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Tour De Royale - Queen Elizabeth's B'Day ride

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 12:33
by geoff m
God bless Queen Elizabeth.

In honour of her birthday, how fitting if we have a Tour De Royale training ride on Monday morning.

Rather than suggest a route, perhaps those who put their hand up for the Sub-Committee on Road/Track and Training, can decide the appropriate Royal treatment and post the details on the forum.

Now that I'm officially of Irish nationality, make sure it involves a Tour on which I can 'attack'.

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 14:00
by weiyun
You are clearly asking for a route with major climbs! ;)

I am keeping my fingers crossed on the weather here. IIRC, the last long weekend was a wet one. :cry:

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 15:36
by T-Bone
I was planning to go out riding again this weekend, but while putting my bike on the trainer a moment ago, i noticed a few things that need fixing. Hadn't really had a proper look before, though the damage seems to be limited to destroyed cable outers and slightly damaged shifters (seem fine to use though). I'll have to order some new cables.

I guess i could take my touring bike out for the ride though.

My suggestion is up to Helensburg, and then through the national park back to Sutherland. Should be far enough, and not too difficult. I don't really want to go further as i'm working on monday.

Posted: 06 Jun 2007, 15:47
by mikesbytes
Northern Suburbs crit championships are on Monday.

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 19:51
by imaxwell
Geoff do you know as an 'Irishman' it is your duty to refuse to take Monday off. As a mark of disrespect to the auld Queen!!

Posted: 07 Jun 2007, 23:04
by T-Bone
I am keeping my fingers crossed on the weather here. IIRC, the last long weekend was a wet one. :cry:
Hopefully this mention of rain hasn't cursed us!

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 04:29
by weiyun
Hopefully this mention of rain hasn't cursed us!
The forecast for Mon actually improved since my spell.

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 09:09
by mikesbytes
I bit windy this morning, but to my surprise, it was 13 deg.

Whats the forecast for the weekend?

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 09:27
by weiyun
Whats the forecast for the weekend?
Wind and rain will start to ease on Sat/Sun but showers continuing right across the long weekend and beyond. There may be some breaks on Sun and Mon but we'll have to see.

Posted: 08 Jun 2007, 09:37
by mikesbytes
Sounds like Saturday slowies for me on Saturday. I don't think my knee is good enough to run on and I don't see myself racing Saturday Arvo.

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 12:49
by geoff m
If the weather is OK, and I can get a leave pass from the missus, I'm going to do a usual 6.30am to Waterfall and back.

If the weather is half decent, there should be a few people on the road since only about 1/20th of the usual crowd went out Sunday morning (you fair weather pussies).

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 13:18
by timyone
If the weather is OK, and I can get a leave pass from the missus, I'm going to do a usual 6.30am to Waterfall and back.

If the weather is half decent, there should be a few people on the road since only about 1/20th of the usual crowd went out Sunday morning (you fair weather pussies).
hang on are you talking about doing waterfall on monday morning? if so im interested

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 16:54
by lindsay
I'm up for it, as is George & Alhassan. Alhassan was at my place tuning up his bike ready to start his hard training. So 6:30 at Mick's, Waterfall would be good for me as I don't want to trash my legs too much for Monday night at the track.


Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 17:09
by mikesbytes
OK, I'm in, see you 6.30am Monday

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 18:33
by T-Bone
What's this about only doing waterfall!?!

I thought the idea was to do the national park via Stanwell Tops, anyway, i guess i'll just be going with the majority, i've got all week to catch up on my training, as well as learn a few uni subjects.

Also, has anyone decided if they're coming to Gunnedah?

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 19:13
by weiyun
Tomorrow may be the only dry day we'll have for another week. This wet weather is driving me insane.

Will aim to join you guys at 6:30.

Posted: 10 Jun 2007, 19:39
by timyone
I'm up for it, as is George & Alhassan. Alhassan was at my place tuning up his bike ready to start his hard training. So 6:30 at Mick's, Waterfall would be good for me as I don't want to trash my legs too much for Monday night at the track.


yeah same for me

Posted: 11 Jun 2007, 11:24
by timyone
Good ride :D
(man im unfit!!)

Posted: 11 Jun 2007, 12:12
by mikesbytes
Tim, I've watched the MotoGP, will bring the tape tonight.

Posted: 11 Jun 2007, 14:51
by timyone
im not sure if we actually have a vcr that worx :oops: