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Teardrop helmet

Posted: 16 Oct 2009, 16:54
by G
G'day trackies!
I borrowed a teardrop helmet for my triathlon, and found it useful for the windy day it was. I would like to get one for myself. Any ideas where to get them from around Sydney?


Posted: 16 Oct 2009, 18:20
by mikesbytes
Ian Decker brought one at Burwood Cycles this week

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 08:22
by simon.sharwood
Torpedo 7 has a teardrop special this week:

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 08:35
by weiyun
Torpedo 7 has a teardrop special this week:
Without a Standard Australia sticker, it would get picked on by the commissaires. Not sure of the requirements for triathlons though.

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 09:00
by othy
Without a Standard Australia sticker, it would get picked on by the commissaires. Not sure of the requirements for triathlons though.
The helmet has the Standards Australia sticker - I just confirmed it with T7 using their live chat.

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 09:25
by othy
Just purchased one. Hard to beat at that price and I'm sure I'll find a use for it some day - even if it is just to loan out.

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 09:30
by simon.sharwood
Just purchased one. Hard to beat at that price and I'm sure I'll find a use for it some day - even if it is just to loan out.
The dread Torpedo 7 impulse buy virus strikes again!
And I, for one, look forward to bathing in second hand sweat from numerous unidentified sources :)

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 09:35
by othy
The dread Torpedo 7 impulse buy virus strikes again!
And I, for one, look forward to bathing in second hand sweat from numerous unidentified sources :)
Well, it isn't often you are presented with a standards approved TT helmet for less then $100. I imagine they'll sell out pretty fast once word gets around.

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 10:05
by mikesbytes

It doesn't look that aero. Anyone got a link to a review.

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 17:28
by T-Bone
Should I or Shouldn't I??? :? So far i've got as far as putting it in the cart, but the credit card's in the other room.....

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 17:35
by simon.sharwood
If anyone does buy it, can they get Torpedo 7 to sling me some commission?

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 20:38
by T-Bone
I tried, but all i could get out of them was my $10 discount for signing up one of my emails to their specials emails. Just couldn't resist for $99 shipped.

Now i'm just waiting for them to have the Limar pro104 in my size and a reasonable colour.

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 20:42
by mikesbytes
Sold out

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 20:55
by T-Bone
Are you sure Mike, there's some there when i look.

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 20:57
by mikesbytes
Are you sure Mike, there's some there when i look.
Still sold out

I'll try a bit later as someone basket may get released

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 21:30
by T-Bone
make sure you're not looking at the size selector. There's only 1 size. I ordered silver, and there's stock of the 3 colours when i open the page.

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 21:49
by mikesbytes
It was telling me no stock after I pushed add to basket

Anyway got it

I wasn't selecting colour, but this time it came up as silver as the default colour.

Perhaps there are some more left if anyone else wants one

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 22:24
by T-Bone
Fair enough, i didn't try adding to the basket. Good to know you got one. I was almost going to offer to order one for you.

Posted: 02 Nov 2009, 22:28
by othy
Seems they are down to silver & white. I ordered carbon and apparently it was shipped today. Now to find some clip-on aero bars...

Posted: 03 Nov 2009, 20:53
by mikesbytes
I just checked and there are still some for sale if anyone wants one

Posted: 09 Nov 2009, 09:19
by othy
Mine arrived this morning.

First impression - it is light. Feels lighter then my other helmet - which is probably heavy being the cheapest Met available. It has the standards sticker. I tried it on and look as ridiculous as could be expected.

Posted: 09 Nov 2009, 09:34
by mikesbytes

Posted: 13 Nov 2009, 13:09
by Toff
Torpedo7 have another helmet on sale for $79.99.

Not the same on as the other one, but similar...

Posted: 16 Nov 2009, 15:24
by mikesbytes
Torpedo7 have another helmet on sale for $79.99.

Not the same on as the other one, but similar...
Did anyone buy one?

I've just placed an order for one of the $40 road helmets. When it arrives I'll decide if its better or worse than my current race helmet and use the worse one for commuting