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Postby Trouty » 31 Oct 2008, 21:51

ODDS FOR THE SLOWIES: Apologies for any slowies I missed who haven't been riding with us OR who have advanced to the FASTIES.

• 9/1 – JO: Import with strong bloodlines and Filipino breeding. Performs well in training but up in class in this race.
• 20/1 – STUART: Expect to lead early then look for an ass to tuck in behind. A school re-union Sat night may lead to excessive beer consumption and poor form Sunday. Races best with blinkers as easily distracted by fillies.
• 6/1 – GEOFF SEMON(other half of Marian): Reliable old gelding who is a solid performer good enough to win, but will not intentionally take the lead. This old gelding more interested in guarding Maid Marian.
• 8/1 – MARIAN: Has been training hard and been a big improver. Could finish amongst the top with more confidence
• 4/1 – MATT: Coming off an extended spell, but has shown good form in last few weeks. May be a chance if fit. Races well in the wet and if there are Doritos at the finish line.
• 15/1 – TED: Another old Trotter and proven exhibitionist, but his lack of training suggests he will be the first contender on the train to go direct to the pub. Not tested at this distance so outside chance at best. He May win at pulling most beers at the pub.
• 4/1 – THE RUSSIANS: VICTOR, ANDRE, STEVE: Good chance for a trifecta here. Talented imports with plenty of testosterone. Also not tested at this distance but if they stop ribbing each other long enough, they may be a chance in the top 3
• 6/1 – LINDSAY: Strong all rounder, with a heart bigger than Pharlap. More likely to hold back to pump up girls tires, or stay with the struggler's.
• 10/1 – AMY: Very fast young filly who can accelerate from 0 to 60km within 100 metres. Expected to lead early, but could tire out easily unless she can be reigned in. Bigger odds on her not finding her way to the finish line and getting lost after waterfall.
• 5/1 – DARRYL: Talented young colt showing good form, a good finisher and could be the dark horse. Worth a solid bet due to his trainer Jo, although currently under suspicion for using a banned substance.
• 16/1 – MICHAEL INSOMNIAC: Excellent breeding and currently in good enough form to win, however, this stud isn’t called insomniac for nothing - and often doesn't sleep the night before a big race. Odds on he will be taking a cat nap before waterfall. You snooze, you lose.
• 10/1 – FIONA: Expert draft horse!! Has learned the art of drafting well. Expect this one to suck on your wheel then pounce on the mountain
• 4/1: BILL CANONDALE: A wild card entry who often doesn’t race with the “SLOWIES”. Good leading the pace but recent form scratchy. A decent shot at the lead - if he sees little Pete within a nose
• 3/1: LITTLE PETE: This little stallion is an experienced stayer with plenty of mongrel – don’t get in his way if you are any where near the finish line. Those little legs are like pistons of steel.
• 4/1: DAN: Racing on his new "Potenza" this thoroughbred has had good form for 3 consecutive Sundays. Having spent time in a Buddhist retreat - he is well qualified to be calm under pressure.
• 2/1: COLIN: This old galloper true to form will take the lead early. Currently stuck in no man's land (not a SLOWY, but not yet a FASTY), he may find himself riding the race alone, but being sucked up by the SLOWIES peleton at the finish.
Last edited by Trouty on 01 Nov 2008, 16:48, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby insomniac » 01 Nov 2008, 12:24

Think Stuart might pull up lame......always seems to get punctures!!!!!!!!!!!

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Postby mikesbytes » 01 Nov 2008, 14:49

Ha ha - good one Joanne.

So who will be able to climb when they are shagged? Who is good at tight overtaking on the Wollongong bike path :)

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Postby lindsay » 01 Nov 2008, 18:12

6 to 1... I'm worth a bet... I did my best at todays Omnium to better my odds.

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Postby Trouty » 02 Nov 2008, 17:45

Anyway those who bet on Michael Insomniac today at 16/1 would have got a nice little return. $20 for a win, $10 for a place. He came out of the gate like a bat out of hell, hauling my tired arse with him. Although I have a suspicion that the reason he doesn't get any sleep and can ride the way he does is due to some extra "Vitamins".

The box triffecta of Michael, Darryl and Colin would have also been a good little bet. As predicted Fiona has become an expert drafter, and definitely attacked on the hills. We were lucky enough to both get towed by Greg, Steve Pinerello, Matteous and Darryl along the way aswell - and finished with sprint for the last 10km.

Good on The Munks (Lindsay) for waiting for the last man, or woman in this case.

God knows what happened to the Russians, who were even beat by a not so HAPPY Stuart. Those who want to collect their winnings - SEE INSOMNIAC. MIKE, did I tell you that the winner pays?

The best TIP I have for next time is that, if you are at the pub - make sure you sit at whatever table Geoff and Marian are on. It will make the difference between being fed a bowl of fries or some thing more elaborate.

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Postby insomniac » 03 Nov 2008, 09:43

Jo stick to your day job - as a bookie you'd go bust. $16 for the win!

Great day yesterday, like to know how those who did the return trip fared....sheesh no way I could ride back.

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