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Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 08:15
by shrubb face
If anyone has any updates on how the rider is who crashed today, it would be appreciated. I think his name is Marcus, but i could be wrong.

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 10:09
by Trouty
He lost his 2 front teeth, broken collar bone and has a huge gash in his face, with a possible fracture on the cheek. I think his face took the full force and he was unconscious at the crash. I wasn't there but Stuart told me the details. Stuart got the car on film, and has made a statement to the police.

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 10:11
by AndrewBurns
It was Mark. Hope he recovers from his injuries quickly and we see him on the road again in a few weeks.

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 10:19
by geoff m
Yes - happy to provide an update.

Marc R had an accident today involving one of our bunch's at Centennial Park and a car.

Marc was initially unconcscious for a short period, and was attended to by cyclists who were doctors and nurses. He was in good spirits and taken to St Vincents Hospital. I saw him breifly there and he has a message to all that he is OK and sorry he can't join us tomorrow.

He has lost some teeth, bad gashes, and maybe broken wrist, but I'm not sure. We will get updates. He was going in for a scan when I saw him, and the two police constables investigating arrived to talk to him.

CAN I ASK A BIG FAVOUR TO ALL MEMBERS. Statements have been provided to the police by all parties involved. Its important not to make public statemens or speculation on the accident online including this forum. Please give respect to all parties who have made statements to allow these to be managed by the authorities as appropriate. Thankyou.

No doubt we can all have a chat on the ride tomorrow or at the cafe.

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 10:23
by weiyun
Geoff and myself rode via St V and Geoff visited him while I watched our bikes outside. He was still going through the routines and was alert and talkative. He said that he'll have to give Waterfall a miss tomorrow. SUV driver strikes again.

Heal up well Mark!

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 10:23
by geoff m
Looks like I was too late. Whilst writing this other posts with updates have appeared.

Let's not speculate on the cause and make presumtions on other parties. Statements have been made, and a full video will be provided.

Marc had a big (and pretty ugly) grin at the hospital. He was in good humour and a little sore looking to say the least.

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 10:24
by Dougie
Yes, it was Marc. I spoke to his wife a couple of times this morning to give her the news. I will call her later this afternoon to get an update and if she is happy i will post it on the forum.

His teeth were lodged in his forearm. i wasnt too keen to delve any further to find his watch. The ambos saved his jersey on Marc's insistance though. At least Marc had his priorities right!


Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 10:25
by Johnj
Marc went to St Vincents in the ambulance. I spoke to his wife Marietta (sp?) when I returned his bike. She says that there are no broken bones and he will probably be out of hospital this afternoon. This is a much better outcome than I expected after seeing poor Marc lying on the road.

It has been suggested that we don't comment on the crash itself, as the police are investigating. Stuart's camera recorded the incident (though not Marc's fall).

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 10:36
by weiyun
The watch (snapped off from the straps) was located on the road without its glass cover. I stuffed it into his "preserved" jersey pocket along with the broken straps and HRM chest strap.

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 14:33
by Johnj
I've just talked to Marc on the phone. He is back home and he asked me to update everyone on his condition.

His scans show no broken bones. He has one stitch in his upper lip (with the potential for scarring) and seven stitches in his left wrist. He's also lost a tooth. He is extremely sore, but in good spirits. He says his legs are fine, and hopes to be back on the bike in a couple of weeks. He has also vowed never to do a paceline again.... (joke I think?)

He does remember the accident and his account tallies pretty much with everyone else's accounts. He recalls waking up in a pool of blood and thinking "What the *&@%??!!"

His helmet has a few scratches, as does the bar tape on his bike. His bike is otherwise undamaged I think, likewise his jersey and silver disco shoes. He's also extremely grateful for the support from club members.

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 14:49
by geoff m
:D :D :D :D :D

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 14:52
by taybellz
How did the bike pull up?

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 16:11
by mikesbytes
I'm really surprised they let him out of hospital on the same day, they kept me in for 4 nights and on the first 2 nights they woke me up every hour and examined me. Did they give him a CT?

Can someone PM his phone number to me

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 17:36
by Stuart
The police called me at about 12:30pm on Sat to relay the news re no broken bones - amazing. Marc must be made of strong stuff. I will be providing the video of the events leading up to the crash to police tomorrow. As Geoff has stated, the forum is no place for speculation or comment on the causes of the crash. Lets leave that to the police. I only hope that Marc recovers quickly and makes a full recovery. I look forward to seeing him back in the bunch. All I can say is be careful everybody, incidents that result in crashes can happen when you least expect it.

If you've ever thought about getting a helmet cam, I can recommend the ContourHD or indeed the GoPro. Great insurance. Lovely cycling films can also result.

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 18:29
by weiyun
I'm really surprised they let him out of hospital on the same day, they kept me in for 4 nights and on the first 2 nights they woke me up every hour and examined me. Did they give him a CT?
Major difference. You had multiple fractures, intracranial haematoma, cerebral contusion and all the potential sequelae from that.

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 18 Feb 2012, 23:00
by geoffs
Best wishes to Marc on a speedy recovery.
Very glad that Stuart had his camera recording and here's hoping the footage is useful to the police

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 19 Feb 2012, 16:27
by marc2131
Hi everyone. still quite so so cant type. thanks 4 all ur well wishes/help. may need some advice re.what do 2 next,

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 19 Feb 2012, 17:09
by mikesbytes
Hi Mark, PM me you mobile number

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 19 Feb 2012, 20:20
by Karzie
Best wishes Marc. I saw you go down. 'Tough' comes to mind. I saw you work thru your situation and I could only hope to emulate your courage.

I expected your cheek to be fractured at the very least, I must say.

No doubt you're going to be feeling your bumps and your tooth for some little while to come, and we'll all be thinking of you.


Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 19 Feb 2012, 21:09
by geoff m
Visited Marc around 6pm. Marc was resting in bed with quite a few bandages on and bit sorry looking but in good spirits.

If anyone has experience of claiming against vehicles please PM Marc.

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 07:29
by kiwiames
I wish Mark a speedy recovery.

Seems similar to the crash i had with a taxi a few years ago - i also knocked out my 2 front teeth.

Ill PM marc if he wants more info, but short story is, after my crash in 2009 i went further and got some lawyers for a compensation claim - last year (after 2 years) i got a nice chunk of cash for damages - well worth the effort.

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 08:10
by Strawburger
Hi Marc,

I've had experience in a vehicle crash. I wrote a post about the situation. View here:

If you want any further details please pm me and i'll be in touch


Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 13:08
by marc2131
All you people have been great. WIll be in touch when I feel better.
At the moment enjoying a short but painful holiday from work. Yeah!

Re: Slowies crash

Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 08:50
by marc2131
Thanks Karzie
marc :)

Best wishes Marc. I saw you go down. 'Tough' comes to mind. I saw you work thru your situation and I could only hope to emulate your courage.

I expected your cheek to be fractured at the very least, I must say.

No doubt you're going to be feeling your bumps and your tooth for some little while to come, and we'll all be thinking of you.
