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Uploading activities to Strava - very slow

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 15:08
by Dougie
Everytime i choose to upload an activity to Strava it takes minutes (about five minutes or more) in the "searching for activities" phase, to bring up all the activities that i presume are saved/recorded on my Garmin (500). The very top one is generally the one i wish to save. Once the activities are displayed all the saving etc happens at lightening speed. It just the finding of activities that takes forever.

Does anyone share this issue?
If so, have you overcome in and how?

I have a relativity new laptop with higher processor speed. i have shut down and rebooted and tried just about everything i can think of. I am at the point of pluging in and going off to make a coffee.

Any Thoughts?



Re: Uploading activities to Strava - very slow

Posted: 14 Jan 2013, 15:51
by Nozzle

If your Garmin is loaded up with other ride data, Strava (or Garmin Connect) needs to scan through all your rides then select what to upload.

I manually pick my latest rides and upload them that way. Otherwise delete your old ride data if you don't need it and you can auto upload much quicker.

Hope that helps.

Re: Uploading activities to Strava - very slow

Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 07:45
by Lizanne
ditto with the problem. but it gets worse the more data i have. so i'm assuming it looks through all the stuff to figure out whats new.
when i figure out how to read the garmin data and make it useful then i might start deleting old rides

Re: Uploading activities to Strava - very slow

Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 10:34
by JoTheBuilder
I upload all my rides to both Garmin Connect and Strava. I see this as essentially 'backing up' and so can delete the rides off my Garmin. I have no problem with speed and do this once a fortnight or so.

I have no idea if I can download anything from either of these websites in the event I want to transfer them to a third but I guess it's just like Facebook whereby if it ceases to halt activities (or goes broke) then oh well.

Re: Uploading activities to Strava - very slow

Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 12:40
by Eleri
I don't have this problem at all and I had a couple of years' data on mine until recently when I deleted it for other reasons.

Re: Uploading activities to Strava - very slow

Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 18:02
by Stuart
I back mine up by copying the files and then delete them to make access faster.

Re: Uploading activities to Strava - very slow

Posted: 15 Jan 2013, 22:40
by Anthony K
I chose the option to delete all but the last months data a few days ago and the speed increase was dramatic
Good idea to copy the files to your 'puter before deleting in incase one day you decide to use some other software.

Re: Uploading activities to Strava - very slow

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 09:36
by Nozzle
It is possible to export from both Strava and Garmin Connect though....

Re: Uploading activities to Strava - very slow

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 09:51
by Karzie
They don't publish specs, but there has been suggestions they still use USB 1.0!

Re: Uploading activities to Strava - very slow

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 11:10
by Dougie
Great work everyone. Problem solved. All backed up, deleted and running as fast a greased pig sliding down an icy hill!
Oink oink