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Next Criterium 18/10/09!!!

Posted: 07 Oct 2009, 06:45
by Simon Llewellyn
Hey guys the next Criterium is nearly upon us & hopefully this month we can see more riders!!!

Criterium Racing: Sunday 18th of October 2009.
Location: Dunc Gray Criterium circuit
Start time: 7:30am- 8am
Expected finish time: 8:30am-9:30am
Grades: Slowies (C), Middies (B), Fasties (A)
Cost: $5 for racing
Prize money: nil.
Distance: approx 30kms but based on your handicapp. Racing works so that riders are given an allocated start & thus an equal chance of winning!!!

The plan is that everybody meet at Mick Mazza's at 6:30am as usual & ride out together race & ride back as like last month. The route has been found to be suprisingly safer & quieter than expected.

If anybody chooses to drive out or is coming from another direction & doesn't know where dunc Gray is; here's the map:

Current handicapps: (but can be subject to change on race day)

Scratch (A1):

Simon L
ALex C

A2 (1 lap)

James F
Tim L
Tim B
Alex R
Matt W

B1 (2 laps)

Mark L
Simon C
James M
John N

B2 (3 Laps)

Adrian E
Ian D
Chris H

C1 (4laps)

David L
Chris Thompson
Nick B
Geoff M

C2 (5Laps)


If you're not on this or disagree please nominate/ dispute so I can reassess, & we can discuss... Because I'm not that sure with a few handicapps...

Posted: 07 Oct 2009, 15:00
by Toff
I see Chidgey and Ian D are still being burglars! Great. They can do all the work for me and Amy. :lol:

Posted: 07 Oct 2009, 19:54
by simon.sharwood
Waterfall Cruisers are welcome to come and watch this crit.
The plan is to ride out as a Cruisy bunch, take a lap or five of the crit track, watch the race and give our clubmates some vocal encouragement as they circulate.
You'll almost certainly come away thinking you could do this crit thing easily and start budgeting for a racing license come renewal time in January so we can start to get a D grade going!
It's about 18kms to and from Dunc Gray, so for those who want a longer ride I can devise a longer trip home on various paths and roads, via the Liverpool to Parramatta rail trail and other routes.

Posted: 07 Oct 2009, 20:45
by Adrian E
I'm coming back from Melbourne that sunday so will sadly miss the race. Should be a lot of fun.

Posted: 07 Oct 2009, 23:21
by timyone
hey if im there for this i think i need a crapper handicap.
if i have the date right, ill be home on sat, then going to a party that night, not sure when ill be home.

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 10:18
by weiyun
18th is also the day for criterium finals for the World Masters Games, to be held at Lady Macquaries Chair. Assuming there's no time clash with the key events, I'll probably ride over after our club crit to watch the finals. Anyone interested in joining? We'll be able to cheer MikeC and Alex C if they can get into the finals.

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 16:30
by Stuart
You'll almost certainly come away thinking you could do this crit thing easily and start budgeting for a racing license come renewal time in January so we can start to get a D grade going!
You can buy a racing licence NOW that is valid till the end of 2010 or upgrade your Ride licence - same cost of $198. I'm thinking about it for these crits. Then we can have a 6 or 7 lap bunch too for the real cruisers.

Posted: 08 Oct 2009, 23:19
by MarkL
Hi Weiyun,

I was thinking of riding in for the criterium finals after our crit. 8)

Posted: 09 Oct 2009, 17:24
by mikesbytes
I won't be racing this one regardless of whether I'm in the worlds crit finals or not.

Posted: 14 Oct 2009, 11:56
by JM
I will be away this weekend ... good luck

Crit this Sun 18 Nov, racing licence needed?

Posted: 15 Oct 2009, 08:00
by davidos

I'm interested in riding on Sunday, not just watching. Do you need a racing license to ride?

Pace wise I ride with the middlies on sunday mornings, good on hills. slow in corners ... so a crit circuit will be challenging.

David Os

Posted: 15 Oct 2009, 08:36
by othy
Yes, you will need a race license (or at least the receipt for one).

Posted: 15 Oct 2009, 10:31
by simon.sharwood
I've been lent a Flip Mino HD video camera ( to test (I'm a tech journo) so expect to be interviewed and filmed at the crit this weekend. I'll cobble something together and get it onto YouTube so we can all share the experience!

Posted: 15 Oct 2009, 18:53
by mikesbytes
I'm available to be an official for this race, as I'll need to rest between the world masters road race on Saturday and the UCI world track championships on Monday, so this one ain't on the shop'n list.

This Sunday

Posted: 16 Oct 2009, 08:32
by davidos

I won't be riding on Sunday.

David Os

Posted: 18 Oct 2009, 13:57
by Simon Llewellyn
Hey guys today was a fantastic Crit, we had over 20 riders, with about 7-8 juniors & 4 Queenslanders competing!!!

Well done to Christian on taking out the line honours.


1. Christian L
2. Mark L
3. Peter C ( Southern Cross CC- first junior)

Fastest Time- Alex C
First female- Amy V

& a big thankyou must go out to Marrickville Rd cafe who supplied a hamper for the winner!!!!!

Posted: 18 Oct 2009, 14:00
by Simon Llewellyn
As a result of today the handicapp have had to be readjusted:

Starting order: B, A, C, D

Current handicapps: (but can be subject to change on race day)

Scratch (A): (pass B twice, Pass C 4 times, pass D 5 times)

Simon L
ALex C

B (1.5 lap; pass C 3 times, Pass D 4 times-- Not be passed by A twice)

James F
Tim L
Tim B
Alex R
Matt W
Mark L
Simon C
James M
John N

C (4 Laps; Pass D once--- not be passed by A 4 times, B 3 times)

Adrian E
Ian D
Chris H
Geoff M

D (5laps; Not be passed by A 5 times, B 4 times, C once)

David L
Chris Thompson
Nick B
Lindsay M

Posted: 18 Oct 2009, 18:39
by T-Bone
Sorry i missed this one. I've been over-run with Uni assignments, so i'm a bit sleep deprived and decided to work on an assignment this morning instead of riding.

Well done to Christian!!

Posted: 18 Oct 2009, 18:50
by weiyun
Lucky you guys were able to make it to the crit! I went back to bed after hearing rain on waking this morning. :(

Crit finals at Lady Macquaries Chair were entertaining in the afternoon. Some serious riders there.

Posted: 18 Oct 2009, 19:41
by mikesbytes
New handicaps look good.

Based on the new handicaps, I predict a victory for Langdon at the next crit, but "it ain't over till the fat lady sings".

May boil down to the assistance of the "super domestics"

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 18:33
by simon.sharwood
Here's a wee video I made of the crit - there's not much racing action, but plenty to encourage folks to come out and race!

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 21:18
by weiyun
Nicely done Simon!

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 21:29
by T-Bone
Nice Video, but it's a Criterium not a Criterion...

Posted: 20 Oct 2009, 22:26
by kevinllewellyn
Very helpful video. For spectators don't get to see all around the course. It is also very helpful for potential riders. I hope this makes it to the videos section as well as the home page for the road.

Posted: 21 Oct 2009, 05:26
by Trouty
Very helpful video. For spectators don't get to see all around the course. It is also very helpful for potential riders. I hope this makes it to the videos section as well as the home page for the road.
Yep the Video looks great Simon. You are a Denton in the making. Stuart Webmaster is in Perth, but when he gets back....I'm sure it will make the video section.

Posted: 21 Oct 2009, 13:43
by simonc
Awesome video Simon, a great job!