Slowies RNP: 2nd Sun of Mth - 13 Dec 5:45am

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Postby weiyun » 05 Mar 2009, 12:16

A reminder on upcoming Slowies RNP rides scheduled for every 2nd Sun of the month.

Slowies pace or to suit the group. But given the hills in RNP and being realistic, it's expected that participating riders can already handle Cruiser's regular Waterfall ride with some level of comfort (ie. Don't get dropped). Further, familiarity with bunch riding is a must.

The specific route for the day will be announced prior to the ride. To-date, we have four options and more may come to provide variety to the participants. Distances and ride times are approximations.

1) Waterfall in and Audley out. (95km / 3:20)
2) Audley in and out via Bundeena. (90km / Varies due to ferry)
3) Waterfall in and Stanwell Tops out. (110km / 4:00)
4) Northern beaches. (70km / 2:40)

5:45am departure from Mick Mazza.
No drops and regroup after each climb.

Bring plenty of energy food and more water than usual.
Check your tyres and brakes for road worthiness as the steep descents will place higher than usual demands on them.

Thread for the inaugural ride can be found at,
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Postby insomniac » 05 Mar 2009, 16:17

Unfortunately 2 or 3 of us who would otherwise riding to RNP on Sunday will be laking the loop as I like to say. Hope there is good roll up, a great bike ride.

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Postby mikesbytes » 05 Mar 2009, 21:17

I'm planning to make this my return to riding first ride. However I might have to work on Sunday and that would throw a spanner in the works.

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Postby Trouty » 06 Mar 2009, 06:12

Unfortunately 2 or 3 of us who would otherwise riding to RNP on Sunday will be laking the loop as I like to say. Hope there is good roll up, a great bike ride.
Stuart and I will be at loop the lake, to make sure Insomniac wakes up for the race on Sunday... so this slow coach will be sitting out of this ride. Oh - what a shame, as every one knows how much I love hills - NOT. I trust Weiyun you will push them hard !

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Postby Michele Wood » 06 Mar 2009, 07:30

Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it this time.
Big party Saturday night, so I'm guessing I won't be in any condition to jump on a bike come Sunday morning.


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Postby weiyun » 06 Mar 2009, 07:46

Well, let's wait till Sat evening and see who are still interested. If the interest is low and with Mike's recent injury, we may postpone it and have a bit more sleep. Otherwise we'll need at least two better experienced rider on this ride to lead and sweep.

So please show your hands if you are coming.

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Postby insomniac » 06 Mar 2009, 10:42

... to make sure Insomniac wakes up for the race on Sunday...
may not want to be woken up...I am in the Golden Spa Room!!!

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Postby Miguel » 06 Mar 2009, 11:56

I will also laking the loop on Sunday, what a shame all those hills ohh well there is always the next time.

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Postby AnthonyI » 06 Mar 2009, 12:05

I'm in for this Sunday. Hopefully there's enough people interested, otherwise I'll probably go solo and leave a little later..

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Postby mikesbytes » 06 Mar 2009, 16:15

I'm out, got to go to work

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Postby Daryl » 07 Mar 2009, 08:45

Just got back from coffee this morning and there are a few people that expressed interested for RNP : Amy, Camilla, Geoff

I'll see you guys tomorrow morning..5:45am. Better make sure that I set the alarm clock earlier.

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Postby weiyun » 07 Mar 2009, 09:52

Ok, so the Slowies RNP ride is back on given the level of interest.

Saw JamesC this morning and he has kindly offered to assist on the ride. The only thing that can stop us will be the weather. Given the descents and water run offs, we usually don't do the ride if there's rain.

If JamesC is here, then roll off will be 5:45 sharp! :lol:

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Postby micklan » 07 Mar 2009, 10:09

Plan on Heffron Sat - thus I will have legs for only waterfall I'd say...

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Postby weiyun » 07 Mar 2009, 10:17

Plan on Heffron Sat - thus I will have legs for only waterfall I'd say...
Frigging excuses! I just suffered through Akuna Bay today chasing JamesC, so you can come and help out on Slowies RNP. :P

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Postby micklan » 07 Mar 2009, 10:31

nice ride Akuna Bay then ?

