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Next Criterium 19/7/09 confirmed

Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 09:38
by Simon Llewellyn
Hey guys I haven't confirmed the availability of the venue for the date yet but will do on Monday. But just to give some notice, the expected date is in two weeks on Sunday the 19/7/2009

Criterium Racing: Sunday 19th of July 2009.
Location: Dunc Gray Criterium circuit
Start time: 7:30am- 8am
Expected finish time: 8:30am-9:30am
Grades: Slowies (C), Middies (B), Fasties (A)
Cost: $5 for racing
Prize money: nil.
Distance: approx 30kms but based on who shows up, less for slowies, maybe more for fasties
Type of racing: Scratch race for A grade with 3 intermediate sprints and a handicapp combining B & C into a fair seperate race.
One day licenses: No, too costly at present.

The plan is that everybody meet at Mick Mazza's at 6:30am as usual & ride out together race & ride back as like last month. The route has been found to be suprisingly safer & quieter than expected.

If anybody chooses to drive out or is coming from another direction & doesn't know where dunc Gray is; here's the map:

Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 21:16
by timyone
oy whens our next omnium!!
i cant do next week so hope it isnt then :(

Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 22:41
by mikesbytes
I can't do 19th either

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 09:08
by orphic
Isn't it a general rule that the omnium is always on the second weekend of the month?

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 10:38
by Camilla
I can't make the 19th either.

Can I be so rude as to put in a special request for August: can the crit be on the 9th please? I leave on August 13th, had to sit the last one out because of my knee, and am very keen to do one on the new bike before I go into a tragic cycle-free state for a couple of months.

Posted: 07 Jul 2009, 18:01
by Simon Llewellyn
Guys venue is free and we are pencilled in. All is good to go. I probably won't be attending but will organise it to run smooothly.

Posted: 07 Jul 2009, 20:40
by Michael Chidgey
im out, wont be in the country

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 20:58
by micklan
woo hoo. i'm gonna win this one. no one in it :lol:

Posted: 08 Jul 2009, 21:02
by shrubb face
Can't see any reason why i wont be there.

Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 23:32
by Simon Llewellyn
Hey guys as a reminder, this event is on this Sunday.

Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 22:05
by MarkL
I'm in now that I'm feeling better :D :D

Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 16:55
by timyone
ok im going to be there, but cant promise i will race :D

Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 11:45
by timyone
i got green :D three seconds and a first :D (if only the first had of been the last one?!)

Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 12:09
by timyone
oops ive noticed people dont do alot of reporting in here, so ill say more before we go off for our ride.

i dont know who came third in any thing but last one sorry

The sprints were won by Alex Chubb, James M, Me, and then Alex R

The Final placings where Alex R, Me, and then Alex Chubb.

I owe alex chubb for all my spots :D he lead me out in every thing :D
he was leading me out in the final, but Alex R came from 5th wheel to take it.

Tim (othy) had a good strong race, James M totally lead us out well for the last sprint, sped the whole field well, as well as doing alot of smart break catching and quick time on the front along the way. John was dropped for 2 laps after a double attack, but fought his way back to be there for the end!

I dont know what happened in the girls more than Amy was disqualified, i think Camilla might have won. Dont know for B either :S

Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 12:22
by othy
I tried to sit on Tim's wheel most of the race, which netted me a 3rd, 3rd, 2nd, 4th. For the final sprint I was on Alex R and he just powered away from me and kept going.

Fun race. John did a massive effort to chase down the group after being unluckily dropped when an attack was made just after he rolled off the front. James may need a cyclocross bike with a few off course moments.

Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 12:23
by Trouty
I dont know what happened in the girls more than Amy was disqualified, i think Camilla might have won. Dont know for B either :S
Amy got disqualified but she got the Moral Victory. She managed to tack on to the back of B and stay there, and left Camilla and I to fend for ourselves....and just to rub it in B grade lapped us at one of the last laps. Victoria at this stage pulled out due to injury. I drafted Camilla all the way to 3rd (or second if you are being technical about AMy's DQ).

I must say the girls in the early laps could have had a few cups of tea on the ride, and thanks to Michlan to leading us out on a few laps too. Good ride all round including getting there and back, as usual lots of fun.

Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 12:25
by micklan
James M completed a very nice exit on the back S's into the bush, adeptly using a sapling as a lean-to on coming to a halt in the jungle.

Several ducks were around. It was cold, but sunny. I saw 1 of Alex R's sprints, very impressive.

There was A grade and B grade only this week

Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 12:31
by othy
Thanks to Christian & James F for running the race (and chasing the ducks away!).

Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 20:51
by mikesbytes
James M completed a very nice exit on the back S's into the bush, adeptly using a sapling as a lean-to on coming to a halt in the jungle.

Several ducks were around. It was cold, but sunny. I saw 1 of Alex R's sprints, very impressive.

B grade. I would assume was Mark L then Paul. Micklan performed a kind of roaming comentary throughout A, B and Ladies open riders grades. B lapped micklan even though he was in B and then Amy Vesty powered on with B. :P
Sorry Michael, can your clarify on B grade results?

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 00:25
by T-Bone
Here's the results. The girls were actually the B grade, the others were just dropped A graders (they did have the option of riding B grade).


Sprint 1 (12:55)
Alex C
Tim L

Sprint 2 (25:00)
James M
Tim L

Sprint 3 (37:18 )
Tim L
Alex C

Final Placings (50:30)
Alex R
Tim L
Alex C
James M

7 Tim L
4 Tim
4 Alex C
3 James M


Final Placings (52:20)
Amy (relegated - sitting on higher grade)

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 00:34
by mikesbytes
Alex R, did you ignore the sprints to save yourself for the Final Placings ?

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 21:28
by micklan
There was no male B grade - we all started in A grade (due to an administrative oversight)

B grade was made up of female riders only.

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 21:36
by weiyun
There was no male B grade - we all started in A grade (due to an administrative oversight)
Well, just as well I didn't bother to show up (sleep deprived anyway).

What's the longer term plan? Will there be no grade divisions in future events?

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 21:49
by Simon Llewellyn
Well, just as well I didn't bother to show up (sleep deprived anyway).

What's the longer term plan? Will there be no grade divisions in future events?
Hopefully numbers will pick up. There will always be the plan for 3 grades but racing has to be run based on the numbers on the day & they always fluctuate, sometimes quite dramatically.

Posted: 20 Jul 2009, 22:14
by weiyun
Ok, that makes sense. Guess the older bodies don't cope with these late night SBS programs as well. Hopefully all will return to normal after this weekend.

Posted: 21 Jul 2009, 17:47
by paul
This was my first ride with the club for about 12 months.
I enjoyed the crit very much and will have another go, next time in B Grade if there is one. It was a gentler introduction to racing that Heffron.
Thanks to all involved in the organisation.

See you soon


Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 09:28
by timyone
lol @ Tim'othy' sitting me really did pay off!! equal second in the green jersy~!