space

I like the concept of a bicycle boulevard but don't really know whether in Sydney, with the average drivers attitude to cyclists being so bad, that it could be effective? Thoughts?

Posted: 26 Jun 2009, 12:15
by othy
Looks like Noel in the photo, owner of Gemini bicycles?

Posted: 26 Jun 2009, 12:54
by mikesbytes
The article is correct about the traffic lights on King Street, the timings are plain stupid, they have turned a 1 minute journey into a 7 minute journey

Posted: 26 Jun 2009, 17:35
by Toff
I'm in favour of a bicycle boulevarde.

No way am I riding down one of those narrow little bicycle lanes with another cyclist coming toward me at an apparent speed of 80 km/h.