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Leader for slowies (Cruisers) on Sunday 14th Feb

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 21:26
by Trouty
In case the slowies weren't aware, Lindsay will be in Tassie this weekend, as will Geoff Semon. Stuart and I will be away in Port Macquarie. Hopefully the experienced regulars (Anthony, Miguel or Collin) will take care of things - which they usually do every week anyway. But if there are some experienced people that want to help out - please turn up at Mick Mazza's before 6.15am. Hope you all have a great ride this weekend, and hope it doesn't rain. Ride safe.

Posted: 10 Feb 2010, 22:35
by orphic
I think my sister might be riding with the club for the first time this week. A shame that she won't get to be escorted to Waterfall by Lindsay as I first was, but I am sure that with whoever is there she'll be in capable hands.

Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 05:49
by Rainbow
If I have packed my bags and got a lift for myself to the airport on Saturday, I'll go to slowies. Any excuse for one last coffee ride :)

Re: Leader from slowies (Cruisers) on Sunday 14th Feb

Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 07:20
by AnthonyI
Hopefully the experienced regulars (Anthony, Miguel or Collin) will take care of things - which they usually do every week anyway.
I was thinking of doing Mike and Weiyun's 'adventure' ride this weekend so may not be able to help out on Slowies this Sunday. I am sure some of the other experienced members can lead the way.
As Jo said - ride safe!

Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 07:59
by christian
This ideally should be one of the coaches. There are a few of us away including myself so if one of you can put your hand to take this bunch it would be appreciated. I don't want to have to resort to assigning someone to take the bunch.

Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 08:40
by timyone
on of the coaches hey...
sister hey... I wish i could make it i know how much that girl loves me :D

Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 10:10
by Toff
I will come along and ride with the cruisers on Sunday to help out. :mrgreen: Been meaning to get out on a Sunday for a while anyway...

Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 15:28
by orphic
I will come along and ride with the cruisers on Sunday to help out. :mrgreen: Been meaning to get out on a Sunday for a while anyway...
In future I will be knocking on your door at 6:15am on Sunday mornings... Neighbour ;)

Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 21:01
by Toff
In future I will be knocking on your door at 6:15am on Sunday mornings... Neighbour ;)
That's fine if you bring your skillet and a bag of brownies. bacon and eggs before a ride. Yum...

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 20:22
by shrubb face
The ever elusive toff is going to do a sunday ride, this could be a first in months. Does the colnago ride in the rain?

Maybe i could ride slowies for the first time and escore vic's sister. hmm

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 20:47
by Michael Chidgey
Maybe i could ride slowies for the first time and escore vic's sister. hmm
slowies is going to be the biggest it has been for a while by the sound of it :D

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 21:42
by Toff
Not slowies: "Cruizers" - with a "z" 'cause it's cool. :mrgreen:

The Colnago has done lots of rain riding. Camilla and Adrian will recall we rode 150km out to the Brooklyn Bridge and back - in bucketing rain. Colnago is not up for a ride this week though. If it's dry I want to ride my Eddy Merckx. If it's wet, I'll be riding the Zullo.

...So I'll be riding the Zullo. :cry:

Posted: 14 Feb 2010, 15:54
by Stuart
So how was it? Did a cast of 1000's turn up? Did it rain and nobody rode? Riding at Port Macquarie was OK but really bumpy roads, small shoulder (if at all), 35 degrees and near to 100% humidity made it tough going for me. Jo seemed to handle the heat better.