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Save the Greenway...come to Parliament House on Thursday

Posted: 28 May 2012, 21:07
by geoff m
Guys.....this is really, really important.

As you may know, the announced Greenway project by the last government (but as proposed by hard working local community groups with great foresight) was suspended pending further review by the current government one year ago in the budget. And the Light Rail (same corridor) was delayed.

With 10,000 signatures collected to reinstate the visionary project, the parliament of NSW are forced into a debate on the issue. This occurs this Thursday (details below)

It is really important that we get a large crowd turning up to watch the debate to re-inforce to the Govt there is a large groundswell of support for GW. We need to represent those 10,000 signatures with people turning up in numbers.

- we know the Govt is developing its own active transport proposal from White Bay in Balmain to Cooks River incorporating the GW. So the GW is not dead, there is still strong support for it in parts of the bureacracy and among councils. A large crowd next Thursday could help force the Govt to make an announcement.

Friends of The Greenway Flyer attached:

Do you want to see Sydney’s first Greenway built along side the light rail extension?

The GreenWay is a proposed 5km walking and cycling link and a restored bush corridor between Sydney Harbour and the Cooks River, alongside the light rail extension. The Greenway was indefinitely deferred by the Coalition Government in last year’s budget. More information at


4.15pm on THURSDAY 31st MAY

Help us fill the public gallery at Parliament House with school kids and community members to show the Government the people they are hurting by refusing to build the Greenway. The only way to get the Government listen is for the community to turn up in numbers.

The debate is on after school. Catch the train to St James Station and it’s a short walk to Parliament House in Macquarie Street.

Local MPs Jamie Parker, Carmel Tebbutt and Linda Burney will be speaking in favour of the Greenway.

There will be a short meeting afterwards for all supporters in the Waratah
Function Room inside Parliament House to discuss outcome of debate.

Please register by emailing Jennifer Kent at
or texting 0417044618

For further information please go to

Friends of the Greenway Committee

Re: Save the Greenway...come to Parliament House on Thursday

Posted: 28 May 2012, 21:10
by geoff m
For those who have never heard of this project, please review their site. Its basically a bicycle superhighway from Dulwich Hill Train/Light Rail Station all the way to Lilyfield Road. With other potential extensions, it would be a super highway to the city. We are on the cusp of an awesome development happening which would trump anything Victoria has could be the most exciting cycling development or one of the biggest missed opportunities for decades........

Re: Save the Greenway...come to Parliament House on Thursday

Posted: 29 May 2012, 05:22
by Stuart
please, please club members lets get on this. Jo & I would be there for sure but we're in Italy. This is so, so important.

Save the Greenway...come to Parliament House on Thursday

Posted: 29 May 2012, 09:16
by timyone
I can't make it, I'm on prac :(

Re: Save the Greenway...come to Parliament House on Thursday

Posted: 29 May 2012, 23:06
by AliG
I've just registered.

Re: Save the Greenway...come to Parliament House on Thursday

Posted: 31 May 2012, 14:46
by weiyun
Just read on SMH that the O'Farrell govt has approved the light rail extension to Dulwich Hill. How does this vary with the Greenway project? Or is there still significant risk that the bike/pedestrian path won't get built along the light rail track? No mention of the "Greenway" term in the news report. ... 1zk8e.html

Re: Save the Greenway...come to Parliament House on Thursday

Posted: 31 May 2012, 15:02
by marc2131
No Greenway, no bike track. :(

Re: Save the Greenway...come to Parliament House on Thursday

Posted: 01 Jun 2012, 21:58
by Karzie
Just read on SMH that the O'Farrell govt has approved the light rail extension to Dulwich Hill. How does this vary with the Greenway project? Or is there still significant risk that the bike/pedestrian path won't get built along the light rail track? No mention of the "Greenway" term in the news report.l
The new government say that they can't afford to build the greenway. This was confirmed by the minister last night. They can build the highway, but no footpath or nature-strip! (my words).

The gallery was well attended. Accusations of incompetence were flung from one side of The Bearpit to the other, but it was Jamie Parker (Greens, Balmain) who put it succinctly that it had taken 16 years of lobbying to almost get the labour government to begin the project and the campaign would continue until this government saw that it was what the people want.

The transport minister Gladys Berejiklian attended and addressed the gallery directly in response to the presentation of the 10,000 signature petition. Basically she blamed the labour government for spending the housekeeping money.

We then retired to a meeting room in the Parliament and had a de-brief.

Thanks to all who attended.



Then we went down to see 'Vivid' and discovered another protest going on. They wanted to bring Julian Assange back to Oz. I doubt that he'd even make it to Sydney airport terminal before he'd be on a plane to the states tho'!


Anyway, 'Vivid' is well worth a trip down to the quay.
