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DHBC Juniors Training, News and Statistics 19 Jun 2013

Posted: 21 Jun 2013, 11:16
by colin
Hi All,

Another night with a wet track so again we were under the grand stand for a fun filled trainer/rollers session.

With another great turnout with 16 rides plus Lizanne and myself as James ran the first half of the session.

Just another reminder to bring down your trainer from home as we are sort on rollers and trainers. Thanks Peter for bringing 1 x rollers and 1 x trainer.

Upcoming Event’s

RAW, Race all winter, is on tonight and ever Friday for the next 11 weeks. Open to all second year U13’s and above. I’m going to try and be there tonight.
Warm up starts at 6:30, with the first race at 7:05.

I think everyone had a great time last week and looking at the results, all had good rides. This week all should move up to Div 5 and only first times for this week go into the novice events.
Also remember it’s not about winning or losing but having fun and enjoying the evening, it’s all about getting experience at Dunc Gray. We can work on the winning later!!!

This Saturday Women’s Track is on again from 3pm to 5pm. Rain, hail or shine

July School Holidays Junior Track Sessions Cycling NSW is holding 2 sessions, each Wednesday 9-1 pm, for U5 and U17 for $30, 20 spot only. There may also be 1 session, 9-12, for U13. Depending on number. See for more details.

National Junior Track Series, CA announced the dates, see The first round is in Sydney on the 12-13 Oct. and is open to U15 and U17’s. this year we should be able to put together a full team of 6, any leftovers I can arrange to ride with another combined team. I’d like to know the interest in compelting in Sydney and if anf who are interested in the other round in Melbourne (Nov 23-24), Launceston (Dec 6-7) and Adelaide (Jan 17-18).

I will be away for a month returning on the 12Oct, I’ll miss the first day, so I/we need to get a move on so I can forward on details.

Road stuff
Great to hear Taku and Tom’s efforts in Tamworth the other weekend and Chris and Bill’s current progress in the Santo’s North West Tour.

This Week’s Session (dry track, figures crossed)

All - Warm up and Paceline drills
Group A rollers
Group B and C alternating between warm up and track
All - warm down/racing

None this week.

To Lizanne, Peter and James

‘til next Wednesday
