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Riders support Charity for Grafton to Inverell

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 12:57
by Grant Bond
The Grafton to Inverell road race (228km) is nearly upon us.

This year we will have a six Dulwich Hill riders in the field of this gruelling road event, namely

Eugene and Adrian have complete the course before but for the rest of us it is uncharted territory. Its long race and we need as much motivation as possible to finish.

The added motivation we seek is in the form of your support for-:

The Ben Mikic Foundation.

This organisation was established after the tragic death of junior rider Ben Mickic in a training accident on the southern highlands last year. The foundations aims include education of young people in relation to road safety and advocating for improved facilities for cyclists, as well as supporting junior rider development.

We are asking club members to pledge a small (or large if you want) donation this could be in the form of
Team Sponsorship ... $ per rider that finishes
Individul Sponsorship....$ if an individual finishes
Team Sponsor Plus...$ per rider with a bonus if we all finish.

Funds will be collected in the weeks following the big race and forwarded to the foundation on behalf of the club.

We look forward to your support in our efforts to raise funds for this important cause.

So make your pledges below or by private message.

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 18:57
by geoff m

I sponsor each rider individually $5 each to finish, with the exception of James Fowler whom I place $10 on!

I sponsor a further $30 if all 6 riders finish.

Posted: 24 Aug 2007, 23:52
by T-Bone
Don't put too much pressure on me!!! :D

Posted: 25 Aug 2007, 17:36
by Gillian
Hi Everyone,
First time on the forum for me!! Anyway, I have a couple of pledges to make.

My Mum has promised $50- for Grant to finish.

I can't be quite so generous for just one of you!! But, I'm pledging $5- for each rider, plus an extra $10- if all finish.

Does that mean more pressure on me too to get the feed-station work right??

Posted: 28 Aug 2007, 22:34
by geoff m
Ok guys and gals,

We want to get a bit of money going for a good cycling cause. And we want to put pressure on the guys to finish it!!!!

Don't be worried by amounts pledged already. Any amount will do the trick. Why not $1 each finisher and $6 for a group finish (max pledge of $12).

Posted: 29 Aug 2007, 14:19
by Huw
My uncle Dave rode the Grafton back in the late 80s. He was living in Grafton, doing 750 km a week training for the 6 weeks prior, but overtrained and was bedridden for three days before the race with a virus. For him it was a very long day - strong westerlies, and run in the winter back then - but he finished.

I got in touch with him and he has pledged $50 if I can make it to Inverell.

Posted: 29 Aug 2007, 17:23
by Grant Bond
Huw...Good one.
Im sure you meant "When you make it to Inverell"

Posted: 29 Aug 2007, 17:26
by Huw
It's difficult to tell.

Posted: 29 Aug 2007, 17:38
by Simon Llewellyn
Guys I've got to say I rode to Wollongong with James & Eugene yesterday (185kms) & by that stage I think you would be more than willing to give $200 to charity just to be allowed to get off the bike...

But I learnt a few good lessons of survival & I've got a strategy. So if I"m finishing your all finishing with me!

Posted: 29 Aug 2007, 17:42
by Grant Bond
please share

Posted: 29 Aug 2007, 17:58
by Simon Llewellyn
It's all about how much we have to eat & drink & what speed to ride at... It's nothing new just more precise...

I'll tell you at the track if you come tonight or Friday night or on Sunday if I"m there??...

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 13:49
by Grant Bond
Slight Correction...we now have 8 Dulwich Hill warriors in the Grafton to Inverell
3 "sprinters" or as delicately put on the Federations Website "the slow team"
Simon L
4 "Climbers"
James F
Joe G
and 1 "ring in"
Phil Scheidegger from Northern Sydney
who will be riding on our "climbers or "fast" team".

We sprinters are pretty confident that we can get a greater percentage of our riders over the line than the climbers. If you agree
give us some more incentive in the way of donations to the cause guys...

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 14:26
by mikesbytes
Little confused with your counting Grant.

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 14:39
by Grant Bond
fixed..thanks ...more like brain switched off.

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 16:09
by T-Bone
I wonder how motivational those team names we have are?

Dulwich Hill BC fast team, & Dulwich Hill BC slow team. Maybe 1 & 2 would have been better, but not to worry.

Anyway, i'm fairly confident of finishing this year, though my history is against me. I just need to get myself through the forest with some energy and i'll be fine, and i think the rest of the guys will be fine too.

Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 10:44
by Huw
I assume others are still debating how much to chip in for sponsorship of the Grafton riders?

My parents are paying 50c for every km I ride.

Selga will pay $20 if I finish, another $20 if everyone finishes, and another $30 if I make it home without injury.

Posted: 14 Sep 2007, 08:20
by JM
I pledge $1 for each percentage of the total 8 riders from DHBC that finish ... you all finish thats 100% = $100, 50% = $50 ... so that's $12.50 each - good luck

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 09:45
by mcrkennedy
Cont me in for $50. I wil not be at a club ride till the first weekend in October if you can wait till then.

Posted: 29 Oct 2007, 14:53
by Grant Bond
If you havent done so already can you please make your donations by Direct deposit:

Payable to Ben Mikic Foundation
Bank Berrima District Credit Union
BSB 802 101
Account 64662

Mail all cheques to:

Ben Mikic Foundation for Young Cyclists
PO Box 1003
Mittagong NSW 2575

Send them a note saying your from DHBC to let them know we care.


Grant Bond