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Postby weiyun » 07 Mar 2009, 10:46

nice ride Akuna Bay then ?
Different. A lot more grade fluctuations in the climbs but long. Road surface is somewhat rough in a way similar to RNP but far less pot holes. And a bunch is needed for the ride back on Pacific Hwy, or it's too risky with the traffic. Fast though. :lol:

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Postby jimmy » 07 Mar 2009, 12:16

As per Weiyun, I'll be at the shop at 5:45am for the Slowies RNP ride.


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Postby jimmy » 07 Mar 2009, 16:14

Just a quick reminder, as I am coming along on this, it is a sharp 5:45am start.

If you get there late, expect to chase...


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Postby mikesbytes » 08 Mar 2009, 09:56

So how did the ride go

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Postby jimmy » 08 Mar 2009, 10:21

I don't know about the others, but I really enjoyed it.

9 riders rolled out from Marrickville, we dropped on on the Kingsway, picked up another on the way to Waterfall, and lost another there.

It is one of the very few times that I have ridden through the park for pleasure, rather than at a break neck speed.


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Postby weiyun » 08 Mar 2009, 10:56

As enjoyable as last time and a good 112km for me. I think the drop out rate was somewhat related to the stiff headwind we had on the way down to Waterfall and despite the more moderate pace, it still sapped a lot of energy.

Daryl had a courageous first RNP ride with cramps setting in on the first climb and all subsequent climbs. No withdraw and made it all the way back to the Cafe. I suspect the lure of a good coffee had something to do with it. :wink:

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Postby timyone » 08 Mar 2009, 13:12

Just a quick reminder, as I am coming along on this, it is a sharp 5:45am start.

If you get there late, expect to chase...

lol! i love the caring environment that comes with riding with you james :D

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Postby jimmy » 08 Mar 2009, 13:43


I know that it is harsh, but it isn't fair to the riders who have made the effort to show up on time if we tend to leave late.

If the group regularly leaves late, then people get used to the group leaving late, and don't make the effort to show up on time, and as a result, the group starts leaving even later.

It is better to just have a hard and fast rule that the group always leaves on time, and it stops people from getting slack. Plus, if you know that you can't get to the shop by the departure time, then you just set off and chase, or meet the group further up the road.

As is often the case, people tend to be late exactly once, and then they make an effort to get there on time in future.


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Postby weiyun » 08 Mar 2009, 14:43

lol! i love the caring environment that comes with riding with you james :D

That is a most inappropriate sarcasm given JamesC's commitment in providing variety to our club's training options and keeping everyone honest in their efforts.

I think you need to change your perspective. The reality is, those people who expect others to accommodate their lateness are disrespecting others' time and punctuality. Further, many of us have further responsibilities later in the morning and don't want to waste unnecessary time except for unplanned circumstances eg. Puncture and other accidents.

As for the criticism on caring. Let's just say that JamesC volunteered without prompting to escort the Slowies RNP bunch today when MikeC dropped out due to work demands and accompanied Daryl, who was suffering recurrent severe bilateral leg cramps, for the whole return trip along with valuable advice on management. I am not sure that all Fasties have the same patience and care under similar circumstances.



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Postby Trouty » 08 Mar 2009, 18:41

I agree with James that people should be punctual, and most other clubs set a time and leave on the dot. It's good practice, discipline and general courtesy.

The only thing I would comment on is that on a slowies RNP ride - it should be a no drop ride to encourage people to take the leap. I wasn't there today so I don't know the circumstances on the 1 we dropped, but I am sure that person was happy to bail out given the head wind - and in those cases it is better to separate from the group (depending who the rider was). Anyway - it is good to see some one like James (who often doesn't recognise what slow is), to be guiding the slowies and being patient enough to enjoy it ,and help Wieyun.

I am sure every one had a great ride......I am so sad I missed it (well kind of). I am sure I would have been the one being dropped if I went. Especially with Killer Camilla and Accelerating Amy, mostly cruising past me at all the Accents.

