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Marrickville Rd Cafe & Saturday Slowies Pick-A-Lap

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 15:49
by lindsay
What's your lap time for the Main Circuit of Centennial Park?? For the rider who can predict their lap time with the greatest accuracy, coffee & cake for 2 awaits you at the Marrickville Rd Cafe.

The Rules - Make a prediction for your time for one lap of the main circuit & you'll get one try at it. The closest to their prediction wins the prize.

When - Saturday Slowies June 21st

A big thank you to Marrickville Rd Cafe, our coffee stop on Saturdays. 212 Marrickville Road.


Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 16:16
by Simon Llewellyn
Gees that sounds rather easy with a clock on the bike? 3.8 kms, just pick a time you can roll it in and the roll it to the second with your clock?

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 18:19
by weiyun
Errr... 12m 25.6s. :wink:

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 18:58
by mikesbytes
Errr... 12m 25.6s. :wink:
Are you walking?

7m 30.85s

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 19:33
by T-Bone
no walking, just a short break for recovery just before the line. :wink:

Posted: 01 Jun 2008, 20:26
by timyone
man thats a nice pic of that bike! who's is it!

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 08:42
by weiyun
Are you walking?

7m 30.85s
Are you coasting?

Posted: 02 Jun 2008, 09:18
by mikesbytes
Are you coasting?
Got to watch out for the rangers :wink:

Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 09:01
by lindsay
As I have to miss the ride this week, I'd like to suggest we put this off for 1 week. So pick-a-lap day will be 29th June.



Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 09:05
by weiyun
What's the arrangement? Where will the start and end points be? Greatest accuracy as by the number of seconds away or by percentage of the lap time? And where do we register our times? :wink:

Posted: 28 Jun 2008, 10:58
by lindsay
Pick a Lap has been done & decided... & the winner is Chris H with a predicted lap time of 6 minutes flat & an actual lap time of 5 minutes & 59 seconds putting him 1 second under his predicted time. Well done Chris, his method was to time a flat-out lap then do it again. Notables were Geoff who came in at -2 seconds, Theo - Lisa & Tony at +5 seconds. Also Seok Yee who picked her first ever lap of Centennial to an 8 second margin.

Hard luck story of the day goes to Peter who picked 6 minutes and at the advice (?) of Wei Yun added 30 seconds to his time for good measure & did a time of 6 minutes exactly...


Congratulations Chris you've won coffee & cake for 2 at our wonderful Saturday Slowies coffee stop - Marrickville Road Cafe.



Posted: 28 Jun 2008, 12:55
by Simon Llewellyn
Fastest time too! That's actually some very consistent riding. To land within a second....

Posted: 28 Jun 2008, 18:04
by Toff
James did the fastest time, but I'm pretty pleased that I did a sub 6 min lap. I usually do a 3 lap timetrial, which I try to do in under 20 min. I usually average around 6.20ish per lap when I do that.

I did a couple of warmup laps today, which I didn't time, then jumped straight in, figuring a flat-out lap would be roughly 20 seconds faster than the time when I'm on a 3-lapper.

Thanks to the Marrickville Road Cafe for donating the prize!