Sunday the 20th Jan is the 3rd Sunday of the Month

Road cycling & upcoming rides
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Postby jimmy » 18 Jan 2008, 15:42

which means...


This time, we already know which way we are going to. In at Audley and out at Waterfall.

At this stage it is weather depending, but I am hoping to be at Mick Mazza's at 6am on Sunday.

See you all there...


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Postby weiyun » 18 Jan 2008, 18:06

Pray to the weather God... I'll be in if the weather clears.

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geoff m
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Postby geoff m » 20 Jan 2008, 21:26

Was pouring down on Sat night so I thought Sunday had no chance (and obviously all of you).

Woke up at 5.15am expecting rain. No rain. Checked outside and it was wet but hadn't rained for several hours and I could see a whole section of the sky without clouds. So I made the decision to go.

No one else did, as soon found out as I was on my own. Not only that, but most of Sydney's cyclists, cars and motorbikes seemed to have all slept in.

I hardly saw a bike most of the way to the entrance, let along bludge a ride.

I was feeling good and going at a nice pace, and my pace. Went in at Audley and got up the hill OK.

Got up to Waterfall at 8.15am. 3 kms later, finally two guys passed me and I jumped on a bludged a ride back to 7/11 Servo after 54kms solo.

Luckily I met with the club at the servo (all three of them!) and we headed back to Besic St where Lindsay and Mick had gone in advance.

Then we re-acquainted ourselves with Cafe Bobos.

The day was overcast, most of the roads were dry, the temperature was mild and there was a definitely a smaller number of other vehicles out, esp in the RNP. All in all, great day for cycling!

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Postby weiyun » 21 Jan 2008, 08:26

Good on you for your dedication! :D

What was it like in RNP? Was the road wet? Were there a lot of run-offs?

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Postby jimmy » 21 Jan 2008, 08:46

Yeah, I piked. I got up, looked at the sky, looked at the ground, and decided to go back to bed. As it turned out it was a bad call and I could have got at least one ride in over the weekend.


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Postby Damian » 21 Jan 2008, 10:49

I did waterfall, the road was dry out but the humidity was pretty killer, I had sweat dripping off everywhere by 6:30. I'm amazed I got out, I had some dinner guests the night before who didn't leave until 2:30am :shock:

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Postby FAswad » 21 Jan 2008, 13:06

I started early and did the Helensburgh loop because I had to be back early.

Funny thing is, a tree had fallen during the night and completely blocked the road. We stopped and, as I did not have the SES number on me, I called 000 and tried to report it the the Fire brigades, but they did not seem that interested and the line cut off soon after. Then, at the fish and chips shop, I took a right turn to add another climb and, luckily, ran into a RFS volunteer. I stopped and asked him if he was aware of the tree blocking the road and he did not seem interested either.

Ah well. At least I tried.

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Postby weiyun » 21 Jan 2008, 13:36

Wouldn't that be Park Ranger or RTA's problem? You'd think that the police would be interested too.

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Postby geoff m » 21 Jan 2008, 20:43

Good on you for your dedication! :D

What was it like in RNP? Was the road wet? Were there a lot of run-offs?
The roads were quite wet in parts within the Park. Looks like there had been some showers just before. There was some low lying cloud hugging the ridges. So I took it a bit easy going round the corners. Don't know why I did - most of the roads are now dead roads with plenty of roughage.

Hardly anyone in there. I only got passed by about 4 motorbikes which must be a record. Few cars. Saw about 20 riders in all but unfortunately for me, no one coming from behind.

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Postby weiyun » 21 Jan 2008, 21:45

Saw about 20 riders in all but unfortunately for me, no one coming from behind.
What's wrong with that? You must be improving and no one can catch you. ;)

I still remember being humbled by a lady cyclists the first time I did RNP. She overtook me just like that...

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