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Postby weiyun » 08 Mar 2009, 18:59

Just to clarify. Ron volunteered to bail out from the bunch on that long hill in Miranda and was never involuntarily dropped. As observed earlier, he was already struggling on the Grand Pde and maybe it was his off day. Our pace was no faster than the last ride and most of the time it was the regular Slowies who set the pace except for a significant portion after Sutherland when I went to the front to cover the strengthening head wind. Michelle decided to bail while we rested at Waterfall and I was surprised by her decision as she was riding with me at the front in the last few kms and was keeping her pace very well without any signs of strain.

Maybe we could have rode even slower on the way up, but my understanding is that the Slowies RNP is meant for those Slowies who are able to complete Waterfall return with some level of comfort and as a step up and variety from the usual rides. So I wasn't too concerned about people knowing their comfort level and making a conscious decision en-route.

Also, when we went past Terry who was fixing a flat close to Waterfall, it was JamesC who dropped off the bunch and assisted. JamesC further pulled Terry to Waterfall at speed to regroup with us and allowed him to join us for the rest of the ride.

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Postby Trouty » 08 Mar 2009, 20:08

As I mentioned, I wasn't there so can't really comment without knowing the riders and situation. Riders like Michelle and Ron are experienced enough to know when they are not having the best day and in some cases for the group, it is better for people at that point to voluntarily exit as was the case this week. I am thinking purely for selfish reasons.....I would be the one that would hang on for grim death (even though I was spent).......I would hope, and am Wieyun would stay with me to the end...even if you had to carry me up the hill.

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Postby weiyun » 08 Mar 2009, 20:19

J: We would never have dropped you nor let you drop out had you been there. We would have brought out our tyre pumps to whip you along and up those hills! :lol:

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Postby Daryl » 09 Mar 2009, 10:17

RNP was a hell of a learning experience! :oops:

I met PAIN and can't say that he is my friend. Grand Parade was certainly a challenge with the head wind and that much harder when you are at the front with Colin (who seems to make it look easy). Riding out to Waterfall has never been so hard for me even though I am starting to spend more time at the front.

As for the RNP section, OUUUUCH! Just finished the decline into the heart of the RNP, then not even 500m my calves started cramping. With Wei Yun's words of encouragement and having persisted through a series of climbs, I pretty much had to stop every few hundred metres to stretch out my legs. Having never experienced such pains in so many muscles simultaneously, calves, quads (inner and outer), hamstrings, and whatever the muscle that leads up the inner leg to the groin, I quickly learnt and understood where my pain barrier lies.

Thanks to James and Wei Yun for their tips and encouragement...and to everyone else to have the patience to wait for me to catch up. This weekend was a great example of the 'no drop policy' and the mateship of DHBC.

As for next RNP, I'll have to see what my condition is like...more magnesium, more salts, and more hills training. :lol:

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Postby Trouty » 09 Mar 2009, 19:53

I met PAIN and can't say that he is my friend. Grand Parade was certainly a challenge with the head wind and that much harder when you are at the front with Colin (who seems to make it look easy). Riding out to Waterfall has never been so hard for me even though I am starting to spend more time at the front.
Geez Dazz, if you had trouble....I definitely would have struggled. Maybe with the head wind going up it was slightly faster than what us slowies would usually go, but it is all part of the experience. DOn't worry Daz...I'll be the one definitely at the back next time - hills have never been my friend.

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Postby weiyun » 06 Apr 2009, 10:01

What's the interest level of this for Sun 12th, Easter Sun? Anyone going?

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Postby Terry » 06 Apr 2009, 11:09

I will be away with the family on the easter w/e.

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Postby simon.sharwood » 06 Apr 2009, 14:03

Thinking about it. Also thinking about an M7 ride.

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Postby michele » 09 Apr 2009, 20:03

I'd like to ride Sunday. Not too much interest it seems though.

