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Heffron Park - 15 March 2008

Posted: 14 Mar 2008, 20:03
by micklan
Hi - Bill i plan to go - looks good

Forecast for Saturday
Early fog inland ahead of a fine, mostly sunny day. Light winds tending northeasterly and freshening during the afternoon.
Precis: Fine. Mostly sunny. :P

Posted: 14 Mar 2008, 20:09
by Adrian E
Chris R and I are also in for D grade.

Posted: 14 Mar 2008, 20:11
by micklan
we'll get some good pics of you after E grade :idea:

mikebytes mentioned he will go also maybe C grade?

Posted: 14 Mar 2008, 21:19
by Toff
I would love to come and ride in D grade, but, like Weiyun, I have been sick as a dog all week. I'll probably just roll around Centennial, and wait until next week. Good luck lads...

Posted: 14 Mar 2008, 22:51
by mikesbytes
I should be there for D grade

Posted: 14 Mar 2008, 23:23
by T-Bone
I've been sick for half the week, but i've got tomorrow off work, so i might as well revisit Heffron. C grade is probably the go, though i won't be winning anything! :(


Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 19:51
by micklan
D grade peace bro...
5 DH riders here I think - (I just aimed for red jerseys)
Pre-departure briefing - it's very nice...
Adriano Maradini Moto Guzzi Officialdom. (Californian V twin, shaft drive, CHIPS)
Adrian black carbon D grade
MikesBytes D grade attack
James C grade
D grade break
D grade break
C grade
C grade

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 20:05
by mikesbytes
Chris got a flat on the way over that delayed us a little, but we did arrive just in time to get some pics;

F Grade - The big fella wins again

E Grade had split into 2 bunches about even in size, Michael L was in the first bunch

Bill was in the second bunch and did better than Michael L with my crappy camera

Please congratulate Michael L on his second place.

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 20:40
by micklan
Thanks Mike
Congratulations on your 4th place in D grade. There were also two bunches I think in D grade and you led the bigger bunch for most of the race.
E grade report
DH riders =
William D & Michael L.
E grade had a bigger field today which is great. Bill, being true to form, lept out of the gates and set us a pace to follow. A 13 year old boy, Luke? all of 38kg won E grade. On lap 8 he took off, and that was it. It was a line race for the other places = av speed 33.7 kmph.
Its a good vibe at Heffron, and a great afternoon. Alas We forgot to get a team photo. About 8 of us rode back...

(Note: there's no Easter Sat racing at Heffron)

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 20:46
by williamd

Michael L on your 2nd place.

Michael Bytes on your fourth place.

What about me it isn't fair. :cry:

I was distracted by the Irish girl. :wink:

Great photographs. :

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 20:56
by micklan
lol - E grade is good - we have ladies racing with us :P

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 21:07
by weiyun
lol - E grade is good - we have ladies racing with us :P
You guys have Leanne! ;)

Good job guys. Looked to be a fantastic turn out for the club.

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 21:36
by mikesbytes
Thanks Mike
Congratulations on your 4th place in D grade. There were also two bunches I think in D grade and you led the bigger bunch for most of the race.
E grade report
E grade had a bigger field today which is great. Bill, being true to form, lept out of the gates and set us a pace to follow. A 13 year old boy, Luke? all of 38kg won E grade. On lap 8 he took off, and that was it. It was a line race for the other places = av speed 33.7 kmph.
Its a good vibe at Heffron, and a great afternoon. Alas We forgot to get a team photo. About 8 of us rode back...

(Note: there's no Easter Sat racing at Heffron)
Kids, they are only going to get faster. 2 years from now Luke will be killing me off.

Didn't know there were two bunches in D grade, so it had really split up, with a breakaway, for a while a chase trio and 2 bunches.

The winder it is the more the grades tend to split.

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 21:36
by mikesbytes
Mikes Race Report Heffron Park D grade 15th March 2008

14 laps at 2.02k each (according to Beanzy). Conditions Warm and Windy. 23 riders by my count. Average speed for the bunch is probably about 35.2kph.

Dulwich Hill Riders
Chris (not toff)
Paul on his second race
Michael ? on his second crit race after his aborted first race due to a flat
Michael C (yours truely)

Chris was a DNS, as his rear tyre had blown a hole in the side and the E grade riders didn't have 9 speed wheels.

After the first lap I went to the front and did most of the driving for the next 2 laps with Nick doing some too and then there was a break of 2 riders. There were several attempts to bridge to riders and Adrian an another rider managed to get there in separate attempts.

Successive other attempts to bridge to the group, including one by myself were unsuccessful and the bunch did work together to try to bridge the gap. Nick, Paul and Myself contributed to the attempts to get back on. Beanzy had a go too, but he went past too fast and no one got his wheel. I'd have to say that when I had a go at bridging the gap by sucking the wheel of another rider who was having a go at bridging the gap, that the rider was so strong that I wasn't even able to hold his wheel, it took him about 2 laps out in the wind by himself to bridge that gap.

Me, well I pushed really hard early on, in particular laps 2 & 3 and paid the price later in the race for over doing it, from lap 9 my calf cramps, I started to suffer calf cramps from lap 9 of 14 and at one point I was forced to release my leg from the pedal and fall off the pack, though I climbed back on. I had to modify my riding style considerably and I was using the left leg completely different to the right leg, I was in trouble but doing my best to hang on.

Last lap and I was on the back of the bunch and struggling to stay on, though coming around the back and into a head wind, I was given an offer I couldn't refuse, with Nick moving up to the front, I took his wheel and moved into second place behind him. My calves were completely locked up and I couldn't feel anything in my right lower leg, it was completely numb and I couldn't stand however I had the perfect wheel for the bunch sprint, I just sat behind, one rider came past and was even with him, however there was a handy gap between them, so at the right time I pulled over and between, rolling over the line a little ahead, for a 4th place (first in the bunch sprint), despite not having calves at my disposal. The sprint for 4th was really Nicks work, not mine, thanks Nick.

Posted: 15 Mar 2008, 23:19
by T-Bone
Unfortunately it was only C grade for me, not B grade. I'll have to wait until i've done some more training for that.

I'll write something up tomorrow night hopefully.

Posted: 16 Mar 2008, 09:39
by weiyun
Mike, you need to add Christian to the list.

Posted: 16 Mar 2008, 10:06
by mikesbytes
Apologies to Christian for missing him on my report, will update later.

Posted: 16 Mar 2008, 10:29
by Beanzy
Average speed D Grade by my clock when i pulled out on lap 10: 35.6km/h.


Posted: 16 Mar 2008, 11:26
by Adrian E
D Grade was a bit of a non-event for me, but not as tragic as poor Chris who has two flats before the race even began. I managed to chase down the break (around lap 5) then do a few laps with the break away. Another bunch came through (I think it was B grade) and the main problem was staying off the back of them so they’d pass, but then wanting to put in a big effort to maintain the breakaway. They rolled through, then we caught up to them again and had to drop back. I think the bunch really helped the breakaway as we got a little bit of a draft (can't do anything to stop that) and they slowed the chasing group behind us. At about lap 8 or 9 my stomach started to boil like a witches caldron, I cramped up and I got my first DNF. I knew what was happening because it had happened before where had some cold meat in my system before a hard ride. Only good news to report is that new bike feels a million.

Posted: 17 Mar 2008, 09:01
by micklan
You guys have Leanne! ;)
Yes Leanne (RBCC) is in E grade race, there are ladies also from the SCC in race and - I'm sure Bill referred to me as 'big girl' for not keeping up with him at the start of the race... :roll:

Posted: 17 Mar 2008, 11:57
by williamd
Hey Big Girl

You have got 2nd place again so your really improving and I heard you backed it up with a RNP ride on Sunday.

Have you been training with Michael Kennedy.

Posted: 17 Mar 2008, 12:56
by micklan
Hey Big Girl
you backed it up with a RNP ride on Sunday.
Have you been training with Michael Kennedy.
i can retire now - I haven't seen Mr Kennedy at Heffron for a while...

Posted: 17 Mar 2008, 17:38
by williamd
Michael Kennedy is on secret training along Hawthorne Parade Haberfield.

Hey Michael

If you go to the randwick webb site it shows a photo of you at the start of the race.

I am trying to place a photgraph (same as you have)under Author.

Can you advise me how you did this.

Posted: 17 Mar 2008, 17:42
by mikesbytes
Michael Kennedy is on secret training along Hawthorne Parade Haberfield.
I can verify this

Posted: 17 Mar 2008, 17:44
by micklan
woops - your author avatar - right, Bill you need to upload that picture in ur profile - down the bottom of ur profile page - its needs to be small = like I think 80*80

Posted: 17 Mar 2008, 20:22
by weiyun
Don't upload a large image as what Geoff once did. ;)

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 07:25
by jimmy
I think that because Geoff was a moderator at the time, he was able to overrule the settings.

I will check them and see what the limit is.


Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 07:28
by jimmy
The limit is set to 80x80, I have resized yours Bill to this size, it seems possible for anyone to overrule the settings.

I am not that fussed about it personally, as it is only a small forum, and it isn't that hard to fix.


Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 08:02
by micklan
Bill i can see from your picture you've installed a full fairing on your bicycle - outstandng this will help in the grafton ride :twisted:

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 08:18
by mikesbytes
Bill can you post a big version of that Avatar, so I can see what it is

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 16:38
by williamd
Hey guys

Its the batman bicycle.

I need less wind drag.

I think think I can get it up to 100k/h in the RNP.

I will send a bigger picture of the bike when I get home.

Have a guess what the fairing is off.

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 17:46
by williamd
Hi guys this is more pictures of the batman bicyle




Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 18:44
by mikesbytes
Yamaha RZ350 ?

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 18:52
by williamd
Wrong - try again

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 19:04
by williamd
1967 model

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 19:34
by mikesbytes
I actually meant to write TZ350, which is still wrong.

A1R350 ?

Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 19:59
by micklan
sewing machine - BMW R750

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 10:16
by williamd

It is from a spanish bike

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 10:26
by weiyun
Bultaco? Montesa?

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 10:31
by williamd
it is a bultaco metralla

your right

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 10:35
by weiyun
Google is my friend. :lol:

Something like this?

BTW, I know bugger all about motorcycles and associated history.

So Bill, are you also a motorcycle aficionado?

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 10:36
by micklan
no joking now... - but using it at Heffron would see the av speed up and the wind would never be against you Weiyun :shock:

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 10:37
by mikesbytes
How dumb am I, its not off a race bike because its got an opening for a head light.

Just looks way to big to be off a Spanish bike. I don't even know Spanish bikes, the only brands that come to mind are;
- Bultaco
- Montessa

Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 10:40
by weiyun
Bill in his youth...


:shock: :shock: :shock: