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Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 27 Jun 2010, 23:29
by mikesbytes ... /10176.htm

This is the most convenient road race of the season, just past Richmond.

It's a scratch race in different grades.

I've entered

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 09:58
by orphic
Hmmm not sure about that one. Looks like Div 3 average 38.4km/h last year...

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 28 Jun 2010, 10:34
by mikesbytes
Div 3 will break up into groups and you race within that group

Why don't you enter the woman's race

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 29 Jun 2010, 09:40
by Camilla
Come on Vic. I'll do it if you do. I need an excuse to get out to that part of the world anyway - I have a wolf-daughter there that I barely see. And an 11am start! how sweet is that!

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 29 Jun 2010, 11:05
by orphic
Haha check out that elevation profile. I will get dropped in the first 5km's!

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 29 Jun 2010, 19:22
by MarkL
l'm planning on doing this one :D

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 10 Jul 2010, 13:14
by timyone
Hmmm not sure about that one. Looks like Div 3 average 38.4km/h last year...
lol! dont stress about that, some races have lower averages, but the prob is that they go faster for bits, then slower etc, in grade races. A higher average might mean they were more even.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 10:14
by Michael Chidgey
Victoria is right it looks mighty steep. At least there will be lots of downhills to


Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 10:18
by mikesbytes
The graph is a bit deceptive, its just one hill

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 10:47
by Michael Chidgey
I've entered anyway.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 23 Jul 2010, 15:05
by Strawburger
i'm in.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 13:01
by MarkL

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 13:38
by shrubb face
Im so pissed off, i forgot to enter the NSW road champs, and ive emailed CNSW and the wont let me sneak in with a later entry. Im crying

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 27 Jul 2010, 18:43
by T-Bone
I almost forgot, but luckily remembered with 1hr to spare.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 28 Jul 2010, 14:26
by mikesbytes
Weather permitting I'm going to do RNP on Sunday

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 28 Jul 2010, 22:00
by T-Bone
I'm up for RNP, though not sure i want to get up earlier. Maybe ride out with fasties and into the park at Waterfall.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 28 Jul 2010, 23:34
by mikesbytes
OK, I'll do that too, out with the fasties, Waterfall in, Audley out

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 02 Aug 2010, 16:14
by mikesbytes
Can someone give me a lift?

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 02 Aug 2010, 19:56
by MarkL
Mike, l've got a spare seat.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 02 Aug 2010, 20:11
by mikesbytes
Cool, thanks Mark

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 02 Aug 2010, 20:14
by MarkL
No worries, talk later in the week.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 15:16
by Strawburger
Would there be any reason why my classification has changed from MMAS1 to Elite Men for this event? I've been riding under MMAS1 for the entire year, but for this one they have me listed as Elite. Have Cycling NSW changed the age restrictions for masters?

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 15:54
by wallman
Would there be any reason why my classification has changed from MMAS1 to Elite Men for this event? I've been riding under MMAS1 for the entire year, but for this one they have me listed as Elite. Have Cycling NSW changed the age restrictions for masters?
In the context of this race I wouldn't expect it to make any difference whether you've entered as Elite or MMAS1 as you'll be graded on ability regardless. Does your license show you as an Elite rider or Masters 1? I can see other MMAS1 riders on the start list so it's likely that the wrong box has been ticked when adding you to the list.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 16:01
by Strawburger
In the context of this race I wouldn't expect it to make any difference whether you've entered as Elite or MMAS1 as you'll be graded on ability regardless. Does your license show you as an Elite rider or Masters 1? I can see other MMAS1 riders on the start list so it's likely that the wrong box has been ticked when adding you to the list.
Thats a relief. I was sort of thinking that it's a graded race, just that the road champs stuff at the start threw me a little.

I'm registered as an MMAS1, my card states that too as does the CNSW online details. As you wrote, they must have ticked the wrong box.


Whats the long range forecast like? Is it going to be a wet one?

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 03 Aug 2010, 16:05
by mikesbytes
Don't worry Simon, you will be graded in the lowest grade along with the rest of us

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 17:09
by Strawburger
grades are up if anyone is interested

kurrajong grades

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 04 Aug 2010, 17:19
by mikesbytes
So we are all in Div3

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 05 Aug 2010, 09:41
by Michael Chidgey
massive grades.... should be good.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 05 Aug 2010, 09:57
by shrubb face
Wallman should win this.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 05 Aug 2010, 10:17
by mikesbytes
Don't count out Joshua

