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New rules for single hetro males & gay females

Posted: 21 May 2010, 16:23
by mikesbytes
Rainbow expressed concern about the lack of elite females in DHBC, so to address this problem the following rules apply to those who are single and prefer females as your partners.

1. You may only date females that are under 30, as we are recruiting elite females. There will be a recruitment drive for females over 30 later in the year.

2. The female must have a sporting background and currently be fit.

3. Before asking her out, you must case out her suitability for becoming a racing cyclists. Mention to her that you ride bikes. If she responds with "isn't that dangerous" or "it makes my thighs big" then do not proceed.

4. Take a visual identification of her sizing, so to ensure that you can provide a suitable bike.

5. Set the date for Saturday night, the next test is to see if shes and early riser or a party girl. If she insists on been home by 11pm, then you can be ensured that she will get up in time for training. If she stays out afer 11pm do not proceed forward.

6. The second date will be on the bike. Take her for a cruise along cooks river. Unbeknown to her a DHBC girl will also be riding and will ride past her at a slightly higher rate. She should immediately stand on the pedals and take chase, showing her competitive spirit. If she ignores the overtake do not proceed.

7. The final test, can she stand the stench of the Sunday bunch at the coffee shop. As much as it pains you to miss you training ride, take her out on Saturday night and spend the night with her. In the morning take her out to breakfast at the Marrickville rd cafe' and suddenly a group of dashing guys and gals will show her how hot they look in sweat laden Lycra.

Re: New rules for single hetro males & gay females

Posted: 21 May 2010, 16:31
by orphic
Mike, that is gold.

You need to have one in there about dating pre-existing cyclists who are members of other clubs. You can only do this in December, so you have the opportunity to recruit her into our ranks when it comes time to renew her license.

Re: New rules for single hetro males & gay females

Posted: 21 May 2010, 19:39
by timyone
no probs
ill just warn ya though, i may not be talking to each previous member i bring, as i bring a new member in, unless i can smooth over each break up.

Re: New rules for single hetro males & gay females

Posted: 21 May 2010, 23:25
by mikesbytes
The initial post in this thread has been edited by a moderator without acknowledging the edit. As it stands above, forum readers cannot tell that it has been altered, so appears to be what the original author posted when it is not.

Could a standard practice be taken by moderators to insert a comment at the bottom of the post to show that they have edited it, so it is clear to forum readers that what is written is not exactly what author wrote.

Re: New rules for single hetro males & gay females

Posted: 22 May 2010, 11:33
by geoff m
I am happy to acknowledge the edit and why, as moderator, and member of the exec of the club.

There are rules on conduct which each member signs up to, to be able to use this forum. It includes abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-orientated material.

The sign on conditions also say:

You agree that “Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club” have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit.

Our club also specifically is targeting growth in our women ranks. If we do post material on a global public site, is the material something that prospective female members will read and feel comfortable about, or not?

I'm not very comfortable with the above posting at all for the above reasons. I did however choose to edit out one key reference to '4. Take a visual identification of her sizing, so to ensure that you can provide a suitable bike. Even better take her clothes off." - or something to that effect.

It was the last sentence on undressing or taking clothes off, that I edited out, whilst still preserving the essence of the original post. I also informed the author of this, so it wasn't edited without refering immediately back to the source. This was made prior to the author's post about the editing going up, after my reasons for editing it out were known by the author.

There have been ocassions where members have referred to other people (usually outside of the club such as public figures) as 'retards' and 'scum'. Again, we are on public view, and must maintain a good image for the club, and as members. Its just like the good image we have amongst other cyclists on the road, who are starting to talk about how Dulwich Hill is different to other clubs.

We also have a growing junior division within the club. Are our posts something we would be proud of our juniors to read or see? If they past this test, then yes,.... if not.... there are heaps of other cycling forums not affiliated to DHBC where members can express their views in line with content of those forums.

There are very few ocassions that I or other people have had to 'moderate'. This is great. Please do accept its done in what the executive believe are the interests of our club - maybe we don't get it right all the time. There is a judgement call. Please accept the decision, made in good faith.

That's all I wish to say, in response to the above invitation. Its best club matters are not overly discussed over a world wide forum. There are more appropriate mechanisms to discuss away from a public forum.

If any of you have any comments, or views, its best to take these to members of the executive at any time. They are myself (President), Simon Llewellyn (Vice President),Marian Lee (Treasurer), Camilla Norman (Secretary), James Fowler (Road Captain), Ron Webster (Public Officer), Alex Chubb (Track Captain). We also have appointed roles such as Stuart Hickson (Webmaster), and Simon Sharwood (Publicity Officer) who have been involved with full discussions on forum etiquette previously.

There are monthly meetings, and you may attend any of these if you have an interest in a matter. Please speak to one of the above.

