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Racing with MWCC at West Head

Posted: 06 Jan 2010, 14:56
by wallman
I've mentioned this race to a couple of folks, and it looks to be confirmed now for this Sunday. See for details. I'm planning on being there and taking the new race wheels for a spin. For those that don't know the area this is a very lumpy course without any long climbs but with plenty of up and down and very little, if any, flat.


Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 09:31
by wallman
Well, I ended heading up to West Head solo on Sunday, with just Emma accompanying me in a photo-taking, encouragement-making role. Here's some of her work and some of mine:
Note the road surface! The whole road was apparently resurfaced a couple of months ago and now constitutes the best road surface you'll ever race on. These races are a good opportunity to try out a genuine road race without having to travel to all corners of the state. There's four grades and it's pretty friendly with smallish groups of between 10 - 20 in each grade. I ended up racing in B grade. The pace was generally quite easy but it did pinch a bit up the hills. Eventually I decided that since it hurt up the hills anyway I might as well get on the front and hurt some more, which resulted in me riding everyone off my wheel and spending 10 minutes dangling off the front. Once I was caught things settled down until the race-winning attack was made a few k's out. I got caught alone in no-mans land chasing the attack, partially due to a slapstick bit of out-of-the-saddle work that tore the chamois out of my knicks, and partially because I was still feeling my earlier solo effort earlier but I eventually sorted things out sufficiently to get second, which looked like this:
So the new wheels are already paying themselves off! My knicks are cactus though, which means that I need something else to ride in now. Budgy smugglers, anyone?

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 09:46
by othy
Well done Matt - do you think you would ride A grade next time? I've been wanting to try this race but the accident put a stop to that, still hoping to get out there sometime.

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 10:05
by weiyun
Love the road surface and proximity to home are good. Interested. Thanks for posting the highlights and congrats on your 2nd!

Posted: 13 Jan 2010, 12:48
by wallman
Well done Matt - do you think you would ride A grade next time? I've been wanting to try this race but the accident put a stop to that, still hoping to get out there sometime.
Yeah, I'd definately ride A next time. The course suits me better than Heffron so the step up shouldn't be as much of an issue, but you never know I guess. The races are run monthly till June so there's plenty of time to get up there.

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 07:44
by timyone
nice work matt!! if you werent in such good form, id say we should all turn up and ride A grade (well as every one isnt riding, we would be me, you and John!) But yeah! when are you going to race there again?
What time does it start at? i couldnt see it on the page :S

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 09:26
by Julio
I road with some of Manly Warringah boys on monday morning and I would have to say they are a very friendly bunch of guys. If I was givin chance to so something with their club again I would definately be up for it.

Posted: 14 Jan 2010, 13:45
by wallman
when are you going to race there again?
What time does it start at? i couldnt see it on the page :S
I guess I'll go up there when it's run next month, which I think will be the 14th. They started at 8 last weekend, although they were discussing possibly making it earlier next time to try and avoid the heat.

Posted: 16 Jan 2010, 13:57
by willster
Was the racing only on West Head Rd?

Posted: 17 Jan 2010, 16:14
by wallman
Was the racing only on West Head Rd?
Yep, just out and back then repeat. I believe they run a couple of different routes and mix it up each month, although the bulk of the course remains West Head Rd.

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 12:18
by willster
Hey Matt are you(or anyone else here) racing this weekend?

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 12:28
by othy
I think the next race is the 21st - another weekend away.

I went and did a recon ride of the route a few weeks ago - can't say I'll be racing it anytime soon given my fitness. Road surface was nice.

I parked at the bottom of the hill leading up to the rangers hut, just after the turn off onto West head road - did you have to pay park entry early in the morning?

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 14:31
by wallman
That's right, according to Manly's website the next race is on the 21st. I plan on being there for it. The ranger's station wasn't open when I arrived last time so I didn't pay but I guess they're within their rights to bail you up at your car later on and have you pay the fee.

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 16:21
by fenn_paddler
National Parks changed their procedures in 2009. Cars not displaying a day ticket or pass can now be issued an on the spot fine of $68 (rather than a warning to purchase entry fee on way out). I'm not sure how frequently they issue this fine, but when I was at Akuna bay for an event last year we were warned about this. So to avoid this risk you've got to turn up armed with gold coins for the ticket machine.

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 17:08
by weiyun
Now days one can even receive a parking fine (from some private group) when parked in Stanmore's McDonalds parking lot. $$$ grab!

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 20:33
by shrubb face
If your in Matt, then you can count me in as well. Though i do fear i best do some road kms before hand.

Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 13:06
by willster
Oh cool, another week to train. How much car room have people got? I'm now motorised vehicleless.

Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 16:41
I might come and give it a go as well....Probably B-grade though.

Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 10:33
by Michael Chidgey
i'll be heading out for this

Next race - February 21, 2010

7.30 am Elvina Track, West Head Road Race Course

Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 15:46
by willster
Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?
Only need a lift up, riding back

Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 15:57
by Michael Chidgey
i'd offer you a ride will but i'm taking the mini out so it only just fits me and the bike sorry.

Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 16:05
Anybody? Bueller? Bueller?
Only need a lift up, riding back
I'm not confirmed for this yet, but I definitely have a spot if I do head up. Will let you know as soon as I can.

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 19:30
by willster
No worries mr c
If you could let me know that'd be tops Noog

Posted: 18 Feb 2010, 20:42
I don't think I'll be able to make it this time unfortunately...Sorry Will

Posted: 19 Feb 2010, 07:47
by timyone
hey i think i want to do this too, and should have a spot, i can only do up though, im working in mosman at 10>

I need to sort out a back wheel still though, ill try and get one off simons commuter, which is at jess's, otherwise ill try borrowing one off Alex Ramsey.

