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NSW Team Sprint Championships - report

Posted: 16 Dec 2012, 16:49
by James Rogers
Taku here. Francis, Broughton and I headed to the team sprints at Dunc Gray today. U15 Boys were the first event, so there wasn't a lot of waiting for us. We got into position on the track. Francis in the gate, then myself and Broughton were held by, um, handlers.

We didn't have any strategy really, our theory was just to go hard. We found out that the it didn't matter if the person coming through wasn't able to make it past the rider coming out for their lap at the crossover, and it was only important that the rider coming out was out of the way. This made us all feel a bit better!

Then when the race started, Francis did a strong lap. We all got into position eventually, but it was a bit of a muddle at the start. On the first lap, Francis pulled up and I came through and it was a good clean turnover. When I pulled up, Broughton came through as fast as he could. Since the track is smaller than Tempe, Broughton still had something left in him to really push on the last lap. At the end of the race we found out Francis had slipped as he was coming down to the duckboard and fallen, but wasn't badly hurt.

Our time was 1.08:54. We watched the other teams ride and they seemed fast. They did also seem like they had more practice than us (we only practiced together once!). It was very fun. I enjoyed my coke and sausage roll as well.

We stayed and watched Lizanne and Ash race. They did well and came third I think? The pink bike really made an impression on me.


Re: NSW Team Sprint Championships - report

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 07:26
by Lizanne
we may have got second, third or 4th... cycling nsw will decide later in the week. come to the track, and i'll try to explain.

Re: NSW Team Sprint Championships - report

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 09:43
by timyone
I don't know if this is a positive or not, but I reckon our lads could have gotten a bronze or silver in the elite, not sure about a gold. It is always hard getting a team free of injury etc :(

Re: NSW Team Sprint Championships - report

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 10:23
by Lizanne
lol they published the results,
check out the elite women...

Re: NSW Team Sprint Championships - report

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 11:20
by timyone
actually smedley was in Bankstown, that isn't as unsprinterish as I was thinking..

Re: NSW Team Sprint Championships - report

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 11:22
by timyone
so you might get gold? did they stuff the change up?

Re: NSW Team Sprint Championships - report

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 11:38
by Lizanne
naw, 2nd, 3rd or 4th...
something to do with me and Ash doing a proper transfer, and a composite team given permission to compete, but not to medal, stuff up in communication, and dealing with females.
i can explain tonight.

And sorry Taku for hijacking your thread.
you guys did so well, and you have what, 3 years still in that age group? that's heaps of time to really mesh as a team. keep up the good work!

Re: NSW Team Sprint Championships - report

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 12:34
by timyone
Well the change might disqualify you, it cost gb and china medals at the Olympics! China lost gold, gb didn't qualify

Re: NSW Team Sprint Championships - report

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 12:51
by Lizanne
not a transfer on the track, a club transfer.

Re: NSW Team Sprint Championships - report

Posted: 17 Dec 2012, 15:24
by JoTheBuilder
So there are no issues with Ash's club transfer Lizanne? Or are you saying there are?

Re: NSW Team Sprint Championships - report

Posted: 18 Dec 2012, 07:16
by Lizanne
no issue on our side. but there was another composite team that got permission to compete, but not to medal... it was all a kerfuffle. i can explain it at the track tomorrow

Re: NSW Team Sprint Championships - report

Posted: 18 Dec 2012, 09:26
by timyone
There will probably just not be a gold awarded