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Waratah Park Crit with Southern Cross CC

Posted: 06 Jul 2014, 18:26
by jcaley
We were three DHBC father and son combos - Simon and Tom Bolton, James and Taku Rodgers and John and Bro Caley rode out to Waratah Park Sutherland for the regular Southern Cross CC Sunday morning criteriums. The Waratah Park track is a nice smooth circuit and the racing is pretty casual - apparently you can change grades mid -race! (but no contesting the finish if you move down). We got a good warm-up riding out with the DHBC bunch, but by the time the race started three quarters of an hour later, James and I at least were shivering. Tom of course entered A grade while Simon opted for a cruisy C grade. I felt pretty fast for the first few laps in B grade (with James, Bro and Taku), spending a bit of time on the front but after a few laps (they are very short laps) reality set in as others started pushing hard up the hill. I hung in there but the legs were getting tired and fit young kids kept riding past up the hill. In the final lap James, who spent most the race on or close to the front made a break but was caught by Tom Cornish in the home straight. Bro was on Tom's tail but couldn't get past James. I managed to pass a couple of the young riders on the home straight and finished somewhere in the middle. A few minutes later, we got to see Tom Bolton just pass his friend Sean (Shaun?) on the line to win A grade. I wish I had a camera on me. Simon said C grade was a bit slow for his taste but he missed the chance to jump onto the back of B grade as allowed under the flexible rules.
We managed to pick the one Sunday of the month when they pay prize money so Bro earned back the entry fees I paid while James reckoned his earnings would also cover coffee. Very tired now after continuing to Waterfall with some Southern Cross riders after the race.
This was my 4th criterium and I would recommend it for anyone wanting give it a go. Its pretty convenient for DHBC as the Waterfall ride goes right past the gate at about sign-on time for A-C grade.

Re: Waratah Park Crit with Southern Cross CC

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 11:27
by James Rogers
Nice report John. It is a great course, and very friendly racing.

Re: Waratah Park Crit with Southern Cross CC

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 15:25
by mikesbytes
Last time I raced there, they had B & C race together. Was that the case this time?

Re: Waratah Park Crit with Southern Cross CC

Posted: 08 Jul 2014, 17:33
by James Rogers
A/B/C were all individual groups, but all on the track at the same time.

Re: Waratah Park Crit with Southern Cross CC

Posted: 09 Aug 2014, 20:19
by jcaley
Bro and I are doing this again tomorrow (Sunday). We'll ride out with the middies or 28s bunch and try to hitch a ride back with 25s if we can get to the servo in time.

Re: Waratah Park Crit with Southern Cross CC

Posted: 10 Aug 2014, 15:12
by jcaley
Bro and I entered B grade at Waratah park. Bro finished third overall (A grade had a 1 lap handicap) and first in B grade.

Re: Waratah Park Crit with Southern Cross CC

Posted: 10 Aug 2014, 15:34
by Eleri
Well done Bro! Congrats.

And what happened to you, John?

Re: Waratah Park Crit with Southern Cross CC

Posted: 10 Aug 2014, 19:36
by jcaley
Well, I held on after A grade caught us on the second last uphill. Then I powered downhill past the bunch, coz it seems a waste applying the brakes, giving Bro a bit of a draft forward in the process. Then everyone rode away up the hill and I pootled on to finish well behind. Story of my life...