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C?? (Everyone) Ride Report - July 22nd

Posted: 23 Jul 2012, 12:33
by Nozzle
10 foolish individuals (including myself) set off in the rain for a ride to Waterfall. Some bailed after the bridge on Taren Point Rd. It was miserable, wet and the impending threat of joggers meant those who stuck with it turned around at Sutho. We set a moderate pace and I recorded and average of 27.4kph which was above some of the C25's who did a great job to hang in there. We all rode like lions....

Great to see the sun come out AFTER we had finished our ride.

See you all next Sunday.


Re: C?? (Everyone) Ride Report - July 22nd

Posted: 23 Jul 2012, 13:05
by Dougie

Good work. I was rostered on to lead the ride however once i looked outside, consulted the BOM radar, reviewed the Sydney Area Obseversations at Canterbury, Sydney Airport and Kurnell, then texted Jo the Builder, i decided "bugger it, no one pays me to ride a bike". I appreciate you took it on and completed it all in your stride. You are a Lion, grrrrrowl

I am rostered on again next weekend so we'll see how the week's weather progresses.

Cheers Dougie

Re: C?? (Everyone) Ride Report - July 22nd

Posted: 24 Jul 2012, 11:33
by JoTheBuilder
Yes, well done everyone!

Dougie and I were quite proud of our decision making procedure but I must say I didn't think anyone would go.

I'm out for the next few weeks so here's hoping the weather turns out for you.

Re: C?? (Everyone) Ride Report - July 22nd

Posted: 25 Jul 2012, 20:37
by AliG
I was travelling home from the airport in a taxi on Sunday morning. Couldn't believe the size of the group outside the cafe in the rain - very impressive!