No rain, the sun was out and the weather was a wonderful.
Great turn out with about 40 bikes and about 14 stalls. A bit down on last year but that can be attributed to the cancellation (due to bad weather back in March). We'll have better luck next year.
However we had a few coups this year:
1. Scored a PAGE ONE headline and massive pic on the Sydney Morning Herald, 4 May 2017.
2. Scored a mention and pic overseas. This one from The Gulf Times, in Dubai. Dennis Mahboub (front) and Phil Jurd.
3. Held the first ever recorded Hobby Horse race in Australian history. Last mention of a use of the Hobby Horse was made in 1836. Winner was DHBC's Marc Rerceretnam followed by Andrew Smith from Bathurst. Both machines made by John Kitchen.
4. First 'Le Mans' style folding bicycle race in history. Winner was Oliver Cashman from show sponsors Omafiets. Last was Denis Burnham (see video on the Dulwich Hill Bicycle Club or Sydney Classic Bicycle Show Facebook pages)
5. Great Microcar and Scooter display by the NSW Microcar and Scooter Club. Third year running.
6. Lots of Penny Farthings and races (Dennis Mahboub and Phil Jurd from the Blue Mts)
Magic turnout, happy faces, free jumping castles, great feedback, fantastic community engagement initiative, fun races.
Congrats to all the winners of various categories at the 2017 Sydney Classic Bicycle Show.
The 9 CONCOURS categories are:
1. Bicycle pre-1961 - WINNER: Ron Kitchen
2. Road bicycle 1961-1980 WINNER: Roger Webber
3. Road bicycle 1981-1995 WINNER: Brian Sprouster
4. Road bicycle 1996 - current WINNER: To be announced
5. Fixie WINNER: Camilla Norman
6. Track WINNER: Danny Brooks
7. Penny Farthing (original or reproduction) WINNER: Dan Bolwell
8. People’s Choice WINNER: M Moss and P Tregillgas
9. Best in Show WINNER: Ron O'Connor
10. Best Restored WINNER: Danny Brooks
11. Best Original WINNER: Ian Carswell
2017 Sydney Classic Bicycle Show - 6 May photos from event
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