Idea for new "Ramblers" Sunday bunch in 2010

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Postby simon.sharwood » 04 Jan 2010, 11:16

Hi All,
are you bored of rides to Waterfall?
I must say there are days on which I find the prospect of the familiar route a tad uninspiring, even though I still want a solid 75km+ Sunday workout of 3-4 hours and of course the whole-of-club cafe meetup.
So I've been thinking about a new bunch I imagine being called "Ramblers" that heads out on Sunday at Middie/Cruiser pace, but does an (at least monthly) non-Waterfall ride.
Candidates could include Watson's Bay, the M7 Cycleway (100kms plus round trip) or even a Heathcote Rd (if it re-opens to cyclists).
Proper bunch riding disciplines would be expected, plus the general Cruiser ethic of supporting newbies or anyone who blows up to get back with someone who knows the way!
How does this sound?

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Postby christian » 04 Jan 2010, 11:26

It sounds like a good idea. It would need to be very clear on what days this would happen. It would have to leave at the same time as the cruisers or earlier so that if people miss the ride they can just go to Waterfall. This would mean that it would not be able to replace the Waterfall ride just like the RNP rides don't replace any of the Waterfall rides. If its intended to replace the Waterfall ride then I think all the bunches would have to take the alternate route, and I think here you may meet some opposition.

We would need to work out who is going to lead the ride, the bunch will also need to have one of the qualified coaches in the bunch, so one of us will have to be willing. This could be sorted out if the idea gets up.

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Postby Trouty » 04 Jan 2010, 11:32

Stuart or myself would be able to do it now and then. Stuart doesn't mind a change from Waterfall - and he just needs to submit the workbook and he is qualified.

M7 is a good solid ride with no traffic, but it is just a little boring with views of industrial area. I guess still a change from Waterfall.

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Postby weiyun » 04 Jan 2010, 12:11

The monthly "Slowies RNP" crew has been hatching a plan since late last year and the details will be announced soon.

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Postby timyone » 04 Jan 2010, 12:29

do you really need a qualified coach there? sounds a bit full on, though im sure they would be all fun to have along :P
Heaps good idea simon :D

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