2017 Valley Wheelers Royal Tour (Mudgee to Hill End)

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Postby lindsay » 21 Aug 2017, 16:32

The 2017 Royal Tour kicks off on Saturday 28th October with a ride from Mudgee to Hill End, returning the next day.

This is the fourth year of the Mudgee tours organised by the Valley Wheelers of DHBC as a "Steel is Real" event. Although we encourage riders to ride retro, it’s not mandatory and for this ride it’s better to have a bike with some climbing gears and not the 5 speed racing block.

Distances are approx 75km each day with some challenging climbs and great views. We have plenty of stops for refreshments and a lunch at Hargraves.

It is a supported ride with team cars and lashings of ginger beer. We have a sag wagon for any mechanicals or riders. Overnight bags are transported to Hill End for all participants.

Numbers are such that, for the first time, the Royal Hotel in Hill End has been fully booked for us and we’ll be expanding with other accommodation offerings around the town. Ride starts at Mudgee 10am Saturday so riders can either drive from Sydney Saturday morning or Friday and stay in Mudgee Friday night (we organise a group dinner in Mudgee).

Cost is usually around $120 for meals and accommodation. We finalize closer to the event.

The Mile Munchers Prologue… Offered for Friday 27th October before the Royal Tour this is a day for the brave long distance rider. It is unsupported and this year offers the inspiring ride from Muswellbrook to Mudgee (approx 180km). It will require transport (by train) to Muswellbrook Thursday afternoon and accommodation overnight. Arriving Friday evening in Mudgee.

If you are interested in our Royal Tour please speak to Michelle, Peter T or myself or leave your details below.

Information on Hill End: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill_End,_New_South_Wales

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Postby Neilm » 21 Aug 2017, 17:16

would really like to do this lindsay but it clashing with fitzs weekend

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Postby marc2131 » 24 Aug 2017, 15:38

Last years Mile Muncher's ride (Friday from Lithgow to Mudgee) was a washout.


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Postby marc2131 » 24 Aug 2017, 15:59

Photos from last year's Hillend Royal Tour.

At the Mudgee start on Saturday morning, approx. 9.30am.
DSCN1421 Lawson Pk 1 Oct.JPG
DSCN1421 Lawson Pk 1 Oct.JPG (214.89 KiB) Viewed 6049 times

First stop outside Mudgee on Hargreave Rd. Lots of yummy stuff.
DSCN1425 First stop out of Mudgee to Hargraves 1 Oct.JPG
DSCN1425 First stop out of Mudgee to Hargraves 1 Oct.JPG (182.13 KiB) Viewed 6049 times

First lunch time stop at the Digger's Rest 'shed' for catered lunch.
DSCN1432 At Hargraves, Diggers Rest 1Oct.JPG
DSCN1432 At Hargraves, Diggers Rest 1Oct.JPG (148.69 KiB) Viewed 6049 times

Our final destination - The Royal at Hillend.
DSCN1441 Royal Hotel @ Hillend 1Oct.JPG
DSCN1441 Royal Hotel @ Hillend 1Oct.JPG (121.31 KiB) Viewed 6049 times

Photos at the Royal ....
DSCN1439 Royal Hotel @ Hillend 1 Oct.JPG
DSCN1439 Royal Hotel @ Hillend 1 Oct.JPG (137.38 KiB) Viewed 6049 times
DSCN1442 Hillend.JPG
DSCN1442 Hillend.JPG (178.87 KiB) Viewed 6048 times
DSCN1449 Hill End.JPG
DSCN1449 Hill End.JPG (190.38 KiB) Viewed 6048 times
DSCN1453 Hill End Church.JPG
DSCN1453 Hill End Church.JPG (165.79 KiB) Viewed 6048 times
DSCN1462.JPG (113.58 KiB) Viewed 6049 times
DSCN1467 Leaving Hill End 2Oct.JPG
DSCN1467 Leaving Hill End 2Oct.JPG (258.99 KiB) Viewed 6049 times

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