Campagnolo Freewheel Building Tool

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Postby Toff » 26 Nov 2010, 11:33

Last week after slowies, I was talking to someone about tools for bikes. Can't remember who, but the discussion went something like this:

Them - It seems that component manufacturers have created a new profit centre: the tools they can sell for people to install and service their brand-specific components. Back in the old days, everyone used bike components that were compatible, so you did not need to buy separate tools for say, Shimano, Campag and SRAM.

Me - Don't believe it. As far back as bikes go, component makers have been using their own proprietry tools and systems. The specific tools have changed, but not the concept.

I gave an example of the very specific tool kit that Campagnolo sold to construct freewheels. These days you don't need a tool at all, except to tighten the lockring, which is usually the same tool used to remove bottom brackets, but back then you needed a whole toolkit.

Today, I found some pictures of the tool kit. All this to build a 6-speed freewheel. It used 3 different types of sprockets. with different threads, depending on which position the sprocket is located along the 6-speed freewheel. The freewheel assembly then screws onto the hub, but the hub can have three different and incompatible thread types: English, French or Italian.

Much simpler these days.
All this to build a 6-speed cluster!

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Postby jbcow » 01 Dec 2010, 22:00

That's crazy. Talk about over-engineered.

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Postby jbcow » 01 Dec 2010, 22:00

Although... you can see why it makes a great collectors item.

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