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2018 DHBC Annual General Meeting, 10 May 2018 @ the Stirrup Gallery, Addison Rd Community Centre

Posted: 04 Jun 2018, 10:05
by marc2131
The 2018 DHBC Annual General Meeting was held at the Stirrup Gallery, Addison Rd Community Centre. It was held at the same venue of the 'On Your Bike' DHBC history exhibition which was opening that weekend. The AGM was held at 7.30pm.

The new 2018-19 committee are:
President - Marc Rerceretnam
V President - Stuart Hickson
Secretary - Jo Lees
Treasurer - Andrew Belford
Public Officer - Jonathan Wong
Road Captain - Simon Berry
Track Captain - John Caley

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The out-going committee reporting back on 2017.
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