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Posted: 06 Jan 2009, 12:18
by christian
As I'm not riding down to Tassie, but am coming down for the penny racing and the touring I need to know a few things. Where are we staying in Evandale? Is everyone flying back out on Sunday the 22nd? Best flight back being $115 leaving Launceston at 1.20pm.

I'll probably go down on Friday the 13th, if I leave Sydney at 11am its only $69. Of course these prices don't include getting a bike on the plane.

Who else is going down but not riding down?

Posted: 06 Jan 2009, 14:54
by Camilla
I just booked myself a return flight to Launceston! Flying in on Sat 14 at 12.50 pm (I'm not quite mad enough to do the century) and out on Sun 22 at 1.20pm. Both direct flights. Including the additional $8 each way for checked baggage (up to 28kg if you've got a bike) and $3.25 for to offset carbon emissions, the whole thing cost me $215.25. Not bad.

As a matter of principle I opted not to get the insurance offered on the Virgin Blue website because, read the small print, and you'll discover it doesn't cover bicycles.

I can't wait! I've never been to Tasmania before.

But yes, do we need to book ourselves somewhere to stay in Evandale etc?

Posted: 06 Jan 2009, 16:12
by weiyun
Topic is Tassie... We are going down there for a week of touring later this month. But it'll be a mechanical engine doing the work and not my legs. Glad that's the case as my legs won't appreciate an extra two bodies in tow. ;)

Posted: 06 Jan 2009, 17:29
by T-Bone
I'm flying back to Sydney on the Monday at 1:20pm, along with a few others, however it's pretty well booked out. Sunday is the Clarendon Road Race (10am start), so leaving at 11am you would have to skip that, probably would for the 1:20pm flight as well.

For accomodation, i'll get back to you, just need to talk to Lindsay and my dad to find out what's booked so far.

Posted: 06 Jan 2009, 21:13
by T-Bone
I haven't had a chance to call Lindsay yet, so probably best to check with him about accomodation, but generally you would stay in the Perth Motel. Me and Lindsay will probably be staying there on the Century weekend.

We've booked a cottage for the Racing weekend, but i think we're all full.

I'll post our tassie touring plans up soon, but basically it'll be fairly similar to 2007 ... =2240&v=HH only without the blogging and late starts we won't be racing the sun or the closed signs to get to our destinations.

Posted: 07 Jan 2009, 09:43
by Adrian E
Hi James,
Have we got any number for tassie? I'm planning to go. I was tossing up between riding to melbourne and tassie but with my cousins wedding It looks like its tassie for me (not that I'm disappointed). I'm really there for the touring mostly so am flexible with Evandale accommodation etc.

Posted: 07 Jan 2009, 22:36
by T-Bone
I'm not sure how many we'll have touring in Tassie yet, but for accommodation at Evandale, we stay 10km away in Perth, here's the best place -

Probably best to give Lindsay a call, he's sorting some accomodation out for when we first get there (century weekend).

I should probably start finding places to stay for our touring, so we don't have to go searching like we had to in Hobart previously. However, in Mienna there's basically one choice for us.

Posted: 08 Jan 2009, 07:42
by christian
Airfare booked, so I'm definitely coming. Has anyone got a spare rack and paniers?

Posted: 08 Jan 2009, 09:47
by Camilla
I just booked a room at the Perth Hotel for Sat 14 & Sun 15. Apparantly there's a double bed and a single in there, so if anyone doesn't mind girl germs and wants to share...

A rooom, by the way, is $75 a night.

Posted: 08 Jan 2009, 10:09
by T-Bone
I expect to start our touring on the sunday, so you won't need accommodation in Perth for that day.

Posted: 08 Jan 2009, 10:20
by Camilla
Of course. I've got it all wrong. The races are the next weekend. So I'll cancel the 15th and book in for the friday & saturday of the next weekend, making it Sat 14th, Fri 20, and Sat 21. Does that make sense?

Posted: 08 Jan 2009, 12:21
by mikesbytes
girl germs
Is Ted immune ?

Posted: 09 Jan 2009, 21:03
by Camilla
I infected him years ago.

Posted: 10 Jan 2009, 20:35
by malee
does that make it 11?

we've just been looking at places to stay and perhaps we should start booking?
here are a few to start with based on the 2007 ride that Lindsay posted.

