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DHBC track series omnium no#2!

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 04:17
by Simon Llewellyn
G'day guys to let everybody know the date second round of the DHBC omnium series is currently being decided. Due to my & other people's road open commitements it will not clash with a road open though will be a Saturday afternon so participants will be expected to back up from Friday night racing.

Two dates stand out at the moment, the 5th of July which has no road opens that weekend & the 4th August which is followed by the Kurrajong classic on the 5th. I can't attend the 5th of July as I'm away that weekend but if there is enough interest we can run round two on that date and round 3 in August.

The basic structure will remain the same. 5 rounds, each scoring points as per place with the lowest score winning. Events consist of a flying 200m, a 5km scratch race, a 3km individual pursuit, a 30 lap points race and finally a kilometre timetrial. Total expected time is between 2-3 hours.

Here's the results from earlier in the year-

A track event also cannot be complete without food so there will have to be a bbq. So if people are interested we'll try and get this happening. It was definitely tough racing last time & everybody had great fun with great excercise regardless of their level of fitness or experience. SO come along & enjoy!

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 08:29
by othy
I can make 5th July but am away for the 4th August. Really looking forward to being able to participate in it this time.

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 09:27
by christian
I'm pretty sure I can make either of those dates.

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 12:03
by timyone
man im not looking forward to this! i was feeling alot fitter last time, and dont think ill be finishing another points race!!

Omnium no.2 & Omnium no.3

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 12:10
by brego
hi simon ,

count me in , maybe if need a hand i can help out also .

i have a commissaire ticket and in the past have run track opens in my previous cycling club


Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 15:29
by simon.sharwood
Sounds great. Is it officially a training event for those of us on a Ride It license?

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 16:46
by mikesbytes
I'm in, either date

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 16:58
by T-Bone
Not really sure when i'm available, but if i am i'll be in.

Posted: 17 Jun 2008, 21:21
by Simon Llewellyn
Hey guys I"m now available for the 5th July. So I'll talk to Lindsay about his availability if it is good we'll run with whoever is available. & no# 3 with hopefully follow on the 4th August!

Posted: 18 Jun 2008, 22:58
by Alex R
Hi Simon,
Count me in, the last one was a lot of fun.

Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 11:41
by Toff
I'd like to come, but since the Tour will be on in the evening, that's a long day to be asking for a pink slip for. Might have to choose one or the other. :cry:

Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 12:01
by mikesbytes
I'd like to come, but since the Tour will be on in the evening, that's a long day to be asking for a pink slip for. Might have to choose one or the other. :cry:
Why don't you offer to do the ironing while TDF is on.

And bring the family to the track.

Posted: 19 Jun 2008, 17:04
by micklan
I would like to ride this event with the Hillbrick. (funny the bike is of two odd words; hill & brick)

Posted: 20 Jun 2008, 12:52
by timyone
I'd like to come, but since the Tour will be on in the evening, that's a long day to be asking for a pink slip for. Might have to choose one or the other. :cry:
id say choose to ride over watching a ride, you can tape the tour. But yeah.

Man i dont know if im in for this, and if i am at all, how long ill be in, i have to play drums at a wedding at 1:30, dont know what that means for me turning up.

Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 22:25
by Simon Llewellyn
I had a chat to Lindsay tonight & the 5th of July is a goer. Currently it will be run as a training event like last time. Here's the details.

Where: Tempe Velodrome

When: 5th of July

What time: Velodrome booked for 2pm

Likely finish time: 5pm

Events: flying 200m, 5km scratch race (with long neutral period of most of race), 3km pursuit, points race, 1km time trial

Who can come: Everyone! With the omnium format there is something for everyone and over 50% of racing is timetrialling so you won't be dropped or unable to compete!!!

Will there be a bbq: Depends on interest levels, due to TDF later in the night this may not happen as people will need wind down time between events....Do people want a bbq????

Just to add I got the date wrong for round 3 it is actually the 2nd of August not the 4th & this is still taking place if round 2 goes well.

Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 22:35
by T-Bone
Currently i should be able to make it, provided my roster at work doesn't change. I should know for sure tomorrow.

I may want to borrow a bigger chainring if i can't get one before then. Hopefully i'll get one ordered.

Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 22:41
by Simon Llewellyn
I can probably supply the chainring. Depending on what gear your after & what I'm using. Tim isn't riding either so you can always access his supply if need be.

Posted: 25 Jun 2008, 23:22
by T-Bone
Sounds good, i'll let you know next week.

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 14:02
by mikesbytes
Teens and Twenty somethings vs the Old Bastards in that race were the first person drops out each lap.

Depending on who turns up, we could adjust the age boundary slightly.

Louie, James F, Emerly, Alex, the 3L's * 2,


Huw, Michael L, Chris H, Michael C, Christian

Teens and Twenty somethings should win, but we'll give ya a run for your money :)

Posted: 26 Jun 2008, 14:10
by micklan
I;m very proud to be in the old bastards team

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 01:49
by timyone
if you do the age gap thing, make sure you get a bit of a gap on the younger team before thier last rider, though huw at the end could have a bit of a kick

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 09:03
by simon.sharwood
Count me in!

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 09:17
by Adrian E
Cool. Count me in as well. but were do you put 29yo's? I may be a twenty something but I certainly feel like an old bastard :roll:

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 09:20
by mikesbytes
Cool. Count me in as well. but were do you put 29yo's? I may be a twenty something but I certainly feel like an old bastard :roll:
Seen the movie "Logans Run" ?

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 09:29
by simon.sharwood
I'll be 11 days short of 40, this will be my first track meet and we all know how slow I am. What does that make me?

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 09:30
by mikesbytes
I'll be 11 days short of 40, this will be my first track meet and we all know how slow I am. What does that make me?
More than 7 years younger than me, but ya still an Old...

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 10:59
by timyone
man im seriously ripped off as that im missing this!!?!?!!!

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 11:02
by mikesbytes
man im seriously ripped off as that im missing this!!?!?!!!
Work'n ?

Posted: 30 Jun 2008, 14:12
by Simon Llewellyn
Teens and Twenty somethings vs the Old Bastards in that race were the first person drops out each lap.

Depending on who turns up, we could adjust the age boundary slightly.

Louie, James F, Emerly, Alex, the 3L's * 2,


Huw, Michael L, Chris H, Michael C, Christian

Teens and Twenty somethings should win, but we'll give ya a run for your money :)
I've been thinking about this suggestion & thinking about where it could be slotted in? For omnium no.3 in August I don't think we will stick to the typical omnium format. I want to mix it up a bit & try some different events like a winning out where every 3 laps you sprint and the winner takes the placing but is eliminated from the race. So last place has to sprint 9 times if there is 10 people in the race. I just have to think about what races will be enjoyable for every level of rider. An Italian pursuit would fit in well.

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 08:06
by JM
hi - i am in too. will need to borrow a bike though ... see you saturday

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 11:12
by timyone
talk to lindsay before saturday about borrowing a bike, it takes a bit of effort mucking around with the bike before hand, and working out which one etc etc

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 11:37
by mikesbytes
talk to lindsay before saturday about borrowing a bike, it takes a bit of effort mucking around with the bike before hand, and working out which one etc etc
Also bring your pedals

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 11:38
by mikesbytes
JM, you could take the brakes off the Surley and change the gearing. Maybe not, BB may not be high enough.

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 12:24
by Huw
Surly claim that the Steamroller is "track legal"

Posted: 02 Jul 2008, 10:12
by geoffs
I'm in.
Marian is keen to have a go as well if I can find a bike small enough.
Any recommendations for gearing?

Posted: 02 Jul 2008, 10:15
by mikesbytes
I'm in.
Marian is keen to have a go as well if I can find a bike small enough.
Any recommendations for gearing?
I run 92"

Posted: 02 Jul 2008, 10:30
by geoffs
I just did some calc and as I only have a 49 on the front I am limited to an 88.2 or a 94.5.

I will be getting a 48 next week but wont have it for the weekend

Posted: 02 Jul 2008, 10:39
by mikesbytes
Tim (Othy) runs about 86

Tim (3 L's) runs 94.5

I'd swap your 49 for my 48 if they were compatible.

Posted: 02 Jul 2008, 13:08
by geoffs
I'll take both cogs and see how i feel
The Dura-ace cranks take a 144BCD I think.
What BCD are your chainrings?

Posted: 02 Jul 2008, 14:02
by christian
I can bring down my chain rings as well, they are 144bcd. I'm using the 49, but may use the 48, I haven't decided yet. You're welcome to use the 50, if you have a 15t cog that'll get you a 90" gear, or the other one I'm not using. If multiple people bring chain rings you shouldn't have too much trouble finding the right size for the day.

Posted: 02 Jul 2008, 14:03
by mikesbytes
What BCD are your chainrings?
No idea.

I won't be coming on Thursday, but if you want me to drop by, then give me a call, I'll be nearby in Tempe (suburb).

Posted: 02 Jul 2008, 14:10
by Simon Llewellyn
I'll take both cogs and see how i feel
The Dura-ace cranks take a 144BCD I think.
What BCD are your chainrings?
It depends what vintage of Dura Ace they are. The newer ones are 144bcd but the older ones which I think are on you bike probably aren't (unless they aren't as old as they look) & I"m not even sure what they are, possibly 130bcd.

Posted: 02 Jul 2008, 17:04
by T-Bone
THe square taper 7600 Dura-Ace are 144bcd as well as the 7700, before that they would have been 151bcd i think.

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 13:43
by Toff
Just to get everyone fired up for Saturday, here is a video you should all watch.

Outdoor track, like Tempe;
Concrete track, like Tempe;
333m track, like Tempe;
Maker of world champions, like Tempe!

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 15:20
by timyone
Tim (Othy) runs about 86

Tim (3 L's) runs 94.5

I'd swap your 49 for my 48 if they were compatible.
hey theres 4 L's in my sername by the way

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 15:53
by Huw
Just to get everyone fired up for Saturday, here is a video you should all watch.
Love it!

"You can see the size of these two riders, because weight training and devlopment [AND LOADS OF CHEAP COMMIE DRUGS] plays a much bigger part in a track cyclist's makeup . . ."

Maybe an apology is in order. Sorry Huebner (I believe Golinelli was BUSTED?). But they ARE very big boys.

Posted: 03 Jul 2008, 15:56
by mikesbytes
hey theres 4 L's in my sername by the way
Sorry, my spelling is as bad as yours

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 15:48
by Toff
Huebner was from East Germany. He wasn't busted, but I don't think you need to apologise.

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 15:56
by Adrian E
That was a great race. I thought the italian might have got home but obviously he hadn't taken enough drugs.

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 18:15
by Toff
And if you want to see how to do a flying 200, watch Lutz Hesslich, also of East Germany.

He takes 3 laps to wind up, gradually accelerating and really getting his legs warmed up. He uses the banking to give maximum acceleration, and his pedal action is silky smooth, even at 70km/h. His bike sits perfectly upright - not like those road sprinters who throw their bikes from side to side - as he sits close to the bottom of the track for shortest distance home. Also gets a couple of hundredths of a second by throwing the bike over the line.

Posted: 04 Jul 2008, 19:09
by Adrian E
Man, I could bop aware to this music for hours.

Posted: 05 Jul 2008, 09:19
by timyone
I dunno if i wasnt paying enough attention or not, but did he do the opening strait in the sprint lane? maybe im confused by the starting and finishing spot, but it looked like he did it heaps differently to how every one does at dunc grey.

Posted: 05 Jul 2008, 11:25
by T-Bone
The track is longer than Dunc, so 200m to go is on the back straight, i'm guessing pretty similar to tempe. Uses the banking to accelerate like when we do leadouts.

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 11:02
by tedrobin
I've posted some pictures and videos from the omnium. Apologies for the quality; I've assumed that no one really tires of admiring themselves, even if they're a bit blurry! ... 06%202008/

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 12:06
by timyone
lol! true!! we should use that more on this forum! more photos of us :D



how close was this!

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 12:22
by timyone
Man than for taking pics, they are all heaps good :D

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 13:02
by tedrobin
I've just uploaded up a few more pictures and vids; glad you like them. And a very big thank you to Geoff and Marion for hosting last night's party. I managed to kidnap a small number of your excellent biscotti upon leaving, and have just enjoyed one for breakfast.

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 13:16
by tedrobin
Oh, and I wanted to learn more about the concept of the "tour de fromage", of which I heard some rumours last night.

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 13:56
by Adrian E
I don't recommend it Ted. I put on three 3kg on the tour de fromage last year.

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 14:02
by micklan
thanks Ted for the great photos

I've noted my ejection photo, "for cheating in sport", from the 30 lapper points race and have readied my notes for the tribunal :shock:

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 14:18
by Adrian E
Btw: at the Sydney Film Festival I saw a french fillm which was called "Welcome to the sticks". It was filmed in the Nord Pas de Calais where they were racing in yesterdays stage. They speak a strange french/flemish dialiect called Picarde and are regarded as being a little backward.

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 17:29
by lindsay
Well done to our 16 participants... especially Ted, Marian, Amy & Camilla who have just recently made a start on the track. To the others - Legends that's the only word I've got.

Simon - from the first Ominum to this one your 3km pursuit's gone from 4:08 to 3:57:69 & kilo 1:19:39 to 1:14:74. Is the bike or the rider or both?

Here's the hard data -


Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 19:02
by othy
Pretty sure that I came 4th for the last 3 sprints of the scratch race. I also don't know how Christian came 2nd and 3rd in the 20 to go sprint.

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 19:08
by lindsay
whoops... we'll need to run that race again

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 19:09
by othy
whoops... wwe'll need to run that race again
I can't wait! The whole day was great. Thanks for running it lindsay.

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 19:18
by timyone
so over all, we need to see where people came to work out the points race positions.

Assuming huw won the points race, simon came first, winning 3 of 5, huw second, winning two of five, and coming second in the rest. (i dont know if it matters where they came for the other events)

3 4 and 5 are the interesting ones

christian 15
alex 14
chris 11
james 10

Interesting is actually Tim!! who i cant add into it because he wasnt in the top scratch race, but yeah the fourth place in the last two points sprints is pretty impressive! or had every one else dropped out of the race? Thats pretty good.

But the amazing thing is the 1:22 kilo!! is that for real? if so im heaps impressed! for the end of an omnio, thats a really good time, and your normal kilo could be close to 1:19!

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 19:31
by Simon Llewellyn
I can't wait! The whole day was great. Thanks for running it lindsay.
If you guys are happy we'll just keep the same format for the next round in August. The data for the pursuit is really important for my pursuit training & getting an idea of where I"m at and what training is useful & what's not. But that's good I wasn't sure if you guys would enjoy an omnium, most people hate them becaue they are so tough to ride. THere was only 8 entries at the state titles & we had 12 yesterday!!!

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:15
by simon.sharwood
Had a ball at the omnium. Many thanks to all who organised and rode!

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 20:39
by T-Bone
But the amazing thing is the 1:22 kilo!! is that for real? if so im heaps impressed! for the end of an omnio, thats a really good time, and your normal kilo could be close to 1:19!
I see some calculation errors in that kilo time, if you look at the splits, it doesn't add up....

Anyway, in the Points race, i think one of the christians in the second sprint may have been chris. If tim had 4th in the last 3 sprints that puts me and him on equal points in 4th place, there were also only 5 left at the end, so i don't know how you work that out for the final omnium results.

Anyway, i'm pretty happy with how it all went, and with a bit more training i'm sure i'll be able to improve a fair bit. Hopefully i'll use some better tactics in the scratch race too, or be strong enough to stay away until the finish (doubt it, unless simon and huw let me go).

Thanks Lindsay for all the organising and Timing, and everyone else who helped out. Hope i'm available for the next one, or maybe i just have to take the day off work.

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 22:10
by mikesbytes
If you guys are happy we'll just keep the same format for the next round in August. The data for the pursuit is really important for my pursuit training & getting an idea of where I"m at and what training is useful & what's not. But that's good I wasn't sure if you guys would enjoy an omnium, most people hate them becaue they are so tough to ride. THere was only 8 entries at the state titles & we had 12 yesterday!!!
I just realised an error in my proposal, that being that its politically incorrect to ask a woman her age. So to avoid this embarrassing question its;

Teens, Twenty somethings and Chicks vs Old Bastards

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 22:13
by micklan
Thanks Lindsay for running the Omnium - very much appreciated.

A lead out in the dead of Tempe night seems to deliver a more emphatic flying 200. The petrol guage may also be affected by RAW...what else, umm seat height' blah
Check out Tim's RAW photos: ... ey=2&hit=1

Posted: 06 Jul 2008, 23:10
by mikesbytes
This dude looks familiar


Posted: 07 Jul 2008, 14:41
by Toff
Yes, I remember coming 3rd in the 2nd points race sprint, so that should clear up that matter.

Still sore well into Sunday after this. Might need to do a bit more racing...

Thanks Lindsay for running the event.

Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 10:52
by tedrobin
Hmm, sounds like I should stay away from the Tour de Fromage if I ever want to bring my track times down, especially since I got in trouble with the club president for eating a piece of banana bread after Saturday Slowies. Still, it's an excellent concept.

Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 11:02
by mikesbytes
I can forward you a copy of my 4,000 calorie diet plan if you want

Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 11:04
by simon.sharwood
MASSBUG does a chocolate ride that visits several chocolate shops, factories and bakeries. They kindly warn that the ride is NOT calorie neutral :-)

Posted: 08 Jul 2008, 11:15
by mikesbytes
You can get your daily protein requirements from 14 boxes of chocolates.

But if you want a more accurate figure, then post your lean body mass (total weight - total fat) and your favourite brand of chocolate.