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Alternative Rides This Sunday 7th

Posted: 06 Nov 2010, 11:57
by geoff m
Anyone doing an alternative ride this Sunday? Details?

Or is anyone going out with the Gong Crowd but coming back from Waterfall? (ie like a normal Sunday ride)

Re: Alternative Rides This Sunday 7th

Posted: 06 Nov 2010, 12:07
by Adrian E
I'm keen to do Waterfall but won't be doing the gong.
Same time, same place?

Re: Alternative Rides This Sunday 7th

Posted: 06 Nov 2010, 16:23
by geoff m
Ok. Spoken to Adrian and Greg b. We are going to leave Mick mazzas at 6.30am for an alternative club ride thru the Eastern suburbs. C28 pace minimum. If anyone does the eastern suburbs hill circuit during the week feel free to come and show us some hills.