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 05 Aug 2010, 10:28
by shrubb face
Nope ive still got my money on Mat.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 05 Aug 2010, 17:14
by T-Bone
I don't give myself much of a chance for this. Just hoping i'm a bit healthier.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 08 Aug 2010, 20:19
by wallman
Wallman should win this.
Well I gave it a crack but came up frustratingly short with 9th. I definately had the legs to win, but not the head. The first lap was pretty uneventful. Joshua hit out a couple of times to try and establish a break but couldn't get anything to stick. The second lap had a KOM at the top of the climb which I wanted so I rode off the front of the bunch at the bottom, establishing what I think was a pretty decent gap. With 100 to go I looked around and they were maybe 15 m behind me and I thought I had it but they kicked and one came over me to take the prize. I took time out for a brief dummy spit but recovered quickly for the 25 kms to the finish. Then I noticed that the guy who pipped me was wearing polka dot socks and felt bad again. In the last few k's I was getting shuffled back as more and more riders moved forward on the wrong side of the road. Eventually they were packed too tight and the inevitable crash happened, with a couple of guys bouncing out of it about 2 km from the end. This opened a bit of a gap which I crossed to be in about 20th or so when I looked up and saw the 200m sign dead ahead! I was way too far back but launched anyway, getting to within 5 m or so of the winner. I feel like another 50 m and I would have had it for sure, I made up a lot of ground on the front runners in the sprint. Only myself to blame though, I could sense an accident on the run in and after Coona I didn't want it to be me going down and just couldn't be bothered fighting for position. It's probably also having a bit of an idea of where the finish line is if you fancy crossing it first.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 08 Aug 2010, 20:53
by HurtsLikeJens
I'm working my way through about 120 photos from the day. Not bad considering I took about 2000...

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 08 Aug 2010, 22:31
by HurtsLikeJens
About 50 shots online,

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 09 Aug 2010, 10:40
by Strawburger
Feeling like cr@p today after an eventful race yesterday. Took the advice of the more experienced riders and it paid off significantly! I made sure i was near the front on the descents & grab a good wheel on the climb. The first part i did well on, however on the two climbs i ended up on the left side and not getting a good wheel to follow. Ended up doing a lot of work to catch up to the leaders only to be dropped 300m from the top. On both occasions was one of the last to be dropped from the bunch at the top of the climb so i spent a lot of energy getting back on. Lucky i had 2 other strong riders to work with on both occasions and we regained about 5km up the road. Once regaining on the tail, i struggled to stay on with the constant surges on lap 2 getting dropped on each surge but somehow finding my way back. When the peloton slowed with 10km to go i made my way up where Matt & James were hovering at sat with them. The crash with 2km to go broke the field up, but i bridged the gap as did Matt and settled in for the sprint finish with 500m to go. I was in a terrible position being boxed in on the left, but as the pace increased i found a small gap and punched through. There was no way i could jump onto Matt's wheel as he was on the outside right (and going quick), so i cut the air myself weaving through a few and ended up with 14th. I still can't believe i was with the big boys at the end contesting a sprint.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 09 Aug 2010, 12:19
by T-Bone
My race turned out much better than expected after being sick for most of the previous week. On the first climb, i started at the front of the bunch, but with my breathing affected from blocked sinuses and no power in my legs i gradually began to slip back, only just managing to hang onto the back of the bunch. Feeling very average, and hanging in at the back of the bunch, i somehow cleared up my breathing a bit, and beginning the 2nd lap was feeling a bit better. Going up the climb the second time with the bunch splinterring a lot more, i managed to hang onto the back of the front group. Coming towards the finish i found myself boxed in, but still reasonably well placed, moving up the inside when possible. Then, the crash happened, and after slowing down to ensure i didn't go down too, i found my legs had nothing and only just stayed on the front group, only to drop off as the sprint started.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 09 Aug 2010, 14:02
by mikesbytes
First lap I got 3/4 up the dirty big hill then I blew. At the top I managed to ride my way back on in about 4k.

Just before half way I hit a big bump landed on the seat and it slipped vertical. I had to stop to fix it. One of the cars stopped with me and then I slip streamed it back to the motorcade which I rode thru to get back on.

Second lap I got 3/4 up the dirty big hill and blew again. This time there was no getting back on, I rode solo for a number of K's and then got caught by a group of 4 riders. We chased the bunch but I blew again and rode a number of K's by myself before getting caught by another bunch of 4. We worked together and with a few K to go, we could see the bunch of 4 (now 3) that I was riding with before, we worked hard to catch them and got it down to 20mtrs on the line.

My speedo stopped working for a while so I don't have my data, I'll have to wait for the official results but I'm expecting it to be slower than last year as the first lap wasn't that hot.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 09 Aug 2010, 21:04
by mikesbytes
OK results are in. As I suspected, it was slower than last year

James F 1.44.22
Mike C 1:45:46

Matthew WALLMAN 1:45:13
Simon BERRY 1:45:14
James FOWLER 1:45:31
Mark LACEY 1:46:36
Joshua LESTER 1:46:36
Michael CLEMENT 1:48:35

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 11:03
by Michael Chidgey
nice work guys, it sounds like a tough race. Congrats Matt/Simon great results. I got in a brawl at rugby on Saturday and have strained all the muscles in my neck and right shoulder throwing punches.

Re: Kurrajong Classic Sunday 08 August 2010

Posted: 10 Aug 2010, 12:57
by timyone
nice work guys, it sounds like a tough race. Congrats Matt/Simon great results. I got in a brawl at rugby on Saturday and have strained all the muscles in my neck and right shoulder throwing punches.
really? details? photos?