Aero Bars - need some

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Postby mikesbytes » 24 Sep 2009, 21:07

In October I have a 19k time trail. Wouldn't mind some aero bars, but don't know anything about them, apart that I won't be using them very often so don't want to spend an arm and a leg.

Don't know if it makes any difference in the purchasing decision, I've got long body, long arms, I've got a super strong back and excellent flexibility.

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Postby Julio » 24 Sep 2009, 21:46

clip ons might be the go..

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Postby T-Bone » 24 Sep 2009, 22:11

I can lend you some, and i'm sure there's other people with different models that would lend you theirs. If you're buying, Julio said it, clip ons are best if you don't have a dedicated time trial bike.

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Postby shrubb face » 24 Sep 2009, 22:46

Im happy to lend you mine mike. They are quite a bit longer than james so they might suit you better.

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Postby mikesbytes » 25 Sep 2009, 08:30

Yeh, clip-on's are what I want.

Thanks for the loaner offers. Alex C, I'll take yours up, can you bring them to RAW tonight? So I can have a practice in CP sat morning

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Postby weiyun » 25 Sep 2009, 09:03

... So I can have a practice in CP sat morning
Excellent! Sat Slowies have just identified tomorrow's drafting target. :lol:

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Postby Toff » 25 Sep 2009, 09:08

I have a pair of Velocity aero bars from the early 90s. How many people here know that Velocity satrted out making aero bars before they ever made a wheel?

They are fluoro yellow and way too big for me.

Want 'em?

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Postby mikesbytes » 25 Sep 2009, 09:10

that would be great Toff

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Postby mikesbytes » 25 Sep 2009, 12:03

Alex, can you still bring yours to dunc gray, so I can have a practice on them Saturday morning

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