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Postby MarkG » 09 Apr 2009, 20:56

I'm keen for the slowies RNP Weiyunm, but understand if there's not enough interest

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Postby weiyun » 09 Apr 2009, 20:56

Well, the other possibility for Sun is it'll be washed out. Rain is predicted from late Sat. Let's wait till Sat before the decision. At this stage, I understand that MichaelC won't be able to make it... Now when will the man do the ride he initiated! :roll:

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Postby mikesbytes » 10 Apr 2009, 19:29

I've got a lycra free long weekend up at Foster

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Postby michele » 10 Apr 2009, 20:15

Great ride today to Akuna Bay. Thanks Geoff. May well have done my Easter hill quota! Today I'd say an unlikely RNP starter on Sunday. Small chance with persuasion possible!

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Postby geoffs » 11 Apr 2009, 11:30

i'll just be doing the middies tomorrow so that there is some continuity.
I'll be away the following weekend doing the mudgee audax ride.

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Postby park » 11 Apr 2009, 15:29

Hello, I'm new to riding long distances (more than 65km) but interested in coming along tomorrow if it is still on. Is it a bad idea to come to a RNP as an introduction ride?

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Postby insomniac » 11 Apr 2009, 17:28

It would probably be better to get a couple of Waterfall rides under your belt before tackling RNP. RNP although a delightful ride, providing great satisfaction on completion, has some steep and sustained hills.

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Postby MarkG » 11 Apr 2009, 17:37

Agree it's best to get a few longer rides such as Waterfall (~80kms) in before trying RNP.

Looks like there's not much interest for slowies RNP so I think I'll just turn up for middies tomorrow.

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Postby weiyun » 11 Apr 2009, 18:47

Due to the holidays, shower prediction and absence of more riders, tomorrow's ride will not be formally guided by any of the more experienced riders. Have a nice ride if you are going alone.

See you all again next month.

Park: I'll respond to your PM and answer your question there. But essentially this is a decently challenging ride that'll require good strength (hard climbs), bike handling skills (fast descents/corners) and be well versed in bunch riding techniques. It's best to start your DHBC adventure with the Cruisers bunch to Waterfall.

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Postby park » 11 Apr 2009, 21:48

No problem, hope to see some of you tomorrow for the Waterfall ride depending on the weather.

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Postby simon.sharwood » 28 Apr 2009, 11:50

FWIW, May 10th is Mothers' Day.
That'll probably knock me out of the next RNP slowies and riding that Sunday in general.

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Postby jimmy » 03 May 2009, 16:23

Because of the road works, this ride may be in doubt. I was talking to Michael about it this morning at the Cafe, and an option that we came up with was to Ride to Waterfall. Descend and climb to Garie Beach turnoff, and then turn around and back to Waterfall.

It would be possible for some riders to turn around at the bottom of Waterfall.

The other option would be to do a Bundeena run. Here is a map and profile. ... 3127142964

I mapped to Bundeena and then did an Out and Back option, so the return isn't quite right.

This is slightly longer than an RNP ride at about 100km (as opposed to about 96km). It would avoid the road works. The biggest issue with this is the extra climbing that would occur going out of Bundeena, and the fact that you would have contend with Artillery Hill. I'll let Geoff explain that one...

For something really different. You could try riding to Bundeena and then catching the Ferry to Cronulla and then riding back from there. Cronulla would be about 20-25km from Marrickville, so it would be a shorter ride at about 70-75km, but it would certainly be something a bit different. The only problem with this is that the first ferry is at 9am, so it would be a later leave to try and line up with this, and then a later arrival back at Marrickville.

Another option, I don't know the distance, would be descend at Waterfall, turn right, and then loop back at Oak Flats (I think that is what it is called, where one of the rest stops is on the Gong Ride). Then climb back up out of Waterfall.

I think that with a bit of creativity, the ride can go ahead, but it is up to those who are going to lead it, and what those who are going to ride it would like to do.


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Postby weiyun » 03 May 2009, 19:03

Great ideas James.

The other issue is Mothers Day.

MikeC, are you available to lead this bunch on Sun?