Miena 15/ 02
Hobart 16/02
Triabunna 17/02
Bicheno 18/02 ... ers-Hostel


Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 09:02
by Adrian E
Ok, I've booked flights now with VirginBlue. Christian – did you contact them about booking bike luggage?

I'm arriving in Launceston on Sat 14 Feb at 1:50pm, leaving on Sun 22 at 2:20pm. Please let me know if any of you are going to be on the same flight?

Yes, Marion I think we should get this accommodation looked at very soon or it could get messy.

Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 09:47
by weiyun
I'm arriving in Launceston on Sat 14 Jan at 1:50pm, leaving on Sun 22 at 2:20pm.
Have you already left? :shock:

Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 09:51
by Adrian E
Obviously in my mind I've already gone :oops:

Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 10:00
by weiyun
Shame, or I could have harassed you on the highway in the coming week with my rental car. ;)

Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 10:09
by christian
I didn't contact them regarding taking a bike. I did pay the extra $8 for check in luggage, and it should be under the weight limit. Lindsay told me you buy a box from them for $15, half dismantle the bike to get it in the box and then just check it in. With any luck we can get picked up from the airport.

I'm on the same flight back on Sunday, as is Lindsay. I'm flying down on Friday the 13th, leaving Sydney at 12.05pm.

Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 10:21
by Adrian E
Having a good knowledge of your bike Christian, I'm confident i'll be under 20kg. I'm less confident about my own fuji. Thats good that you can buy boxes at the airport. It looks like I'll just need to bring some bubble wrap and masking tape.


Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 20:43
by brego
hi everyone ,
who going to Tassie :!: :!: , I just booked flight to tassie arrive friday nite ,leave sunday nite thats the 20 feb - 22feb 09 , so thats it i am going too :P :P :P

so who is doing the head count for our Dulwich Hill club at Evandale fair .
Its got to be some record :?:
who is counting :?:

rgds nickb 8)

Posted: 16 Jan 2009, 07:50
by timyone
man how will allan decide the state team for the team race! there will be one and 2!

Posted: 16 Jan 2009, 08:49
by Huw
Does Al have enough pennies? I wonder whether he was able to fix the 54" one that broke last year?

Posted: 16 Jan 2009, 09:50
by weiyun
Huw, what's your strategy for defending the title? What's your secret training plan? Lance Armstrong has shared his. :wink: ... 78c6df229/

Posted: 16 Jan 2009, 13:02
by Huw
Huw, what's your strategy for defending the title? What's your secret training plan?
Hi Weiyun, thanks for your question!

My personally-tailored, comprehensive training regimen entails a multi-stranded approach. The number of strands is seven:

1. Attempt to limit increase in gut fat over Christmas in Coffs Harbour by trading beer for wine.
2. Commute in 40 degree heat, then utilise southerly change wind gusts as random power interval sessions.
3. Ride from Sydney to Melbourne via the Snowy Mountains.
4. Give up alcohol on a whim for the weeks preceding Syd-Melb (inspired by conversation with James M last Sunday, who is doing the same). Anyone know any good mocktail recipes?
5. Ride a penny farthing 162 km in one day.
6. Ride around Tassie.
7. Enter the National Championship Race (hope that Al brings down a Penny for me).

You will notice dependency among the strands: I must do 2 first in order to achieve 3; I can't do 6 without previously completing 3 (like, how am I gonna get to Tassie otherwise??); and I probably wouldn't have decided on 4 without sensing poor performance on 1. What does this mean? Well, I dunno, I just hope the world keeps turning and I don't suffer work-related mental collapse during these crucial early stages of preparation.

Note that, unlike Lance, I have not received, nor would I accept, any invitations to train in Israel leading up to my defence of the title.

Posted: 16 Jan 2009, 15:33
by timyone
Hi Weiyun, thanks for your question!

My personally-tailored, comprehensive training regimen entails a multi-stranded approach. The number of strands is seven:

1. Attempt to limit increase in gut fat over Christmas in Coffs Harbour by trading beer for wine.
2. Commute in 40 degree heat, then utilise southerly change wind gusts as random power interval sessions.
3. Ride from Sydney to Melbourne via the Snowy Mountains.
4. Give up alcohol on a whim for the weeks preceding Syd-Melb (inspired by conversation with James M last Sunday, who is doing the same). Anyone know any good mocktail recipes?
5. Ride a penny farthing 162 km in one day.
6. Ride around Tassie.
7. Enter the National Championship Race (hope that Al brings down a Penny for me).

