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tazzy tour, what are we riding?

Posted: 08 Feb 2008, 17:47
by timyone
how far are we going etc?
whos got it planned?

Posted: 08 Feb 2008, 22:24
by T-Bone
I'm planning it, gradually.... just need to know what our max daily distance is able to be. I'll try to keep each day at 100km or less, but i think we may need 1 longer day to get where i'm thinking of going. I'm trying to make the trip leave Sunday, return Thursday, so 5 days of riding, but this all depends on our distances, for me rather than do something like 50km on the friday as well, i'd rather get that distance done earlier in a longer days riding. I think last year our shortest day was 99km, though the only times we had issues getting to where we were going was when we left after midday, so no afternoon starts means we can have a comfortable ride.

Anyway, give me your ideas of daily distance and anywhere in the north-west you wish to visit. I'm thinking so far Cheese factory at Burnie, The Nut at Stanley, and Pancakes at Promised Land. Cradle Mountain is probably out this year due to distances and possible accomodation problems (since we don't want to pay too much for accomodation).

Posted: 09 Feb 2008, 09:35
by timyone
im up for what ever, id say that id rather stay as close to 250 metres a day as possible, but i totally want to be pushed while im there, so yeah go for what ever :S hopefully ill cope with it (while riding on lindseys wheel :D

Posted: 10 Feb 2008, 11:23
by Huw
id rather stay as close to 250 metres a day as possible
If we do 275 m each day, you can say you gave it 110%.
i totally want to be pushed while im there
If I lead you out, we might be able to get away with 0.5 km. 500 very fast metres, very tiring metres. Then straight to the canteen for post-ride loading.

Posted: 10 Feb 2008, 11:53
by Huw
I've been chatting with Selga, and she says "100 km a day is fine, as long as it's not all hills". She also said, and I quote; "piece of piss". So now there no excuses. Anyway, she sounds happy with the plan as stated, and so am I.

James, thanks for organising this! What is the current list of places to go? Let us know here and I'll draw up a map for the journal.

Posted: 10 Feb 2008, 13:44
by timyone
If we do 275 m each day, you can say you gave it 110%.
If I lead you out, we might be able to get away with 0.5 km. 500 very fast metres, very tiring metres. Then straight to the canteen for post-ride loading.
i like this train of thought :D

Posted: 10 Feb 2008, 21:07
by T-Bone
She also said, and I quote; "piece of piss".
Sounds good!! Looks like i can chuck in that one longer day to make it easier to get the distances covered. This will probably be happening on the roads we've already riden on, but i'll have to consult the map again.

Posted: 11 Feb 2008, 08:40
by Huw
Just a quick list of placenames so I can describe the rough route of the tour - doesn't matter if they turn out to be wrong! :D

Posted: 11 Feb 2008, 09:00
by lindsay
The Nut...

Posted: 11 Feb 2008, 09:06
by Huw
Are you talking about The Nut in Stanley?

Posted: 11 Feb 2008, 09:46
by T-Bone
Yeah, that's the one.

Posted: 12 Feb 2008, 10:20
by T-Bone
I made up a bit of a plan for the first 3 days riding. ... /764185807

There are a few options though. Day 1 alternative options include riding up the East Tamar hwy and crossing the river at the Batman Bridge, then heading to York Town and then Latrobe for the first night. Or we can Stay on the West side and head up to York Town and then Latrobe (probably the best option unless we want to see something on the east).

Day 2 could involve a short loop to Port Sorrell before heading west again, with the plan to spend the night in Wynyard. Tried to stay off the main highway as much as possible, as we'll most likely use that to speed back east. Lunch at the Lactos Cheese Factory in Burnie.

Day 3 plan is to get to Stanley, thought we might as well stop at Sisters Beach on the way. We also need to Climb the Nut in the afternoon.

Distances according to the map are Day 1 100km, Day2 90km, Day 3 80km.

Plan for day 4 is to get to Sheffield, and we have a choice of costal, or we could cut inland and try some of those roads out, which would probably increase the distances of the long day again.

Day 5 plan is to head back to base at Perth, stopping at the Promised Land for pancakes (maybe after a detour to Nowhere Else for no particular reason, other than it exists). Then through Liena, Mole Creek, Deloraine and back to Perth.

This would give us the Friday to relax and prepare for a day of racing.

Posted: 12 Feb 2008, 11:53
by Stretch
I'm feeling a bit trepedatious about the climb on the first day (depending on what the ride does to me on the Saturday). OK . . . it's only 280metres.
Save me a bed I'll be in by midnight

Posted: 12 Feb 2008, 12:24
by T-Bone
Riding to Waterfall gets you to about 250m, so it's not really as bad as you think, plus it's over a reasonable distance. Riding the northern route gives you a climb of the same height, but over a shorter distance, so basically a bit steeper, but still not too bad. It also adds probably 20km of distance.

Posted: 12 Feb 2008, 16:57
by T-Bone
Well, here's my plan for day's 4 and 5. ... y/95734318

Day 4 Stanley to Sheffield, 147km.

Day 5 Sheffield to Perth 138km. Bit more than i was planning, but i'm sure we'll cope, as i don't see much point staying at Deloraine when Perth is so close. Rather than going the Lienna route, there is an option to go via Paradise in order to dampen the hill slightly, though i reckon Lienna might be more scenic. Don't forget, the Pancakes in the morning will get you through the day.

Any objections, suggestions, or whatever, let's here them!!!

Posted: 12 Feb 2008, 17:25
by weiyun
Riding to Waterfall gets you to about 250m...
That's by absolute elevation rather than cumulative climb. If there are a lot of rolling hills on a route, the pain could be a lot worse. Or maybe I should just butt out and stop my scare mongering in this thread. :roll:

Posted: 12 Feb 2008, 18:08
by T-Bone
Well it's a 290m rise over 20-25km, so nothing to worry about in my opinion.

Posted: 12 Feb 2008, 18:48
by mikesbytes
Doing anything apart from cycling?

Posted: 12 Feb 2008, 19:17
by timyone
i was thinking of trying to find some pole dancing classes, my legs are going to look hot after all this riding!

Posted: 12 Feb 2008, 19:20
by Stretch
Doing anything apart from cycling?
eating . . .sleeping. . . .zzzzzz

Posted: 12 Feb 2008, 19:29
by mikesbytes
i was thinking of trying to find some pole dancing classes, my legs are going to look hot after all this riding!
The pole dancing studio is just down the road from me on Canterbury Road.

Posted: 12 Feb 2008, 19:30
by timyone
really? theres one on parramatta road too. I wanted this to be a surprised for when i get back :D I dont actually have any one to surprise or show, but yeah.

Posted: 12 Feb 2008, 19:35
by mikesbytes
Tim, better rename this thread - NSFW

Posted: 12 Feb 2008, 19:40
by timyone
man all for excercise!