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Postby mikesbytes » 03 May 2009, 19:25

Yes, I'm available for next Sunday RNP Slowies

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Postby orphic » 03 May 2009, 22:18

I would like to do the ride on Sunday depending on what my legs get up to on Saturday. The 100km Bundeena route sounds good. Hills, however, are my weakness. Would the suggestion be that I get some more training in or tackle the hill fear head on?

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Postby weiyun » 04 May 2009, 08:19

Most people are weak on the hills, me included. Not having seen you ride, it's hard to know how you'll "enjoy" the 100km Bundeena route. But if you can handle Waterfall with comfort, then this should be ok for you as the pace will be eased back to suit.

Artillery Hill will be the tough one though.

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Postby jimmy » 04 May 2009, 08:44

I mapped out an Oak Flats Return this morning. ... 9036843967

Again, I did an out and back so the return route isn't exactly right, but close enough.

It is about 100km as well (a few under if anything). Looking at the two side by side, the Oak Flats ride is a lot flatter, which would probably be better for a slowies group. There is about 200m of climbing less on the Oak Flats Ride.

Having ridden along this road lots of times, it is very nice, the only problem is that it is always cold down there.


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Postby Camilla » 05 May 2009, 22:42

My vote is for the Bundeena ride, but I'd be happy with Oaks Flat too. It just sounds so ... flat.

Remind me what hellish time we kick off?

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Postby mikesbytes » 05 May 2009, 22:43

Well that 2 votes for Bundeena

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Postby Trouty » 06 May 2009, 07:20

Remind me what hellish time we kick off?
Yes - what ridiculous time is this ride leaving?? Does anyone know how many are going to do this ride?

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Postby weiyun » 06 May 2009, 07:54

Yes - what ridiculous time is this ride leaving?? Does anyone know how many are going to do this ride?
5:45a - Slowies RNP
6:00a - Fastie RNP
6:20a - Cruiser Waterfall
6:30a - Middie Waterfall
6:40a - Fastie Waterfall
Later - Chase at your leisure

How many going on any particular day has always been a mystery! :wink:

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Postby timyone » 06 May 2009, 10:13

im a maybe for the national park ride, though im still working up to one day finishing the waterfall ride with the fasties, the superior riding and speed of that group seems to get me every time :D

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Postby shrubb face » 06 May 2009, 10:19

You could easly finish with the fasties now Tim. On sunday you were the only one able to hold Alan's wheel on the way out, even simon dropped back.

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Postby timyone » 06 May 2009, 10:52

nah, it just looked like that. I was totally gone :D
(and simon did a heap of time on the front pushing the pace!

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Postby mikesbytes » 06 May 2009, 13:00

Yes - what ridiculous time is this ride leaving?? Does anyone know how many are going to do this ride?
You weren't planning on having a couple of cold ones on Saturday night were you?

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Postby mikesbytes » 07 May 2009, 16:56

News Flash

Mike C returns from the dead and will taking this Months Sunday RNP slowies ride.

This is a special once off ride, we'll be entering RNP through the Audley entrance and heading for Bundenna. 4k further than the normal RNP ride, this gives you a metric century at 100k.

This is a no drop ride, anyone who has previously ridden to Waterfall should consider having a go. There will be an experienced rider taking up the rear on each of the hills, to make sure that everyone is taken care of.

I'll be available to fix flats (I need the points) and help with any other mechanicals.

See you at Mick Mazza's at 5.45am on Sunday.

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Postby orphic » 07 May 2009, 18:44

Woo! This will be my longest ride to date. Looking forward to it :)

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Postby weiyun » 07 May 2009, 18:50

I'll have to fight off sleep deprivation from previous night's party to make this one. Big ask! But it sounds fun... :roll:

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Postby kiwiames » 07 May 2009, 18:56

this sounds interesting do the hills compare to the waterfall in audley out RNP route??

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Postby weiyun » 07 May 2009, 21:02

this sounds interesting do the hills compare to the waterfall in audley out RNP route??
They are all easy when you are on a Bianchi hor category 1885!

