DHBC Elite Women deliver historic bronze medal in Club TTT.

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Simon Llewellyn
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Postby Simon Llewellyn » 19 Jun 2011, 18:06

In one of the toughest days of State team time trials in recent memory the DHBC Elite women's team has overcome gale force winds to ride to the bronze medal. Whilst few teams in the elite category, mens or womens were able to hold a complete team till the finish, Lizanne, Jessica, Jo & Aimee held strong and displayed strong club spirit to finish all together in thrid place!!!

In the Elite men's DHBC was able to come home in 4th and 5th overall with each member having a different story of hardship to tell. On a memorable day for all who competed the club was proud to have 5 teams and 20 riders complete with 2 masters teams. Maters results to come.


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Postby Eleri » 19 Jun 2011, 18:27

the DHBC Elite women's team has overcome gale force winds to ride to the bronze medal. Whilst few teams in the elite category, mens or womens were able to hold a complete team till the finish, Lizanne, Jessica, Jo & Aimee held strong and displayed strong club spirit to finish all together in thrid place!!!
Great team work ladies and excellent result! As someone who got dropped last year I know how hard it is to all stay together and it was good to see you all get to the finish line together. I bet you're glad you chose Goulburn over the adventure ride now. Those winds were punishing if they were anything like the State road titles so even better that you all stayed strong.

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Postby Camilla » 19 Jun 2011, 21:53


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Postby mr mojo » 19 Jun 2011, 22:48

Well done ladies on an awesome result. :)


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Postby Adrian E » 19 Jun 2011, 23:09

Fantastic result!!! Well done.

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Postby Lizanne » 20 Jun 2011, 08:20

it was such a good race! i can't belive the mental and physical toughness Aimee and Jo showed on the course. Thank yo so much for the race. And Special mention to Jess who pushed the team (literaly) from the back, while i tried to be the best wind break i could be on the front. Great team work! i can't wait to do it again.
Last edited by Lizanne on 20 Jun 2011, 10:27, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Toff » 20 Jun 2011, 08:57

Great result, ladies!

And thanks for that humungous cheer you gave as we crossed paths on the course. That was a memorable moment.

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Postby Eleri » 20 Jun 2011, 09:39

while i tried to be the best wind break i could be on the front.
Now, if only you were a bit taller!

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Postby orphic » 20 Jun 2011, 10:14

Sick news ladies. Out there making us proud. Really glad to hear you managed to keep all together and have fun out there.

Go Lizanne the lead out girl! You can lead me out anytime ;)

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Postby Timbo » 20 Jun 2011, 10:15

Great news all round everyone. Well done!

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Postby Stuart » 20 Jun 2011, 14:50

Fabulous riding girls - photo now on the homepage - who's writing the report please so I can add to Club News ?

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Postby Lizanne » 20 Jun 2011, 15:16

http://www.facebook.com/#!/video/video. ... 2&comments
... and yes they are all happy, and that's the way it should be!
that sums up how the race went!

The race started out very pleasant with a firm but not too hard head wind.
The race rules were
1. i was not allowed in the drops.
2. i was going to lead out the first lap
3. we were going to finish together!
4. it was a fun race.
so the rules seemed good at first. the head wind was meant to wear me out so on the way back the team would rotate around and smash it to the finish line.
the ride was good, we talked a lot, saw a kangaroo, discussed birds, food, had many cheers for all other DHBC teams! greeted officials, mentioned how we should no be able to talk in a time trial, had a laugh, mentioned the Arthur would be shaking his head, and them we hit a hill.
the pace slowed, the wind blew harder, and we made it to the top to be greeted with a well deserved coast.
with a few k's left till the turn around, the wind stoped, we cheered and got ready to bring it home!
at the turn around Aimee showed off her 'Elite' riding skills. she went in too steep and had to unclip, dismount, pick up the bike, and then get back on. it was gold.
And then it hit us! the real head wind! Goulburn had gone all out and arraigned a head wind in both directions.
This hurt. We spent the whole first 22k convinced the second half would be easier and more fun, but alas it was not meant to be…
So we soldiered on, me and Jess taking turns in the wind. We still managed to cheer on DHBC teams as we passed noting the single riders that had been dropped, wondering where Tim was and more talk about doughnuts, and beer.
Jo came up with the quote of the race, when asked by Aimee “would you like me to go intrant” Jo replied “I’m totally F**ked!” so Aimee took that as a yes and the team rotated.
It was good having jess on the front. She was much more of an effective wind block, and gave me a very welcome break.
With about 10k to go we went past(in the other dirrection)a rather jolly valley wheelers team. If only they knew what was to come…
With 5 to go, Aimee got a second wind and pushed up in the ranks, and Jo was just holding on. The last little bumps were slow going.
With the end in site we all pulled up with a great sprint to the finish! We looked pro! And had made it to the end as the team we started with. I’m so proud to have been in a team with such determination, guts, and humour!
So training starts this week for next year?