Posted: 20 Feb 2010, 13:02
by wallman
Will if you still need a lift PM me your address and phone and we'll set it up. I'll be staying up there afterwards but if you're riding back that shouldn't be an issue.

Posted: 20 Feb 2010, 13:03
by timyone
ok hopefully in for this depending on he party im going to tonight

Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 16:35
by timyone
Id say this race is really good training for road races!!!
i suck at it, and dont klike it :D but wil hopefully be back :D

Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 16:42
by willster
Dang it, didnt get to check this before sunday. Next month am riding from goulburn to syd so wont make the mwcc race. Cheers tho Matt

Posted: 19 Mar 2010, 13:12
by Michael Chidgey
racing is on again this sunday morning. i'll be going out

Next race - March 21st, 2010

7.30 am Elvina Track, West Head Road Race Course

Posted: 19 Mar 2010, 15:23
by timyone
im a maybe, we arent sure if we should ride there or not

Posted: 19 Mar 2010, 16:10
im a maybe, we arent sure if we should ride there or not
Is that the royal "we"?

I've got room in the car, but I'm still a maybe at this stage.

Posted: 20 Mar 2010, 09:31
by timyone
me and chugg

Posted: 21 Mar 2010, 21:51
by othy
So who won C grade?

Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 08:42
by Michael Chidgey
So who won C grade?
Not me. Some guy decided he wanted to share my handle bars at 60k's. I gave him a friendly nudge and he went down and managed to cut the valve on my front tube in half. This was on the second lap just before the turn around, kinda sucks because i was feeling fine and thought i had a good chance of placing.

Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 12:42
by timyone
far out! down at 60! that totally sux!!

Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 22:29
by mikesbytes
So who was the DHBC rider who got away in C grade? From another forum
West Head, Sunday 21 March 2010, C Grade. 2 laps of the WH Course, ~41 km. Manly Warringah CC Race.

So, did my first road race since the 1993 Canberra Milk Race. Started with ~25 riders. First lap was very cruisy for about 2 km and thereafter fast, I did a few efforts up the hills, just to see. Were about 17 left after that first lap. There was one bloke, attacking all the time on the first lap. He was still going at the start of the second lap, but got jack of it and at one point couldn't work out how to get off the front. Stop pedalling works, I find... Better than braking at the front of the bunch... Anyway, he was paying for his efforts after that (as was I). I saw him at the back a lot.

We lost another 3 in a crash coming off the downhill from the wall on the second lap, still heading out, just before the turnaround. Two came off (both Bicisport) and another DH rider was very close to an off. We must have been doing close to 50 km/h, but I don't think there were bad injuries. I told my wife about it later - she asked whether we stop racing when riders fall off. Umm, no... Anyway we were down to about 14. I was feeling it by this stage, too much effort too early. Or more work required. Or something. Anyway, the way back on the last lap I was tailing off a bit up the hills (count em, 5) and getting back on down the hills. The pace picked up up the false flat in the last 5 km. I was at the stage where I was happy to finish with the bunch, forget about sprinting, it ain't happening. A DH rider got away just before the last turnaround, and stayed away (despite pulling his foot AT the turnaround). My riding buddy Darren made a break for it and got pipped for second, on the line. The uphill finish - 500 m all uphill from the turnaround - is deadly. He said he was finished for the day with still 100m to go.

Actually the gaps in that sprint can be huge. Racing theory suggests you get to the bottom turn at the front and go for it. Maybe, if you've got the legs. But 500m uphill is well beyond anyone's real sprint in a club C grade race. With the gaps opening up the way they do, it's all about who's got the legs for a 90% effort, rather than who got round the turn in the front 2 or 3. Frankly, from where I was sitting, it didn't even look like a normal sprint. It looked like the 4 or 5 guys who felt like it putting in efforts, and everyone else sitting up. There was no jockeying for wheels etc that I could see. Interesting. Maybe I was too far back...

I just rolled in... back of a 13 or 14 man bunch (spread out over 100 m or more). Average just over 35. Much harder workout than averaging 36 at Beaumont.

A special word for another riding buddy, Paul, who hadn't raced for 6.5 years, rocked up and rode A Grade. And stayed with the bunch (it looked to me like many didn't - they finished with less than 10 in the peloton). A Grade averaged over 39 km/h. He averaged a HR of 174 over the 1h30+min race. Ouch. In his words, he was glad when the 3-man break got clear away after 2.5 laps, because at least the bunch steadied up a bit.

Next race: maybe Heffron on 27 March. Otherwise Beaumont Rd on Easter Monday.

Posted: 23 Mar 2010, 08:45
by Michael Chidgey
there was only David and I in C so i doubt it was another DHBC rider. i was very pleased to stay up right after having to shoulder someone free from my bars twice.

It was a cracking race and i will eventually finish one, this is one of the best courses around and people should really experience it at least once.

Posted: 23 Mar 2010, 09:24
by rogan
Sorry - the winner was a guy in plain red jersey, so I thought he was one of you DHBC blokes.

Michael (I'm the bloke you pipped at Beaumont about 4 weeks ago) - well done on staying upright!

It was a great race - I'm still sore today.

Re: Racing with MWCC at West Head

Posted: 14 Apr 2010, 21:16
by Michael Chidgey
racing is on again this sunday morning. i will be heading out and am still yet to finish a C grade race (1 flat and taken out by another rider)
Next race - April 18th, 2010

CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS (non Manly riders welcome)

7.30 am Sign on - Elvina Track, West Head Road Race Course. A grade start at 8am sharp. A grade - 4 laps. B grade - 3 laps, C grade - 2 laps, D grade - 1 lap.