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Postby jimmy » 08 May 2009, 08:31

this sounds interesting do the hills compare to the waterfall in audley out RNP route??
Interesting question, has anyone ridden out to Bundeena? Looking at the profile that was generated by Map My Ride, the biggest hill is Artillery Hill. This is relatively short, but it is pretty steep, just persevere with it.

After that, most of the hills seem to be milder, only getting to 3 or 4%.

I am going to this ride on Sunday, but Solo, so you will probably see me on the road at some point.

I suspect that it will be a ride that is pretty similar to the usual way you do the National Park, just be aware that you will have to climb back out of Bundeena, this seems to be easier that the hill from the bottom of Waterfall to the Garie Beach turnoff.


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Postby timyone » 08 May 2009, 10:25

what time will you all be back at?

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Postby mikesbytes » 08 May 2009, 10:46

Should take about 15 minutes longer than the Standard RNP slowies ride.

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Postby simon.sharwood » 08 May 2009, 11:46

Interesting question, has anyone ridden out to Bundeena? Looking at the profile that was generated by Map My Ride, the biggest hill is Artillery Hill.
I did Bundeena a few weeks back, but after going to Waterfall first.
Artillery Hill messed me up but good, given that I already had 60kms under my belt. Took a couple of stops to get up!
After that, the ride is not hard but there's no water to be found until Bundeena. The road into Bundeena is also pretty rough in parts, especially the last km or so where it was shady and quite hard to spot some divots. It did not help that my brakes were about a year old - pop on some new pads for the hill into Audley and then down to Bundeena, IMHO.
The first cafe you see does a massive fry-up for a tenner, but its coffee is average.

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Postby Trouty » 09 May 2009, 08:46

Hi all,

I'd love to come on this RNP ride, but unfortunately unlike most of you mum and mother in law would kill me if I didn't make the mothers day lunch in time. So unfortunately I will have to stick with the usual waterfall ride. Is there a slowies and middies going this sunday?

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Postby park » 09 May 2009, 10:16

Good morning,

I should be in for this hoping I can get up in time :)

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Postby mikesbytes » 09 May 2009, 22:57

C ya all after a couple of hours of shut eye - 5.45am Mick Mazza's

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Postby weiyun » 10 May 2009, 00:38

Coastal rain... I've warned you, stay away!!! :twisted:

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Postby timyone » 10 May 2009, 11:32

nice ride :)
little bit wet.

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Postby orphic » 10 May 2009, 11:43

Will have to tackle that one again when it's not so wet, and when my legs are a bit stronger. Thanks to Mike and Weiyun for your guidance and patience. It was good fun :)

Well done to Park and Timyone for the brave return effort too... You guys are crazy.

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Postby park » 10 May 2009, 12:25

Great ride, the best part is looking out the window now and seeing blue sky and a raging sun!

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Postby weiyun » 10 May 2009, 13:45

Good job everyone! Orphic handled Artillery Hill very nicely while Park earned an immediate promotion to the Fasties bunch, bypassing Go! Michelle snapped the saddle rail on her loverly Colnago but was able to make it back without drama. Lovely section after the Bundeena turn-off and the road surface was just so much better than the rest of RNP. The surrounding view was 10/10 too. It was unfortunate that we got caught by the rain but did get a chance to ride the 70 years old Bundeena ferry and a ticket discount. TimL and Park rode back in the rain but the rest of us will be back for the return route.

Some photos (excuse the quality)... At the Cafe in Bundeena and on the ferry.





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Postby orphic » 10 May 2009, 14:33

Haha more like Artillery hill handled me very nicely :shock: I failed dismally! But I will return...

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Postby Karzie » 10 May 2009, 19:19

Thanks Weiyun, Tim and Mark for looking after us all. Pity the photos don't seem to prove our story about the rain, being so heavy n' all... but it's true!

I really enjoyed this ride. They probably wouldn't like a big bunch of us catching the ferry, but it was very civilised and still much harder than the Waterfall ride.

