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Stuart & Trouty in France 2009

Posted: 30 Jun 2009, 22:37
by Stuart
As many people know Jo & I went to France again this year and did some cycling, squeezed in around the food and wine. Here's some pictures.

Jo on the steep bit of Mt Ventoux

and again

Stuart on the same piece of road - 10% here

Jo on a big day out with Dave the guide in the Annecy region

Jo & Stuart on the descent from the Col de Aravis - Mt Blanc in the background

Posted: 30 Jun 2009, 23:00
by Stuart
and for something less serious

Jo on a bike path in the Loire Valley on the way to Chateaux Chambord


In Blois at the Hotel Anne de Bretagne with the town bikes - perfect for flat bike path cruising!


Stuart's big Day Out to the Col du Aravis - 115k's and the last climb was torture after a road closure forced a detour - up, up , up !


Jo in the Loire returning from Chateaux Chambord


Lake Annecy with the Col de la Forclaz in the background which has 13% max gradient and nearly killed Stuart!
Click here for the map of the ride

Stuart, Jo & Dave in Annecy

Posted: 30 Jun 2009, 23:16
by mikesbytes
Nice Pics

Posted: 01 Jul 2009, 19:25
by Stuart
French Food too

Stuart's Entree at Le Orangerie in Blois, Loire Valley. 1 Michelin star
White & Green Asparagus, smokes quail eggs and Spanish Ham

Jo with her open lobster ravioli - dish of the night

Jo's main - John Dory

Stuart's Main - Roast Pigeon with fried Foie Gra

Jo's desert -

Jo with her main of lobster in Bordeaux at Jean Ramet

Desert at Jean Ramet

Doing lunch in Nice at L'Univers-Christian Plumail - 1 Michelin Star

Pigeon, Foie Gra and Truffles in Nice @ L'Univers-Christian Plumail

Jo's entree @ L'Univers-Christian Plumail - Lobster again

Veal with cherries and Foie Gra in Nice at Le Bistrot

Posted: 02 Jul 2009, 08:03
by Frank.S87
Whoa i'am so jealous, the scenery looks fantastic. food looks great too ^^

Posted: 02 Jul 2009, 08:16
by timyone
man i love the DHBC jersie in France, the hills, and what ever is in that shot glass!!

have you got any more scenery shots? im totally wishing i had a fancy camera to take nice pics like that hey!!

(if i had never been touring i wouldn't be asking for that hey?!)

Posted: 02 Jul 2009, 09:10
by Michael Chidgey
did Jo only eat lobster?

looks like a great trip.

Posted: 02 Jul 2009, 10:48
by weiyun
So now you guys are multi-tour Ventoux veteran riders, when are you going to lead a trip there for the rest of us? 'DHBC Ventoux Cruisers ride' perhaps?

I would only call it a 'cruisers' category ride and not 'training' because all that foie gras and Provence cuisine aren't compatible with training!

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 10:14
by insomniac
I have not logged on for a while .... and wow I see these pics! ...absolutely sick with envy.....I wanna go over there!!!!

Well done on Mont Ventoux (it looks even harder than Loop the Lake :wink: ), you guys look like you did it with a leg in the air!

wow !!!!

Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 09:15
by Wazz
Hi Mt Ventoux-ers !!!!
Hey. the pic with Jo under all the road signs shows "Orleans" and my
best friend at work is from THAT TOWN. I sent it to her and she said it
bought back good memories BUT also made her feel homesick (having just had Bastille Day didn't help either)

see ya's
(this is my first post on forum - exciting !)