Thanks Chris (Toff) and Weiyun

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geoff m
Posts: 1072
Joined: 13 Nov 2006, 20:41

Postby geoff m » 04 Nov 2007, 21:16

Guys, what makes this club are those who are more than eager to help others ride.

When David Quigley contacted us from Ireland Chris was quick to offer one of his bikes and helmet. So David was set up on a very nice Kohl!!!!

Chris joined us for the Saturday ride. Thanks Weiyun for picking David up at his hotel, to bring him to Centennial Park.

And when I went out with David this morning, and we had all sorts of dramas Chris very kindly agreed to drive over to just south of Captain's Cook Bridge to pick him up, after he got a flat and we didn't have the right inner tubes.

Chris got lost, but stuck at it, and 1.5 hours later, rescued the stranded Irishman.

So again, thanks especially to Chris for his generosity in lending his bike, and patience in riding all through the southern suburbs whilst listening to my directions over the phone.

All in all, David had a great time, and he reckons it will be the highlight of his trip. I'll show the photos once he updates his clubs site (He's the Webmaster of the club).

Posts: 4380
Joined: 22 Nov 2006, 20:29

Postby timyone » 05 Nov 2007, 01:25

far out toff! i was impressed with the lending the bike let alone the rest!

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