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Postby weiyun » 11 May 2009, 11:05

I am starting to think this Audley-Bundeena-Audley route might be good as a regular alternating route for Slowies RNP. There's enough challenges on the Artillery Hill and Audley climb out, while the road into and out of Bundeena is so much better and safer than the main RNP loop. 102km return (on Bikely) should also satisfy the volume requirement of most. ... P-Bundeena
Last edited by weiyun on 11 May 2009, 11:39, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby timyone » 11 May 2009, 11:06

I am starting to think this Audley-Bundeena-Audley route might be good as a regular alternating route for Slowies RNP. There's enough challenges on the Artillery Hill and Audley climb out, while the road into and out of Bundeena is so much better and safer than the main RNP loop. 100km return should also satisfy the volume requirement of most.
,maybe ride it back with some slowies before deciding that :D
Parky cruised it, but as soon as he gets some bunch skills going, he will be in the fast group.

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Postby mikesbytes » 11 May 2009, 11:12

I've been thinking that we could vary the RNP slowies route, I have 3 in mind;
- RNP - Waterfall in, Audley out
- RNP - Audley in, Bundenna, Audley out (includes the easy option of ferry to Cronulla for any riders in trouble and crap weather)
- Northern Beaches to Narrabeen lakes, return thru Duffy's forest.

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Postby weiyun » 11 May 2009, 11:44

The part I least enjoyed yesterday was the busy section out of Cronulla as I didn't feel comfortable with the heavy traffic around that area. Despite the reverse climbs, return via our normal route (Sutherland) would be 100% more desirable. I note on the Bikely that the peak elevation for this Audley/Bundeena route is 181m as opposed to 250m at Waterfall.

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Postby weiyun » 11 May 2009, 11:51

maybe ride it back with some slowies before deciding that :D
I am not concerned about that because the return ride on Bundeena Rd would be just prolonged, with shallower gradient. The rest of the climb outs are no different to the regular Waterfall to Audley route. Overall, it'll just be a little more pleasant and safer and the total climb would be just a tad less.

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Postby Stuart » 11 May 2009, 21:35

Sounds like you had a fun day and I could be up for it in spring! It absolutely pissed down on the Waterfall bunch on the way home - I couldn't even see the road when we coming down The Boulevard, along Rocky Point Rd and on Sandringham St. My eyes were killing me even with glasses on - you made the right choice going on the ferry! I've never had the crutch of my nicks full of water before .....

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Postby jimmy » 17 May 2009, 13:36

I was thinking about the option of doing Bundeena as a variation, as well as an option for those who want to ride some of the park, and then catch the ferry to Cronulla.

What about doing the Bundeena Ride in the first month of each Season? So, consider this month to be the June run, and then do it each year in


That way it is happening regularly.

Just a thought.


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Postby weiyun » 17 May 2009, 15:21

Further, I was thinking that the Bundeena return could be make the official route given the better road and traffic condition and ferry for those who has to pike out mid-way. The regular RNP route does not offer any option for those who find the going tougher than expected.

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Postby jimmy » 17 May 2009, 17:49

Actually, speaking of road conditions, that reminds me.

The road works between Bundeena Rd turnoff and Garie Beach turn off are now complete, but...

They are now going to be doing road works between Warumbul Rd and the Bundeena Turn off for the next month. This is the section from about 500m past the top of Artillery Hill and the Bundeena Turn off. They are probably going to focus on the section from the top of the Flat Rock Creek hill to Warumbul Rd.

In relation to the improved road, it is simply small aggregate rolled in. It isn't too bad, but it could be better. What gets me, is that they have hot mixed the entire hill between the bottom of Waterfall and Garie Beach turn off, and the bottom quarter of the Waterfall hill. Now, why didn't they do more of the road through the park while they had the machinery there?

In either case, you may have to consider these new road works while trying to work out a slowies RNP ride, as well as the Fasties for the next month.


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Postby mikesbytes » 19 May 2009, 15:27

Here's the photos I took for the Bundenna trip. Excuse the phone camera quality.

Click for biggies


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Postby weiyun » 19 May 2009, 15:47

Did you change your phone/camera? The quality is much better than before. Nice photos.

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Postby mikesbytes » 19 May 2009, 15:59

Same phone/camera, I changed some of settings to deal with lower light. Assume that movement won't capture as good as it use to.