Re: New rules for single hetro males & gay females

Posted: 22 May 2010, 12:18
by timyone
Lol fair enough. I don't think dating people into our racing ranks is a good idea, I think we want cut throat racers that aren't likely to miss training with foolish things like love etc :D I would like instead to propose we aim for a community of nuns :D I don't know on ages, but I've met some amazingly crazy nuns that would be great at riding, some of them lack the killer instinct though, I'm hoping we can move slowly into that :D

Re: New rules for single hetro males & gay females

Posted: 22 May 2010, 12:20
by timyone
Ill be adressing my questions in future to ron webster :D he has a grest smile :) (I do like your professional manner too geof, but ron is hard to be on smiles)

Re: New rules for single hetro males & gay females

Posted: 22 May 2010, 12:39
by mikesbytes
Geoff, you have missed the point of my previous post completely. I am the main moderator on the largest cycling site in Australia. Standard practice when moderating forum posts is to put a footnote or the like in the bottom of the moderated post, this makes its clear to all that the original text has been altered, otherwise it appears to be exactly what was posted. For example, placing the following at the bottom of the edited post;

[modhat]have removed the bad language - Mike[/modhat]

[modhat]Attack the topic, not the poster. If this continues we will be forced to lock the thread - Mike[/modhat]

A good forum has a set of forum guidelines/rules, this permits the moderators to moderate in accordance with rules and provides the moderator the ability to separate their personal views from the role of moderator.

I have previously brought up the issue of the lack of forum guidelines referring to the Australian Censorship Classifications. Please read this thread;

Bicycles Network Australia (BNA) has one of the best written forum rules sets around. If you would like, I can request Christopher, the site owner permission to reuse their forum rules for this site. Please click on the following picture and have a read of the BNA guidelines.


BTW Geoff, this is not what I wrote, the wording below is demeaning to Woman;
I'm not very comfortable with the above posting at all for the above reasons. I did however choose to edit out one key reference to '4. Take a visual identification of her sizing, so to ensure that you can provide a suitable bike. Even better take her clothes off." - or something to that effect.
Please do not misquote me.

A standard process when moderating a post is to keep a copy of the original. BNA uses hidden forum, to keep the content away from the public. There are other methods. But it brings up the point why post it, if you wanted it removed, why repost it?

Good forum etiquette is to discuss issues privately, typically via PM, my post below communicated to the members that the post was moderated without any mod note and therefor appeared to be exactly what I wrote.

Please take up with the other moderators the concept of having official forum rules. I will be pleased to assist with this endeavor.

Re: New rules for single hetro males & gay females

Posted: 22 May 2010, 13:17
by timyone
lol! yeah the rules could be good to have.

Ok back on the topic of women and outr elite racing team :D if there is any chance that we are going to just try and buy one of the Australian team girls, id be happy with that, as im in love with all of them, and they all seem nice as (well not totally sure about that gilmore girl, but the rest). but yeah, check out this article on women in sport, ... -vnt7.html that talks about the lack of appreciation etc and we see it a bit at opens when the girls prize money isnt as big as the mens, this should be worked out on amount of competitors, though if there arent enough this may not work hmmnnn

But yeah the main thing i got out of the article was actually that 2 of the top 10 female athletes were horses! i guess pharlap makes the top 100 of all time, so i cant complain too much, but yeah?!

OK my next question is why are we focusing on elite females? i notive that our club isnt amazingly multicultural (well it is a bit :P) compared to the local demographic! what are we doing to change this! there also isnt a large amount of gay males! and after reading what that blond AFL guy, (Accumanus?) had to say, i wonder if its because people like him are stomping who ever they are scared of out of sport!!

Do we have many indigenous cyclists? half my classes at uni seem to be on this topic, and im thinking we could gain a lot from having indigenous elite guys and girls, for a heap of reasons.

So yes :D whats our marketing plan for these groups Mike? do you want me to start with the gay males? im thinking ill need to work out hey, im nothing compared to the lads i know that know how to look after their bodies.

Re: New rules for single hetro males & gay females

Posted: 22 May 2010, 21:10
by mikesbytes
Hey Tim as DHBC's most eligible bachelor, the future of the DHBC Elite Womans timetrail team is in your hands

Unfortunately the club has a severe lack of eligible bachelor's of the quality the Tim represents. So to resolve this, there will be a relaxing of the s-1 component of rule 12. Of course rule 25 is strictly enforced, so for most this means a top end time trail bike, even if you never do time trails. If you discover that s-1 was actually s-2, then you need to purchase a second identical time trail bike, as if you get a flat during the time trail, you will be able to save precious seconds by simply switching bikes.

Re: New rules for single hetro males & gay females

Posted: 23 May 2010, 22:34
by Michael Chidgey
2. The female must have a sporting background and currently be fit.
lucky i only date fit women.