You will notice dependency among the strands: I must do 2 first in order to achieve 3; I can't do 6 without previously completing 3 (like, how am I gonna get to Tassie otherwise??); and I probably wouldn't have decided on 4 without sensing poor performance on 1. What does this mean? Well, I dunno, I just hope the world keeps turning and I don't suffer work-related mental collapse during these crucial early stages of preparation.

Note that, unlike Lance, I have not received, nor would I accept, any invitations to train in Israel leading up to my defence of the title.
man are you leaving iced coffee out of your preperation?

Posted: 16 Jan 2009, 15:39
by mikesbytes
Huw, the "train in Israel" only goes to 420 watts, so its a bit lame for you.

Apart from the booze, what's the breakdown of your diet (Protein, Carbs, Fat). Also are you targeting low-gi? so you don't walk around feeling hungry after a sugar hit.

Posted: 16 Jan 2009, 18:00
by weiyun
Wow, that sounds like an unbeatable plan. I thank you for the interview and wish you the best of luck! :lol:

Posted: 16 Jan 2009, 22:16
by T-Bone
Just as well it's only the weeks preceding Syd-Mel, as i have planned a couple of stops at some breweries. Though my beer supply is getting low leading up to the trip away, however my 1st homebrew batch should be ready to drink once i return.

My training plan is more about starting to do some riding before heading to Melbourne. Part 2 involves slowing down a bit more on the corners so i don't crash myself out of the race.

Posted: 17 Jan 2009, 17:35
by Camilla
Adrian, it looks like I'm your flight there and back. Handy for me, as I've no experience in packing a bike up for travelling and I'm hoping you'll show me how! Perhaps I'll let you put your pedals in with mine, to reduce weight a little...

Posted: 22 Jan 2009, 11:36
by Adrian E
No worries Camilla.

Btw: I was in Cheeky Transport this morning. Near the counter they have a heap of cycling touring maps of Tasmania. They look very good and include elevation profiles. I'll bring some along on Saturday slowies.

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 18:15
by Stretch
I'll be down on Thursday 12th and returning Monday 23rd.
I've booked Norfolk Cottage B&B in Perth for Thursday 19th until Sunday 22nd (I think it's got 2 doubles and 3 singles). I think James will be coodinating this.
I think Lindsay managed to book the top floor of the Clarendon Inn for the 12th, 13th & 14th.

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 20:43
by weiyun
Just got back from my week in Tas and saw quite a few cyclists there.

- The two roadie riding up Mt Wellington in Hobart were looking in great shape. I was really impressed.

- Touring on the east coast looked to be real nice.

- Touring on the west coast looked to be playing Russian Roulette with logging trucks flying by.

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 21:20
by T-Bone
- Touring on the west coast looked to be playing Russian Roulette with logging trucks flying by.
That's why we've never toured the West coast. Though last year we did do the north west, but it was basically the north coast.

Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 21:34
by weiyun
Yes, north west is much more reasonable.

I think some of those south west tourers were quite scared themselves. One female tourer's bike was waving like crazy when I went past her, despite all the room I gave her. She looked real nervous and I hate to imagine what would happen when one of those logging trucks goes by. Her male companion with a trailer looked far more confident.

Otherwise, those fluoro vests really helped in terms of visibility. It's got to be a must.

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 16:44
by timyone
man my bike is done by james :D
it looks so good :D
it has thick tyre things, ive allways wanted to ride some of them! they look safer :D (im only actually borowing the wheels though)
I should post pics :D

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 18:53
by T-Bone
man my bike is done by james :D
it looks so good :D
it has thick tyre things, ive allways wanted to ride some of them! they look safer :D (im only actually borowing the wheels though)
I should post pics :D
Have you tested it out yet? I was going to spray some wd40 into the brake levers to get rid of the squeek, so you may want to do that. You'll also have to get used to those friction shifters (and remember big ring to big cog is a no go zone).

I just need to put my bike back together now. :?

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 22:36
by timyone
and i need to buy chubes for what ever size these are?! where do i get them?

Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 22:46
by T-Bone
I think i've got some somewhere, i'll take a look.

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 10:35
by mikesbytes
Some photos have appeared on Facebook

Posted: 17 Feb 2009, 11:12
by mikesbytes
She's also got some photos from last year on her facebook account