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Postby Rainbow » 20 Jun 2011, 16:20

Great ride report, Lizanne! I think that sums it up pretty accurately. We learnt a lot about each others' strengths and abilities. I learnt that I am fitting and stronger than I thought I was/ am and that Lizanne pedals a big gear really slowly and is very strong, and fatigue only shows after the event - what a skill!
I learnt that even though Jo was "completely f**ked", that she showed some of the most determination I have even seen in a person, and that Aimee "comes good" after about 30ks, so make sure she's had a good warm up first!

What a fantastic day!!!

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Postby orphic » 20 Jun 2011, 19:49

^^ But my big sisterly advice to Aimee was to warm up for an hour. You mean to say she didn't do this? Scandal!! :P

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Postby AlexD » 20 Jun 2011, 21:27

Well written Lizanne, that's a great race report. You were chatting about doughnuts along the way? And still got a medal? Go team!

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Postby Trouty » 20 Jun 2011, 21:40

it was such a good race! i can't believe the mental and physical toughness Aimee and Jo showed on the course. Thank yo so much for the race. And Special mention to Jess who pushed the team (literally) from the back, while I tried to be the best wind break i could be on the front. Great team work! i can't wait to do it again.
Go girls go !! Well done - especially since for the majority of you, it was your first official race, you must be pretty chuffed. I would like to add though to Lizanne....I doubt you would be much of a windbreak - you need to put on a lot more weight to qualify for that.

Again - really great effort girls!

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Postby mikesbytes » 20 Jun 2011, 22:07


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Postby T-Bone » 20 Jun 2011, 23:09

Results are up HERE

By my calculations we lost about 8min to North Sydney on that second lap, which was approx. 10min slower than our first. Alex and Josh did a great job working on the front, Matt seemed to pick up a bit as we went, while i had no endurance in my legs from lack of training.

Great effort by everyone that was there, especially the Girls winning their bronze, and the Masters only being a few minutes behind 3rd.

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Postby Lizanne » 21 Jun 2011, 08:15

You were chatting about doughnuts along the way?
ya Aimee's work does these toasted jam doughnuts, and she said i would desreve one after. it was my happy thought into the head wind.

but all our talking was exactally like we trained, easy for 2 min(talking), heart rates for 2:40(silent) with a 20 sec sprint, repeat!

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Postby orphic » 21 Jun 2011, 09:24

Hang on, I am pretty sure last Wednesday you were talking in the 2:40 bit too :P

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Postby Lizanne » 21 Jun 2011, 09:38


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Postby timyone » 21 Jun 2011, 09:43

^^ But my big sisterly advice to Aimee was to warm up for an hour. You mean to say she didn't do this? Scandal!! :P
Your the big sister?

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Postby timyone » 21 Jun 2011, 09:49

Hey great work other masters team too, only a couple of minutes off third!

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Postby Lizanne » 21 Jun 2011, 09:55

i was suprised too. Vic is the old one, and Aimee is the cool one

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Postby orphic » 21 Jun 2011, 10:11

Hey I'm not that old! She's taller too.. Height works backwards in our family. Our older sister is even shorter than moi.

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Postby timyone » 22 Jun 2011, 11:03

yeah, have you all met my big brother? Its not simon, my big brother is tall, 6'6 or so i think, Simon, my little brother, is taller than me too. Since i bought my beetle Ive definately been the coolest though, height isnt every thing

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Postby JoTheBuilder » 22 Jun 2011, 22:09

Woooo!! We Rock! Thanks for the messages everyone!

Lizanne: thanks for taking the front position for the majority of the race.
Jess: thanks for all the training and advice beforehand and during the race.
Aimme: thanks for keeping me awake on the ride home and for being my "Slow Down Lizanne" partner.

Yes I hit a massive wall with about 5pm to go. It wad called The Wind and it was made of Bricks... Thanks for getting me through team!

Given we only had 3 weeks to train for this one I can't wait for next year where we will have 12 months behind us.

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