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Next omnium Monday night 5th October under lights!!!!!

Posted: 27 Sep 2009, 14:14
by Simon Llewellyn
G'day guys & girls,

As the next few moonths are pretty chocker & we are away the second week in October as well as it being the long weekend next wekend. I've decided that the omnium should be on the Monday & since we already have a booking, at night under lights!!!

Where: Tempe velodrome
When: Monday the 5th of OCtober 2009
What time: Racing start at around 6pm, gates will probably open half an hour earlier.
Who can come: Racing is designed and sanctioned for everyone in the club with a racing licence.

We will hold a bbq & have a number of fun event including Lindsay's famous shoe race & a mixed madison if enough show up!!!

SO come along have a feed and enjoy some racing....

Posted: 28 Sep 2009, 10:47
by orphic
Sounds like a good way to end the long weekend. I am in. A repeat of the mixed madison will be interesting. I wonder if there will be any honorary females this time...

Posted: 05 Oct 2009, 11:17
by Simon Llewellyn
Hey guys the BBQ/ omnium will be on tonight, rain, hail or shine!!!!

I am hoping to develop a speedo based roller derby competition if it rains!!!!

& We will be eating well!!!!!

Posted: 05 Oct 2009, 11:56
by T-Bone
I'm working today, so i'll drop by for the feed just after 7pm.

Posted: 05 Oct 2009, 15:45
by Toff
I'm guessing that the rain means it's off... Any interest in meeting at the German club for a beer?

Posted: 05 Oct 2009, 15:58
by Simon Llewellyn
We've got the stuff for the bbq, so we'll use up all we can & then we could head over to the german club...

Posted: 07 Oct 2009, 23:32
by timyone
man im so ripped to have missed this! i love the omnium?!

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 09:22
by orphic
It was raining Tim. We did 5 heart rates on rollers and cut to the BBQ.

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 14:25
by timyone
lol cool :D i mean umm that sux..