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N+1 = <all smiles>Ant</all smiles>

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 00:10
by MtbAnt
Perhaps a little premature, as I only have frame, forks and cranks, but the rest of the groupset is on its way and I promised proof to another of our lucky clubmates (Orphic), in which case photos are a day later than promised ;)






Re: N+1 = <all smiles>Ant</all smiles>

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 09:48
by christian
I like to rotors, I wonder how well they'll work. You might want to get that fork resprayed.

Re: N+1 = <all smiles>Ant</all smiles>

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 10:30
by Karzie
You might want to get that fork resprayed.
"Blue and Green should never be seen, without something inbetween...."

Re: N+1 = <all smiles>Ant</all smiles>

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 10:55
by orphic
Ooh very nice!

I do agree that you might want that fork resprayed... But find somewhere that it can be done quickly!

Ozriders do foam grips in Merida green now, and I found a website with Merida green cable outer too... It's the colour I am thinking of using to build up the Zaskar (as there is a bit of green on the white frame).

I want those cranks... And forks! Sigh.

Re: N+1 = <all smiles>Ant</all smiles>

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 17:01
by orphic
PS - are they new forks and how much were they??

Re: N+1 = <all smiles>Ant</all smiles>

Posted: 23 Aug 2010, 18:35
by MtbAnt
Gee thanks guys for the resounding support on my luck-of-the-draw-bargain-hunter colour choice ;) But it's ok, it'll look like turquoise when it's all together, as it'll look so quick :)

\Bah... fork respray over-ruled! (If I am to get something in between I could go Chris King Purple if the frame takes it :) but I have a feeling it is semi integrated and besides, if it takes a standard headset, John is going to hook me up in CK black)

The forks are 09s and come in at 1500g with the lockout and excess steerer. I picked em up off rotorburn for four hundge, woot.

I'll be going black on most of the rest of the bike, there'll be the inevitable red highlights on the elixir CRs and other SRAM bits, as well as the obvious grey clash thing going on.

Looking forward to riding it and not face planting ;) Thanks Vic.

Re: N+1 = <all smiles>Ant</all smiles>

Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 10:45
by alchemist
I like to rotors, I wonder how well they'll work.
If you're going only for look they work very well, if you want use them for stopping not so much. :wink:

Re: N+1 = <all smiles>Ant</all smiles>

Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 10:55
by othy
Go all out with the colours and see how many you can get on the bike..

Red wheels like orphics, white saddle, pink grips....

Re: N+1 = <all smiles>Ant</all smiles>

Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 11:27
by orphic
I am doing an order through Aspire if you are after any CK goodies (yes Rob, I'm getting the red headset!)

Re: N+1 = <all smiles>Ant</all smiles>

Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 15:46
by MtbAnt
I can't really justify a new chris king integrated headset, I will probably just go a cane creek or something when I get a few more parts from CRC, thanks for the offer though Vic.

Rob, I've seen bad reviews on the serrated ones, but not the ones pictured (aries), do you have first hand experience or a friends' feedback? I'm going to be using them with elixir CRs, but if you think I should offload them and get some ashimas or G3s, they'll be worth more in the packet I'd imagine ;) It just seemed too cheap a weight saving to pass up.

Also, would it be worthwhile posting my build process? I have had very helpful advise off Christian, John, Alex and others and thought it might be worth while documenting it for the fun, weight weenism and reference. It might be annoying having my thread at the top of this section for a few weeks though. Sort of like a blog for a non blogger. Opinions?

Re: N+1 = <all smiles>Ant</all smiles>

Posted: 26 Aug 2010, 18:24
by T-Bone
Post the build progress, as long as there are some good photos.