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Postby weiyun » 10 Jun 2009, 17:46

Just a reminder that our next Slowies RNP is this Sun. Usual time.

What do people think of another attempt at Bundeena return given our rain disrupted ride last time?

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Postby michele » 11 Jun 2009, 20:03

Think I'll have an early start to work this Sunday as last when I was dressed ready to roll and got called in. Should have left 5 mins sooner! Enjoy the return ride.

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Postby Camilla » 12 Jun 2009, 17:14

I'd love a Bundeena trip. Still never been there. And if my knee blows out on the hills I can just roll back down to the ferry.

5.45 yeah? Brutal. We may have to chip the frost off our bikes before rolling out.

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Postby weiyun » 12 Jun 2009, 17:43

You can take it easy on the RNP hills and see. The 5:45 start is a bit rough but as you know, it's so that we can get back at a reasonable time and avoid heavier traffic. And pls spare a thought for me as I'll have to leave home at 5:15 to get to the start on time. :(

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Postby MarkG » 13 Jun 2009, 14:14

I'm up for the RNP and he Bundeena route sounds interesting. What time are we likely to be back?

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Postby weiyun » 13 Jun 2009, 15:48

Based on the times we've done this monthly ride, the return time tend to vary a bit depending on who we have in the group. If the pace is good with extended breaks, our early start was meant to allow us to join the regular Waterfall bunches at the service station for the return. However, we often have first time/less experienced riders and we would adjust our pace accordingly so that no one is left behind. In any case, I don't think we have been later than 10:30 in getting back to Marrickville. If we have a rider who gets into trouble, then we may let the rest of the group ride ahead and one or two of us would hang back to accompany him/her for the return.

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Postby MarkG » 13 Jun 2009, 20:48

Thanks Weiyun it's just that I need to be home by 10:15 at latest so should be OK. I can always go on ahead if we're a bit delayed.

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Postby weiyun » 14 Jun 2009, 21:17

Ok, the Bundeena return route was scouted out today by an initial 3 riders (Colin, Andre, weiyun) and was joined on the Princes Hwy by 2 chasers (GeoffM, Pierre?), with two tackling Artillery Hill the first time (Andre, Pierre). But as it turned out, Artillery Hill wasn't the toughest of the whole ride.

The ride to Bundeena wasn't all that eventful with some sections hitting high 40s to 50km/h speeds on the smooth bitumen. GeoffM did fire a warning that the return may be tough. Although I didn't take too much notice of it at the time but was soon reminded when we started the return ride. The initial uphill kick out of Bundeen shook our legs and then it was up and up and up with low-mod grade climbs. The unrelenting nature of it took its toll on all of us, especially when we hit the climbs on the main loop towards Audley. Andre unfortunately got hit by cramps on the final Audley climb out while Colin showed no fear of those climbs despite his 23 cog. They soldiered on.

Eventually we made it back to Marrickville at around 10:15 in one bunch and just missed the last of the Waterfall bunch riders at the cafe. Food has never tasted so good for all of us! 117km for me and just a pip over 100km from Marrickville Rd.

I think what we have learnt is that despite the fantastic scenery, smooth road surface, safer and quieter traffic, the Bundeena return route is probably not one ideally suited for the Slowies. However, the one way route (with ferry to Cronulla) may be a good option that we can rotate through the ride program in the future.

Thanks guys for a memorable ride. As GeoffM said... No flats!

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Postby MarkG » 20 Jun 2009, 14:25

thanks Weiyun for leading the ride. It was pretty tough but I enjoyed it -sorry that I couldn't join you and the others for a well earned coffee. Mark (although I might adopt the francophile Pierre, could help me climb better!)

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Postby weiyun » 20 Jun 2009, 18:09

Sorry Mark. I didn't know you were there. As a matter of fact, we waited an extra 5mins for you at Marrickville and no one there could picture who you were. And all along the ride I didn't know you were the one. Someone called you Pierre and I thought that was your name. :oops:

Glad you enjoyed it though.

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