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Do You Call Yourself a Cyclist?

Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 09:12
by JoTheBuilder
A conversation Nathan and I often have at the track. Are we 'cyclists', or do we simply 'ride bikes': ... 28l7f.html

I particularly like the first few comments...

"I think there are 3 ways you know when you are a 'cyclist'

1. You have left some skin on Sydney's roads and have suffered 'rad rash'
2. You have been at work after commuting and forgotten an essential item of clothing and struggled through the day's meetings wearing knicks / wet socks / cycling shoes etc etc
3. You have been honked and swerved at by a car driver for taking up too much space in 'their' lane

BTW - Love the comment "I am not a cyclist, I am a husband and a father" - some road users would do well to remember that."

"Resistance is futile. The force is strong in you. Use the Force.
I am a cyclist. I am also a driver, motorcyclist, pedestrian, air traveller, swimmer, crawler and an enthusiastic lyer-down. All these things define me, but few fulfill me as much as cycling! We are Cyclists. We are Legion. Resistance is futile!"

"I'm pretty big on the lying-down meself.

It's why I don't cycle to work. I'd probably fall off my bike and just lie asleep on the grass."

Re: Do You Call Yourself a Cyclist?

Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 10:01
by marc2131
I regard myself a 'cyclist'.
Been commuting regularly since 2003 and never had a crash.
Joined the DHBC in August 2011 and had 2 crashes (one bad one, 1 very small spill with Christian). Also another during a commute while thinking of the club (bad luck?).
In other words, if you want to stay safe, DON'T join the DHBC! :wink:

Re: Do You Call Yourself a Cyclist?

Posted: 06 Nov 2012, 12:18
by timyone
I used to, but retired, and now I am a triathlete. I feel it gives me more room to breath, as I can not only shave my legs now, but types of make up are also part of the costume.