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K4K - Kilometres for Kids

Posted: 10 Oct 2007, 08:21
by jimmy
Most of you wouldn't have seen me out much on the bike of late. One reason is because over winter I was out with an injury (and then I was just enjoying staying in bed rather than riding in cold/crap weather).

But recently, it is because I have been doing my own hard training, first to get back into shape and lose that winter flab, but also because I have been getting ready for a Charity Ride.

On the 21st of October, about 30 riders will be leaving Centennial Park and turning their wheels towards Melbourne. Over the next 9 days, we will be following the Princess Highway and covering over 1,000kms.

This ride is in support of the John Maclean Foundation, which provides financial assistance to young Australians who use wheelchairs. Along the way, we will be personally giving 5 wheelchairs to kids.

Each rider on this trip pledges to raise $5,000 (you knew there was a reason for the post...), so please visit to donate online.

Thanks in advance


Posted: 10 Oct 2007, 12:55
by timyone
hey jimmy we have more knee stuff now if your interested, check the talking thread as well

ok so donate money hey..
i havent followed that link, but do i do that then look for your name?

Posted: 10 Oct 2007, 13:55
by jimmy
There is a Donate Today button on near the top right. Click on that then select my name from the list.


Posted: 11 Oct 2007, 09:03
by timyone
ok done
though i wonder about the safety of filling in stuff on that :S

Posted: 11 Oct 2007, 09:27
by jimmy

The site is secure, and was delayed for a week while the Bank did more testing. The Certificate is Signed, so I would be surprised if there was any danger in sending Credit Card details.


Posted: 22 Oct 2007, 01:28
by geoff m
Riding back from Waterfall today, we passed a bunch of about 40 colourful riders in full kit on the opposite side. At the front, leading the group, was some dude widely waving me.

I then recognised James and then realised it was this group on their way to Melbourne.

A nice hot day, with 1000kms to go!

Go James!

Posted: 23 Oct 2007, 11:55
by FAswad
can't seem to access this page. I get a "IE cannot access page, operation aborted" message

Posted: 23 Oct 2007, 13:50
by T-Bone
Jersey Winners Day 2
The Pink Jersey has been awarded to James Cheetham of Sydney. James broke his wheel during the day and got a little frustrated by it all and sent his bike sailing through the air when seeing what he had done to his wheel. We have fixed his bike for today but hIs little dummy spit resulted in the pink jersey for today!
Poor bike...

I can go on the page, just not to the donate section.

Posted: 23 Oct 2007, 19:07
by mikesbytes
Pink Jersey ha ha