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Cycleworld NSW Masters Metropolitan Cup moved to Fri 4th Apr

Posted: 12 Mar 2008, 22:26
by geoff m
Dear all,

Looks like our great centennary event has been shifted to Friday 4th April.

There was a real buzz at the track and great support from our club, and we are ready to host and deliver this event, so long as the Sydney weather is kind next time.

Please mark this in your diary to turn out again, and encourage the participants you know, to turn up to finish the job they came to do on March 7th.

We thank Principal sponsors Cycleworld at Burwood who have blown us away with going above and beyond to support this event.

Also, our supporting sponsors Rocky Point Road Cycles (thanks Terry!), Mick Publicity Officer Mazza Cycles, and one large hot flat white Cafe Bobos.

And us organisers of the event cannot go beyond the patience and absolute support, of our very own Cycling NSW, to ensure this historical event takes place hosted by a very historic club.

Posted: 13 Mar 2008, 07:13
by Beanzy

I can't attend.

I have a meeting in Orange that day.



Posted: 24 Mar 2008, 22:04
by geoff m
Great news is that after riders dropped down from 44 riders to 30 after the first week with the new schedule, we have 51 riders now registered.

Start List
51 Competitors
MMAS2, 11 Competitors
MMAS3, 6 Competitors
MMAS4, 7 Competitors
MMAS5, 6 Competitors
MMAS6, 4 Competitors
MMAS7, 4 Competitors
MMAS8, 1 Competitor
WMAS3, 2 Competitors
WMAS4, 1 Competitor
WMAS5, 1 Competitor

Beanzy, you are officially still on the list?

So again, we need all members to get out there and help make our first major event a success.

Anyone who can bring back 'El Nino' just for the night, would be welcomed.

Posted: 25 Mar 2008, 07:35
by Beanzy
I sent email to withdraw on the weekend.

I would expect to be removed sometime soon.

Posted: 25 Mar 2008, 12:07
by geoff m
I sent email to withdraw on the weekend.

I would expect to be removed sometime soon.

Start List
50 Competitors!

Next time Beanzy. pity.

Posted: 03 Apr 2008, 12:28
by geoff m
OK everyone - dont' forget to get down to the track.

Its on - weather permitting of course - and we need all hands on deck!

Posted: 03 Apr 2008, 13:38
by weiyun
Tomorrow night? Hopefully I can get away and drop in... :roll:

Posted: 03 Apr 2008, 21:42
by geoff m
Touch wood....

Forecast is 22 degrees max and sunny!!!!!

Lindsay was saying tonight he needs up to 9 people to help make the TT event work quickly, with 4 people working simultaneous in holding bikes when they start.

I need possible one big esky. If you can, please volunteer first below.

Lastly, some shots would be good. Hopefully Huw you can bring your camera/

See you tomorrow.

Posted: 04 Apr 2008, 07:15
by Adrian E

I'll bring the blue esky again but I'm not sure if its as big as what your after?

Posted: 04 Apr 2008, 09:33
by micklan
I can bring an esky to the venue as well - if this is a help

Posted: 04 Apr 2008, 09:34
by micklan
should the esky be filled with amber fluid?

Posted: 04 Apr 2008, 10:06
by mikesbytes
should the esky be filled with amber fluid?
Do you even need to ask that question?

Posted: 04 Apr 2008, 10:32
by micklan
Do you even need to ask that question?
D'oh! - there i go again...

Homer's ubiquitous catch phrase "D'oh!" was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2002,[57] without the apostrophe. The spoken word D'oh is a trademark of 20th Century Fox

Posted: 04 Apr 2008, 10:42
by mikesbytes
Which particular amber fluid is your preference Michael?

Posted: 04 Apr 2008, 12:30
by geoff m
Which particular amber fluid is your preference Michael?
Hopefully Al & Coral's tea without milk.

All riders and clubs must abide by UCI rules and regulations - at least until racing is complete and the event officially completed.

Posted: 04 Apr 2008, 12:31
by geoff m
Mick and Adrian,

If you don't mind bringing the two, at worst we will have one too many and not one too few!

Posted: 04 Apr 2008, 15:16
by mcrkennedy

I can bring one too if you want.


Posted: 04 Apr 2008, 23:40
by geoff m
Tonight (or yesterday now) was a great, great night. We had about 30 riders turnout and the event went off with only a few hitches.

With Grant taking leave as a new Daddy, we all pulled together to make it run smoothly.

Lindsay really directed the center area and track well, organising about 10 people with night long roles. Thanks Lindsay. Great work by Simon (sign on and advice), Tim (race announcer) , James M, Stretch (both officiating on finishing places),and a special thanks to Nick B who with great track experience and still officially a registered Commissaire until 12th April, was able to provide some great advice to deal with the complexities of combining categories

We had Huw working and taking shots, FasWad (Fred) taking all the official shots, and Adrian did a stunning job on the best BBQ rolls with eggs, bacon, sausages and onions which ensure we sold all our 70 bread rolls with filling (despite forgetting the gas bottle and matches - we put our business continuity plan into play).

I stocked and set up the Canteen and thanks to Sinead, Ryan and Therese M for running the show here, and doing the raffle ticket sales.

Lets not forget Ron P Commissaire from CNSW and Arthur D, the other Commissaire, and our very own DHBC member.

Everyone did a great job - I've missed out a few people at this moment. Lindsay if you could shed light on the others.....

What a great wheel race.

And thanks to Cycle World our Principal Sponsor of the Event, and supporters, Rocky Point Road Cycles, Mick Mazza Cycles and Cafe Bobo.

Posted: 06 Apr 2008, 07:13
by timbat
Thanks a lot for all the efforts of DHBC members, the event went off very smoothly! Sure was chilly inside the track ....

Posted: 07 Apr 2008, 12:02
by mikesbytes
I've been asked about the photo's, so I'm assuming that's a question for Fred. Also Huw took some I think.

Posted: 12 Apr 2008, 12:59
by FAswad
Sorry. Rarley check out the track section.

Photos will be up somewhere sometime next weak. There is quite a few (over 200), which means processing has taken a bit. Also trying to figure out weather to upload to DHBC website in low resolution or host on another site and link to there.

Bear with me. Will keep you posted.